Do you reuse backpacks?

Do you reuse backpacks or get a new one for your kid(s) the beginning of each school year?


New ones for the first few years as they were worn out completely, then I bought decent ones and they are mid way through their 2nd year and still perfect

We buy quality backpacks and I always said that could get a new one when they switched schools. For us that was K, 3rd, and 7th.

We buy nicer quality ones so that they last a few years. My son had the same one from K-2. I’m ordering him a new one this year now.

I always just ask my kids if they want a new one or to use last years.

Depends on condition of it. If it’s still in good shape, reuse until it needs replaced. My only school aged kid is pretty rough on his backpacks though so it’s not often we get a chance to reuse. Lol

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Reuse if still in great shape. Buy new if stained/ripping out.

Bought 5 cheaper back packs in kindergarten and they all broke. Splurged and bought a decent priced under Armour one and have used it 2 years so far with no issues. Will continue to use it until she grows out of the pattern or it breaks.

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We get new each year… but it goes to summer camp too, and that’s where it really gets destroyed. My kids are still young and sizing into bigger backpacks as we go… I expect to buy nicer, longer wear bags when they’re older.

If they aren’t destroyed, we reuse them! My daughter has had the same backpack for almost 3 years, but my boys barely make one school year lol


Depending on the theme of the backpack or what it looks like by the end of year. Preschool-1st grade my son had different backpacks each year. The one he has for this past school year (2nd grade) he will most likely use for 3rd grade as well it’s clear through so nothing special and it held up better than all the other ones he had.

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New, we use the current one for summer camp.

We use them as long as they’re still good. I tend to buy more decent quality ones so they last

I get a new one every yr just because his old one gets pretty worn out .

Reuse it as long as it’s not messed up

Generally buy new but that’s because the past my oldest needed a new one by the end of the year.
This past year though his backpack is in pretty good shape so he’ll reuse it.
I had to buy the youngest a new one at the very end of the year so he’ll reuse it as well.

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I usually have to buy new ones for my oldest…he uses them during the summer for outside play, going camping, fishing…etc…I buy cheap ones until he gets older.

Mine I wash and reuse. This year after 4years I am going to get them new ones and donate the others which still have a lot of life.

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We get knew ones and give the old ones away to someone who needs them if they are still in good shape.

I try my best to talk them out of getting character style backpacks because they usually change their tastes half way through the year - so if it’s a character backpack, we get new. If it’s a backpack they like I usually let them decide if they want a new one or want to use their old one another year. The biggest thing for me is if it will be functional for the upcoming grade.

I’ve always bought everything new every year


We buy new and if there old ones are still ok like my youngest needed a new one a month ago so hers is great shape well keep it for like road trips n sleep overs

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We get new ones and donate the old ones as long as they are in good condition.

Reuse. We only buy Jansport. One he has had since preschool and he still uses it for football training. He’s in 5th grade. I did buy him another one in 3rd, Jansport too, but the quality isn’t the same. We’ll be buying a new one this year.

If the backpack is in good shape we reuse it

We reuse them each year as long as they don’t have broken straps and aren’t holey. For the first few years my daughter needed a new one each year but now she’s a little older and takes better care of them so they last about 2 years

I buy a good roots one. My son has had his for about 6 years now. A little dusty but with a wash it’ll still look brand new.

I wish, never had one I could reuse…Ever…I don’t think, it’s been years so we’ll see again with my 3yr grandson, he might take better care of his property😆

New ones for daughter but my 1 son likes to reuse since he has so many. So he will switch out multiple times a year depending on his mood. Lol

Both depending on quality and also if they’ve put grown it as my youngest had peppa pig but didn’t want it year after x

I buy my boys new ones at the beginning of each school year but we save the old one for sleep overs/ weekend trips and outings. It’s also nice to have a back up in case something gets spilled on the new one- at least then you don’t have to worry about it air drying over night or ruining it in the dryer.

We get a new one each year. But when my daughter gets older and less messy I’ll probably buy her 1 nice back pack to last a few years.

If there not in bad shape I have reused. Otherwise I have bought new.

We reuse for a year or two and then that backpack turned into a travel or sports/activity bag

Always :new:! And we just use the old ones for storage and or for travel :slight_smile:

i always get a new one for my son bcoz at the end of each school year the bag is almost destroyed

If they aren’t torn or falling apart I reuse…

Reuse if they are still in good condition

They get a new one each year, but we use the previous one if it’s usable for trips. To friends or grandmas house

Use as long as possible. If it’s still good.

I get her a New one. New everything at beginning of school year.

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got my girls swiss backpacks like 10 yrs ago & still have 1 of them

New one as it’s usually needed.

Get new backpacks every year, sometimes twice in the school year :woman_shrugging:t4:

I got new every year and used the old ones for when they went for sleep overs or gaming play dates

We buy our older kids bookbags from the sports store and they use those for a few years until they wear out. The younger kids use Walmart bags and will sometimes switch out

We bought a carhartt one for my rough highschooler , this will be his 3rd year with this one. Well worth the 50$

Elementary grades, new one each year. Once they hit highschool, buy a good one and tell them if they destroy it, they get to carry their things in their arms lol