Do you keep your kids teeth?

Do other parents keep their children’s baby teeth when they fall out? The tooth fairy comes and picks them up and leaves money for my child, but what do I do with the teeth? Any cool ideas welcome!


Following! I got a collection going on! Lol!


Yes I bought a wooden keep sake box on etsy to keep them in and u put the tooth in the corresponding spot


My mom still has mine😂 I used to love getting in her drawer and looking at them. I told my son . You get the treat for "taking care of your teeth " not losing it. And I have all two of his saved and put up😍

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I have one of these…


Way too much bacteria! Yuk… they go into the trash…

I through my kids away

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There’s a way you can keep them to save for the stem cells. Thats my plan for my daughter.


Dude!!! You ever go in there to put that dollar and see the tooth ain’t there!!??? I start to panic sweat :joy:

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Drill a hole in them and make a nice wind chime or caroussel for their children


My daughters are almost 30 and I still have their teeth. I was just bad at labeling whose they were so I have a jewelry box with a bunch of teeth.


I jave 3 children 2 of which have lost all their teeth. I have saved every one. My advice to u is to make sure u lable them if you have more then one child. I cant tell whos is whos. After we moved they all got put together.

Well, the tooth fairy is supposed to eat them so I didn’t keep them lol :smirk:


I’ve saved all my kids teeth. Dont know why. We have done some science fare projects with some of them…won 1st place too.


Save then untill they het older to show them, so they can do that with there kids

I make them throw them away. I’ve always been grossed out by the thought of keeping teeth.


I remember climbing up on the kitchen cupboard and finding my teeth in a velvet box…freaked me the fuck out

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People with a box full of teeth are usually maniacs​:eyes::eyes::put_litter_in_its_place: i would just throw it out


My mom always kept mine

We’ve moved a lot since my kids started losing teeth and every now and then I find one in the treasure chest containers or a baggie. I honestly don’t remember where I put them after I give money :joy:


I keep the teeth in my jewelry box. I have a couple of my oldest daughter and bonus daughter (from the 90’s) and quite a few from my 2 youngest.

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I keep my kids baby teeth. Put in a little box tucked away in my top drawer

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Box of teeth makes me think of the show “you” :joy:


I hear they taste like stale corn nuts.


They make little boxes for their teeth with a spot for each tooth to go just like they are in the mouth


Dip them in gold put on a chain let them wear them

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I kept all my 17yr old’s. She thinks it’s so creepy😂

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We bury their teeth to make fossils. Came about during a dino phase since we didnt do the tooth fairy anyway.

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Save em. You can make jewelry. Or shadow boxes. Ornaments. All sorts of cooky stuff. My mom just had them all wrapped in foil forever.

I keep them in a little bag in my jewelry box

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I kepy them. And my mom kept ours.
And like someone above said supposedly you can save for dna or or soemthing now

I won’t keep his, we will have the tooth fairy come and take them to the trash can :joy:


My godmother made me a ring with my first tooth in the center it’s an Italian cuban tradition

When I 1st heard about ppl keeping kids teeth I was completely weirded out. Lol.


They make cute keep safe boxes :smiling_face:

I put them in a small Tupperware.

My aunt(who’s a dental hygienist) got me a holder for them. It has a little piggy bank that goes with it for th tooth fairy. Put the tooth in the right spot and the tooth fairy leaves your money in the bank.

Now they say to keep them my son is 32 my daughter is 23 I still have their baby teeth ( don’t judge lol)


Keep them. If your child gets very sick the doctors uses the teeth to get stem cells from them and can ultimately safe his or her life. I keep my childs safe

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Um throw them out that’s disgusting if u keep them

I keep my kids in my jewelry box. I also have a baggy of their hair from their first hair cut. Sorry, I’m sentimental like that.