Do you have to tell your job that you are pregnant?

I am about 18 weeks along due with my first kiddo in the begging of October. I have recently started applying for new jobs because mine is currently not cutting it for the bills. Do I disclose that I’m pregnant in the interview or hold out until later?


yes you have to tell them now


You dont “have” to tell them anything. They cant determine weather they hire you based on that, its discrimination. So it’s completely up to you.


Id disclose it tbh. Honesty is always best! Especially depending on the type of work ull be doing. Regardless be honest. :slight_smile: congrats on baby!

I was hired and he knew but some don’t get so lucky. I wouldn’t yet.

Considering you are due in October you should tell them.

If you tell them, they wont hire you. While extremely illegal to not hire someone just cuz they’re pregnant, they’ll find any reason not to hire you


You legally do not have to disclose your pregnancy.

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I wouldn’t. Even though it’s illegal to discriminate due to pregnancy employers do it all the time and theirs no way to prove that’s why they didn’t hire you.


If you donr disclose and they do the math is it possible they could fire you for lying by omission?

Legally they can’t not hire you because you’re pregnant but I would tell them now.

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I didn’t tell my employer, you don’t really have to so :person_tipping_hand:

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U should tell them out of respect.

I would tell them. That way if you need to take off for an appointment or sickness, they will understand. Honesty is the best policy!

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She could play it off like she didn’t know she was pregnant until after she got the job

You are under no obligation to tell and its illegal for them to ask

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I respected my boss enough to tell him I was 3.5 months, he hired me and has promoted me since. You want to be sneaky and guarantee your boss isn’t going to like you, trust you or go out of their way to help you. If you’re trying to secure a position that provides more security, starting off with a lie is probably not the way to start. And no, they can’t flat out fire you for being pregnant, but they can fire you for something else. Tread lightly and walk on egg shells, or have a healthy work environment- the choice is yours. People DO hire pregnant women, I am proof.


Tell them. Alot of places require you to have been working with them a certain amount of time to qualify for paid leave, but it’s still nice to give them a heads up that you’ll be needing time off in the few months, even if it’s unpaid. Telling them doesn’t mean they wont hire you. Walmart hired me at 34 weeks pregnant knowing I’d be taking at least 3 weeks off a month after I started.

I wouldn’t until later. I didn’t tell them at my last job i got hired when i knew i was about 13 weeks then told them later then they laid me off when i was about 23 weeks. But i knew it was because i am pregnant. I’m now 33 weeks 5 days and can’t find a job to save my life because no one wants to hire a pregnant woman. :frowning: I’m basically screwed until after i give birth and then some because i will be breastfeeding.

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Don’t say a word because they will hold that over your head. Tell them later on. Once they can see what kind of a worker you are they will keep you on after disclosure. A lot of places wouldn’t hire me because of my being pregnant because of having to give me time off… I didn’t tell the job I was interviewed for the last go around and was hired. I later talked to upper management and they worked with me and everything to make sure I kept the job.

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I would wait so they don’t make their decision base off of that. I applied for/accepted a job at 24 weeks pregnant and didn’t say anything until I had been there for about 2 weeks and knew it was going to be a good fit for me. I ended getting put on bedrest at 30 weeks just 5 weeks after starting and they were so understanding. Good luck!!

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I have interviewed and accepted positions with both of my pregnancies. Did not say so until after I was hired. Too many places will find another excuse not to hire you because of it.

You do not have to tell them- they cannot ask-- but be truthful on things you can/cannot do

They won’t hire if you tell, and will resent you if you dont…just the way it is

Dont say anything. Not intell you have.

No I’d wait they can use it against you even if they say they aren’t

Yea I would tell them just so they aren’t pissed and you have peace of mind

Not relating to your question but if you’re 18 weeks, wouldn’t you be due In the beginning of September?

I’ve been on the other side of things hiring people for companies. One of the things most companies tell you is to not hire people that are pregnant or people that look like they stay ill all the time or have had major illnesses in the past. No joke they actually tell you to pass those people up. Never disclose anything you don’t have too. I think the policy sucks royally but they know people that are pregnant will miss days for doctors appointments and related issues and once you’re hired they can’t fire you for those issues unless you live in an at will state which they don’t have to give you a reason why you were fired. Other states however if you get fired for being pregnant you have a leg to stand on for discrimination. Illness wise they don’t want to hire people that have had major illnesses that could return because of what it will do to their insurance premiums so companies will state if a person disclosed a serious illness do not hire them. It doesn’t matter how qualified you are.