Do you have to be induced a second time?

How likely are you to be induced with your second baby if you were induced with your first? I had to be induced with my my first baby at 41 weeks & 4 days gestation. My body showed absolutely no signs of going into labor itself & my blood pressure was rising by the minute. I was barely 1cm dilated when they checked me before Pitocin. I’m just curious to see how likely it is to be induced again with baby #2. Anyone have any stories to share??


I was induced at baby one 38 wks baby two 38 wks and baby three at 37 wks. Its very painful.

I was induced with all 3 of my kids I think the 4th one will be induced my body doesnt like too go into labor on it’s own . So you might.

All births are different. I was induced with my first but wasn’t with my second. I was induced with my third though.

I was induced with my first and my water broke in the middle of night at home with my second. Thought I pissed my pants and called my mom sister and best friend at 330 in the morning then called hospital. They laughed at me ans said get ready to come in! Lol

I was induced with 5 out of 6 of mine. 2 of them I was induced because of Gestational Diabetes. Then 1 was because they thought he was too big and were afraid of preeclampsia(he was 10lbs 3.6 oz), and then the last two just didn’t wanna come out. Lol. I was induced at 40 weeks, 4 days, 40 weeks 2 days, 40 weeks, 39 weeks, and 39 weeks again.

My second induction was FLAWLESS compared to the first and took half the time the first one did. Planning on induction for this third baby too

My second was fast and out of nowhere. Good luck

I was induced with first and not with second :blush:

Induced all four times with my four kids

I was induced with all 4 of mine, well actually started labor with #4 but stoppes after awhile so they started pitocin…

Every baby is different every pregnancy is different

All births are different with that being said I’ve been induced 4 times

Im not sure. Although, i gave birth to four children. All four were induced labors. Best wishes. Much peace and love ☆

I went naturally with all 3 of my first and had to be induced my 4th( last one) due to the same reasons…each pregnancy is different as well as labor…so iv learned…iv been in hospital having to have contractions started and regulated by meds…and have had others go so quick i wasnt even connected to ivs or anything…

I was never induced I always went early unfortunately but my sister had to be induced with all three of hers :confused:. Hopefully this time around you won’t have too, good luck mama

42 1/2 weeks with my 1st and Induced
41 1/2 weeks with my 2nd and induced as well

I was induced with extra fluid with baby #1, with baby #2 my doctor offered it if I wanted it. Of course I took it! I had a membrane sweep done, and was in labor that night. Never made it to my induction date lol. I’m gonna ask to be induced with baby #3 soon! :slight_smile:

Likely if doctors believe it’s best to rush things rather than letting your body do its thing naturally.

I’ve had 9 kids. I had to be induced 4 times.

Every pregnancy is different. I’ve had 5 and none of them where the same. Number 2 and number 5. I had to be induced but for different reasons. Don’t get into a panic till you know for sure if it needs to be done.

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41w4d isn’t late. 40w isn’t an eviction notice and no one is pregnant forever. Dilation is no correlation to labor. Pitocin increases your risk of PPD and hemorrhaging. If everything goes okay with your next ( unless your blood pressure on more than 3 occasions being over 150/90) deny induction. :person_shrugging:

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And the amount of momma’s on here who blindly believed their medical providers is sad. :frowning:

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My dialarion didnt cooperate with my body and contractions for hours with my first, they had to break my water and induce me. My 2nd was similar but dialation went smoother once i finally got past 3cm … It went so fast I had no time for epidural. But i honestly liked how i felt afterwards no hangover feeling

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My body went into labor with my first then stopped so I had to be induced. With baby #2 I was induced 40weeks 1 day I was only 2cm and barely thinned. Baby #3 I was induced at 39 Weeks due to no fluid.

First babies are usually late. You can take evening primrose, vitamin C and red raspberry to help with labor prep.

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I was have a very random contractions with my first and I was 3 cm then they told me to walk for an hour I got to 4 and then they broke my water I was 5 days passed my due date and for my second was induced my water broke on it’s own and I was 3 days early then we my 3 i was induced because my son wasn’t being very active and his heart beat dropped and come back up and would drop so I had to be but I just got term I was 37 weeks and 3 days

Every pregnacy is different

Induced with my first. Went into labor on my own with my second

Induced with my 1st and 2nd … no exciting stories. Haha! Best wishes!!

I was in the same situation my first didn’t want to come out. For my second I worked and went to school both full time so was moving a lot, my water broke at work, 4 days before my due date.

I was induced with my daughter at 40 weeks 1 day. I gave birth to my son 4 days early from his due date.

Induced every time (3 kids)… my body never would go into labor!!

I was 15 days early with a broken water and was having contractions but didn’t feel any of them.

I was induced with my first. Was going to be induced with my 2nd. I gladly got things going my self.

I was induced with my oldest daughter but went into labor naturally with my 2nd daughter. It all depends on ur body.

I am on my 5th and have had to be induced with 3

Induced with my first at 41 wks. Went into labor with my second at 39 wks.

I been induced with all 4 of my kids…

I was induced with my 1st at 41 weeks and I just found out I’m having another baby and I plan on being induced around the same time if the baby doesn’t come earlier.

That was pretty much me first baby but then my second came all on his own at 39 wks.

I was medically induced with my first at 39 weeks due to high BP. My second i was induced at 39 weeks as well (electively). I was 2.5cm when i was admitted. Even though i was dilated, baby was still so so high my OB advised me i probably would’ve gone overdue

I went into preterm labor with my first, induced with my second, and full term natural labor with my third.
Each pregnancy is very different so you could go on your own or not, never can tell.
I hope all goes well for you when the time comes though!!

Induced with first at 40+1
Got scheduled for induction with my second but she came 2 days early :heart_eyes: at 39+5

I was induced wirh both of mine but for different reasons

My water broke with my first but the contractions had to be induced. With my second my contractions came natutally but my water bag had to be broken.
Just let your body try to do its thing.

I was induced with my first at 40w 6d for low amniotic fluid. My second just came on her own. I didn’t even have a due date because I never had a period after I gave birth. 3 months postpartum I had a weird feeling, but no period, no insurance, so I went to Planned Parenthood to test. I was barely pregnant they said, 3 weeks along maybe. I cramped a few days after and passed a large piece of flesh that my then mother in law said was a miscarriage. I didn’t have insurance to find out. Still no period, no bleeding after the flesh. 10 months after finding out I was barely pregnant, I gave birth. I didn’t get insurance until 6 months after finding out I was pregnant. It was a real struggle to get it. Thankfully, my baby was healthy. She’s 12 years old now.

Been induced 5 times. :joy: my body just likes to keep them cooking apparently. :see_no_evil: