Do you let your kids cuss around you?

My parents let us as long as it was not used directly towards them in anger. Mostly if we are just joking around we do. Or if we hurt outselves or something like that😂 my kids are too young to cuss. But I’ll probably be the same with them as my parents were with me on this

I allow my daughters to cuss around the house. When I was a child it was strictly forbidden. When I was able to cuss I did it like a sailor. It is my form of reverse sychology. My 10 year old will ask before she says ant bad words. My 3 year old is still learning. So it seems to work. Both of them have never cussed infront of other people, just my husband and I.


Mine do occasionally, they are all adults, but I’ve always told them there’s a time and place for it. I also tell them that it makes them sound trashy but that’s my opinion. I do cuss sometimes too. Usually when I’m mad.


No I do not, if they were teens, I’d correct them, but it wouldn’t bother me as much.

I don’t really mind it as long as it’s in the correct context. At 3 my daughter was in trouble at daycare for saying ass. I asked the teacher in what context, she told me my daughter told another little boy that she would “kick his ass if he didn’t stop touching her”. I was fine with it, teacher wasn’t so happy though. At 7 she’s still not brave enough to try anything more than calling things stupid😂

Nope not around me, I’m pretty sure they do with their friends and with their other siblings. When I’m not present.

Man, I must be a crappy mom because the other day my 3-year old called his older brother a “badass” when his older brother won a game in Fortnite and I couldn’t help but laugh. I tell my kids that there are worse things in the world than their language and as long as they aren’t using it in a disrespectful way towards a female or anyone, then I don’t mind if they do it when they are a little older. My 11 year old asks a lot and I know he will do it behind my back anyway.

My kids don’t like to cuss

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My kids know certain words, but not the context. If it slips, I’ll kindly explain it’s not appropriate, but we don’t have “bad” words.

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Negative. Hell I was in my late twenties before I ever cussed around my mother.


Hey mom, Lisa Yoder McManess, what the fuck is this random ass shit :joy::joy::joy:

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My dad cussed like a sailor, and now that im an adult, so do I. I have a 16 and a 6 year old and even though my 16 yo doesn’t around me, my 6 yo slips some times. If you’re not an adult you will not cuss in my home☝I don’t play.


Well…I am a cusser…I swear like crazy…my kids however don’t…my youngest is 3 and doesn’t… my oldest is 10 and he asked around his bday if he could "say bad words " and I told him not at school or in front of his elders …he still doesn’t do it but I’m ok with it if he does

Yes I do. They’re just words. The only reason people are offended by them & use them to offend is because society has taught us to. If it offends you youre at fault for allowing yourself to be offended. Not my or my child’s fault.


I mean kids are going to say all sorts of “bad words” when they aren’t in your presence :woman_shrugging:t3:. I don’t understand this parenting culture of sheltering our kids so much. Swear words are legit just word enhancers. Yes there are places where it may be “inappropriate”. Or “right time” and “wrong time” to use such language. My little is only 2. She doesn’t really repeat me (yet). But I do not sensor myself in front of her. When she’s old enough to understand, than I will explain to her the right time, or rather the few wrong times to say these words. And she obviously won’t be using for every other word. But I have people in my life that when I say a swear word they crawl out of their skin like I just spoke about murder. Now THAT confuses me. They are just words, chill :woman_shrugging:t3:


No. Its incredibly disrespectful. I try not to curse infront of my elders and i dont let my child curse at all expecially in front of me or any other adult. But what someone else allows their children to do is up to them. Everyone parents differently and i cant say that someone elses parenting is wrong just because its different then mine.


Yes, just trying to teach him not to around my parents, my husband’s parents don’t care though. He’s 1.5 so we’ll make sure he doesn’t do it n school but til then we don’t give af :sweat_smile:

Absolutely no way…
Yes that might make me a hypocrite, but im also a mum and the boss in my house.
Its vile hearing kids especially really young kids swear…
Im trying to raise a gent not a wanna be gangster

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I have recently started allowing my kids to cuss.

However… They know when it’s appropriate to do so, and there are some words they are not to use. I’ve noticed that when I correct them for swearing, they seem to do it more. So I’ve just decided to allow it, but with boundaries.

They don’t cuss around other people, just myself.

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Her kid her rules your kid your rules


My child is too little to talk however I do have a friend with older children and she allows them to cuss at home. Her point is that she’s spent the last few years with a child getting bullied and has preached that words are simply just words and we don’t have to give them power and that includes cuss words as well. You’d be surprised that they don’t often use bad words even when allowed and they’re old enough to understand that just because they can say things at home doesn’t mean that they can at school.

