If you move states do you have to do a different custody agreement in the new state or would you go back to court in the state the original custody agreements was made?
I moved and was told i needed a new one just because it changes the arrangements
you have to get the order amended in the state it was made in
It usually falls under where the child presided the past 6 months. After 6 if you need to go back to court for something you can usually move it to the new state ur in… but definatley get it amended where the original one took place stating you can move out of state with the child
I think the
States are in a fixed position already… duh
Go to court in your original state if you already have an agreement…they already have jurisdiction
Yes, you have to do it in the orginal state. And I don’t know who has the children most, but as a the primary my lawyer told me that if my ex disagreed with the move he could contest it and I wouldn’t be able to move and if I moved anyway I would be responsible for 100% of the transportation costs.
From what I understand in my state both parents would need to agree to the move if its across state lines, because moving a child across state lines without the other parents agreement is considered kidnapping here if there is a custody agreement in place. You would need to go to court in the original state to firm up the details, and then they would give instructions moving forward. (There are a ton of amber alerts in my state of parents who took their children)
Usually have to get courts permission
Don’t leave town without a new custody decision signed by a judge
It’s the laws of the state tht the sole/ custodial parent resides in
Can resolve in mediation
I had to get permission from a judge to move to a different state. So yeah get to a judge before you move.
You have to get permission to move. If you move states with your child without permission you can be forced back and ordered not leave with child b
The court you were divorced in always holds jurisdiction. To make any changes you must do it in that said court.
Contact a family court mediator and ask what the protocol is for this.
It’s different for each state, however most if not all stated have a provision that neither parent can move so many miles (mines 100 miles in my state) away without permission from the court. If permission is granted than a new custody agreement would be made.
Jurisdiction is a funny thing but from what i know once it has been established, like your case any and all changes must proceed within the original court. If you want to move you must change the custody agreement in the original court it was filed.
Yes all states are different. And better in the end if you do it before you leave.
If the custodial parent is moving they may need permission to leave the state with the child/children at all or in some places it is kidnapping (my sister found that out the hard way)
The state that issued the original order has jurisdiction
Best advice is to consult an attorney in the city you currently reside in and read your original cusody orders. If you have no geographical restrictions, the "default " visitation is in there. If not, then it will tell you that you cannot reside outside of the original county or counties bordering that one. If you have lived in a different county for more than 3-6 months, some states require you to file in the county the child resides in. Also, there should be a statement in the original order, requiring you to give notice to the courts and other parent within a specific amount of time when you move otherwise, it could cause minor issues. But as i said already… it’s in your child’s best interest to contact an attorney for the best and most accurate advice and information.
Most standard visitation schedules have an under 200 miles(i think 200) and over 200. If your does not you must chang it, usually in the original state. Sometimes you can petition for a change of venue.
I was always told that usually that us agreed upon before the move takes place.
There does have to be a new agreement and it has to be done by the state where the original was done