I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old , it is a major no

We try not to around them , sometimes we mess up

And my 5 year old has repeated them in context, iv pulled her aside and explained that those are not nice words that adults use sometimes and they arnt for children to use ever, it isn’t nice for adults to say them and I am sorry if you have heard mummy or daddy say them

At the end of the day if they do this in school they will be called up , and in most work places. I’m not going to pretend they don’t exist , and I discourage them from saying them

Im Aussie an we swear like troopers :rofl:
My 2 eldest (17 & almost 16) haven’t been told they can swear, but I know they do & have told them not to do it purposely but if a “shit” slips out now an then I don’t care.

Aslong as they’re not using the F bomb in front of me or swearing at me…which they wouldn’t coz they know I’d take them down :laughing:

My kids didn’t start cursing in front of me until they were grown

Nope. I let them know that there are other words they can use that’s what will make them think before they say it.

I cuss. My kids are too young to follow the rules that will be set so they’re not allowed to cuss… yet. As long as it’s not an insult it’ll be allowed around us only and in the house. Yeah you had a fucking hard day at school? Ginny wouldn’t stop bitching during science class? You loved the shit out of your dinner tonight?

I don’t. It’s disrespectful.

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There is a difference between cussing and using cuss words directed towards you…my son my say a cuss word now and then when talking with his friends (he is 17 btw) but when he talks to me he knows better than to use cuss words…I guess it all depends on what you feel is appropriate and what is not


No ! It’s unnecessary and disrespectful. You can find better words to express your feelings.

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I don’t care if they swear, they aren’t allowed being mean or disrespectful though. Their actions are more important than some words. I mean they can’t be saying “f you” etc but it doesn’t bother me if they’re swearing to themselves


I don’t but my kids will say like “that show said the s word.” I can’t lie, I cuss around my kids and cuss words don’t bother me. They are just words. My kids just choose not to say them


Meh I mean it depends I guess like my son stubbed his toe and said shit and I didn’t flip a lid I curse like a sailor now if one of my kids said fuck you I’d pop em in the noggin it depends on the context just like the word stupid and ugly isn’t allowed in my house but if they said shit or damnit I probably wouldn’t freak as long as they know not to go doing that at school or other people’s homes

My 6 year old and 3 year old cuss sometimes but literally EVERYONE in my family cusses. We are respectable about it. Lol we just tell them only at home and not towards each other.


I think cursing is so unnecessary as it is.


Nope! It’s disrespectful!

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My 16 year just start cussing . I can’t lie I have a mouth of a sailor.

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Absolutely not! We don’t cuss around our kids. We would not allow them to cuss around us. My parents never cussed in front of me when I was young and I still feel weird about cussing in front of them now and I rarely do, even though I’m 37! It’s just a respect thing!!!

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My kids do, sometimes. I tell them that they can’t swear at people and they need to be careful with who they swear around because some people don’t like it.

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Uhm no. Once she moves out sure lol

Honestly they are just made up words, unless they are using them directly at you or to hurt someone its not a big deal.


I do pick up when it gets too the hard horrible words their grown up now except one

Personally in my house I do not use those words. I expect my kids to not use them as well. I can’t keep them from talking a certain way but in my house I don’t allow it.


My son is 4, he loves saying bad words. He will ask if he can say a bad word and we make him earn it. He will do a chore or some sit ups. This method works for us


My kids cuss at times. Only two of them are under 18. They are 15 and 16. I’ll still tell them to watch it if it gets excessive. No cussing at people.

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No and the youngest is about to be 18. Even if they slip up now .I give them a nasty and they say sorry.

Honestly yeah , how can I tell my child not to say something then turn around and say it myself. With the exception of F*** and Bi****. But it’s to easy for something to happen and shit fall out of my mouth. It’s not fair for me to say it then she gets in trouble for it.

And for those who say well you shouldn’t cuss around her… it’s like a behavioral thing. It’s not as easy as just stoping if it’s been something that’s been apart of your vocabulary for years.

I let my kid be herself I never want her to feel like she has to be fake to be around me


Are we talking about little kids? No.
My husband still won’t curse around his mother. It’s cute

I’m 38 and still don’t cuss in front of my parents!! So heck no!!

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My kid is pre/non-verbal. But part of me knows one day she is just going to start talking in complete sentences out of nowhere and drop every four letter word in the book. Lol. My parents didn’t let me cuss openly until I was in high school. We’re an educated family. But we all cuss.

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Nope!! And he is 27!! Its all about respect!! I know he does, but not around me!!!

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I will once my daughter gets to a certain age. Smaller kids? No

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I’m 26, and I still know not to use that language around my mother. :joy: I really don’t use it often as it is, but in front of my mother? Never… For me, it’s a respect thing. But to each their own.


My oldest gets a “Cuss Pass” once in a while, sometimes it’s just for a certain number of words and sometimes it’s for a certain amount of time. I swear like a sailor, but I still don’t cuss much around my dad

Yes if in general conversation or frustration but never towards people & around my grandmother - out of respect

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Well, daddy can’t stop himself, and mommy drops a few bombs here and there, so we can’t say no to EVER using that language. But the rules will always be: 1. we never call each other curses, and 2. curses are only for grow ups because grown ups know when it’s appropriate and when it’s not. When they get older and can follow those rules -say in high school- I won’t take much issue with it.
My father absolutely HATES that we curse though. He doesn’t. My mother did often though. He hated that too. lol!


I tell my adult kids to watch their mouth…

My kids cuss at home. They don’t in public or in school etc. They know there is a time and a place where they can be themselves and a time they need to zip it and show others respect.


Yes, but of course not my 7 year old. When my kids were teenagers they did.

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I’ve heard my eldest cuss someone if theyve cussed her… but will never dare swear at me she does have respect and knows when and who she should and shouldn’t say certain things to.

My kids were really difficult when they were little, and while we thought we were so prepared to be parents, we found out no one is. I swear (pun intended) my son’s first word was “shit.”

I have a grown (living on his own) son I now he cusses. He’s grown.

I have a teenager that will slip once in awhile but if I hear it, she’s gonna hear about it.

I also have a 7 year old. And because he’s heard cuss words he has said them but I always remind him not to speak that way.

Umm never. My kids should respect my home & my wishes. Once they are old enough to make there own choices than yes I could care less.

Never put of disrespect only in correct use. And we still remind him to watch his language

When my kids were kids… absolutely no. They’re adults so I have very little control, but they try to be respectful and keep a civil tongue.

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Having my kids growing up on a livestock farm, there was cursing. I taught my 4 kids that those were “barn” words. ONLY to be used in the barn if necessary. It worked!!! Never a problem at school or in public.


No. My daughter knows those words are foul language… I mean I swear but my daughter will tell me I used a bad word and then I have to put a quarter in the swear jar. Lol

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Ehhh. We let our kids say certain things, but not directed at another person. We don’t do much care that they use the words, but more how they are used. That way when they’re older they can be respectful with their mouths because we have taught them this in full capacity.


Yes just words dont be disrespectful to elders

That just means they will curse around anyone. I WOULD NOT LET MY SONS CURSE AS CHILDREN.

Yes. My oldest is 19 and has been swearing around me since 14/15 probably. I swear a lot so it’s not an issue at our house. She’s never been in trouble, graduated with honors, has worked since she was 16 and is in her second year of college currently. Swearing is the least of my worries.
My 12 year old does not swear. Well when she was 2-3 she did cause she heard it but not anymore.


No. It’s none of my business if someone else allows their kids to do it though. But for my kids no way.


I am an intense swearer and all my children know do not swear at or about people and swearing is not done outside the home, context is important.example I told them it’s okay to say shit when you stub a toe but you don’t call people names. Ever. All my children know that they are bad words. They don’t swear where I hear them ever and they are 10,8 and 4

It’s okay, you don’t have to understand her decision.
It’s okay to say to her when they come to your house to not speak like that.
It’s okay if she doesn’t understand your decision.
We all parent our own way!

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I never did growing up was disrespectful would get whooped if I ever did lol but today is a different generation I don’t let my children what so ever just tell them they can’t do what other kids do but their grandma on the other hand has a sailors mouth so they don’t get to see granny very often :laughing:

Absolutely not. I feel like it’s part of teaching manners and respect.


if i did my mouth would be slapped or punched. and my kids will not either cus or their mouth will smacked as well.i accidentl cussed in front of my mom and uncle and they looked at me with a look like i should run

He’ll no ! You do that and I’m spank that mouth you have some respect wen I’m around and other grown ups … not on our watch or wen other are round …


Depends on context. My teenage son has been yelled at for cussing for no reason, out of context. But I wouldn’t yell at my 6 year old for cussing about stubbing a toe. Context.


As a child absolutely not, as an adult :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m 26 and still don’t cuss in front of my parents


Unpopular opinion I’m sure, but yes I do. He’s almost 7. And we as parents swear. I have made it clear that if he needs to vent and express himself with colorful words he can as long as he’s AT HOME. He can swear at home around me, but never AT me or anyone else. I think there are worse words than swear words. I’d rather him say shit when he messes something up rather than calling someone or himself names. He can’t say he hates something/someone, can’t call people stupid or ugly. But if he needs to drop an f bomb when he’s upset that’s fine if he’s at home.

I allow swearing to an extent.

I think over using swear words is trashy. Sorry :woman_shrugging: I don’t mind if she says crap, but there’s a time and place for swearing


Negative! They know better! One almost 18 one almost 13. I’m not saying that they don’t do it when they aren’t around me. But they know it’s not allowed in front of ANY adult.

Yeah that’s these parents who are scared of their kids and don’t know how to be parent who do that. I think it’s disgusting to allow a child to cuss.


I say something to my 42 year old son when he is using f bombs

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I do not. Now I’m not saying they haven’t slipped and said a bad word a time or two I don’t get mad when they do but I feel like it’s disrespectful. I would have never spoke that way in front of my dad or my grandparents. Even as an adult I never cussed in front of my dad or grandparents. What other parents do is up to them but I don’t want to be around there kids if they speak to me like that :joy::person_shrugging:

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Yea and she does…she knows to not cuss at anyone and only at home or in front of grams and grandpa…other grandma is very religious so she knows not to in front of her. As long as they are not cussing anyone out…they are just words…she cusses when she gets hurt mainly

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Yes. But I’ve taught him to know his audience.


No I dont even let my kids use the “heck” like “what the heck” but that’s me and I teach my kids that using “bad” words are not okay. Growing up its disrespectful and I still think its disrespectful.


We dont cuss around our kids, and we dont allow anyone else to either.

My kids have a “curse word of the month” I know it sounds silly but believe it or not their dr suggested it like 3 years ago. She said it let’s them get their frustrations out and if they were allowed to say it even one a month they wouldn’t be tempted to say any. They never really wanted to curse before but they do look forward to their one word each month and it’s usually about school. Like " There’s a kid who is an asshole to everyone or school is fucking boring lol.That’s it they don’t say it daily and ONLY at home after asking can I say my curse word but they are 5 10 11 12 I wouldn’t let it be an everyday thing. This was my agreement and their dad knows but he is still surprised 3 years later if he hears them say a bad word :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: He’s like is that your curse word of the month??? We’re all like yesssssssss lol. We didn’t curse when we were younger we would have gotten taken OUT :face_with_head_bandage: I can’t control what people say but if someone is cursing too much around my kids I’m like hey there’s kid’s around. They like it or they don’t :person_shrugging:

I mean, depends on the age. If the child in question is around 14-16, in high school, ect. They’re probably already saying in. Especially with their friends. I know I did. I would allow it if it was used in the right context. If they came home from school and said: “omg, this one btch was pissing me off all day” I’d say no. But, if they stubbed their toe, and a sht came out, I don’t think it’s a big deal. If my child was having a hard time at school or with a friend, or just with life in general, and they were talking to me about everything, and a cuss word slips out in frustration, like: “I’m just so f**king stressed with school.” I wouldn’t fault them. It’s all in context for me. But, honestly, if they’re teens and in high school, they’re doing it anyway. Why not teach them that there is a time and place and certain situation to cuss, and they shouldn’t be using it to hurt someone, then I don’t see the big deal about it. :woman_shrugging:t2:

ETA: I’m talking about older kids only in my text, not younger kids. If my 6 year old stubbed his toe and said “sh*t” no, I wouldn’t allow it, but if they’re older and they’re doing it anyway when parents aren’t around, then yes.

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Worry about yourself

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Yeah I let me kids swear at home, I swear, their dad swears, I read a comment above that parents who let their kids cuss are scared of them. Lol this isn’t true at all. :joy:

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I do not cuss around my kids at all. My oldest is 16 then 3 and 1. I don’t agree with cussing around your children but that’s my opinion everyone teaches and parents differently and that’s ok. If I’m around my oldest sometimes I will accidentally say a bad word but I don’t just cuss to cuss. She will say a bad word here and there and I just remind her to watch what she says especially around her younger sisters. I couldn’t imagine my 3 year old going to preschool and start cussing. So I don’t say bad words around her bc kids will copy what you say and do.

No. I grew up cussing and still have a horrible problem. It’s trashy - I just can’t stop lol

Yes. He doesn’t talk yet but when he does yes I will let him. Any word can be a bad word with the right context and tone. I teach my son that the words don’t matter as much as the context and tone does. If he drops something and says shit there is nothing wrong with that.

Yes. I believe in picking your battles, and since I couldn’t care less about swearing and swear myself, I’m certainly not going to push the issue because somebody decades ago or longer decided they didn’t like a word, so it shouldn’t be said.

NOPE ! Nada ! Never ! And yes , they are 32 , 28 and 24 ! I am the mama and I don’t HAVE to listen to that kind of talk . Why ? Because I said so . :wink: