Do you think I am having another miscarriage?

I just had a miscarriage back in January, and today I am 5 weeks pregnant and have been doing blood work to see where my levels have been, and at my last visit they were 594 which is I guess is low… so I had to come in and do a Vaginal ultrasound, and there was no baby, and the sac was either still forming, or I’m losing the baby again… I just wanted to know if anyone else has been through this sorta thing early in pregnancy… we didn’t see any baby either.


They should have you come back in a few weeks it’s still very early and not uncommon to not see anything this early! Hang in there :crossed_fingers:t3:


At 5 weeks there was a sac but no baby I went back at 8 weeks and the tiny baby was there :heart:


5 weeks gestation is very very early to see a baby. You will literally not see one. There may be a very tiny looking pea size in there but chances no. Relax :slight_smile:

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At 5-6 weeks they saw a yolk sac but no fetal pole until the 8th week. Have hope :two_hearts:

Still early, I’m pregnant with my second and she didn’t show up until 6 1/2 almost 7 weeks in on ultrasound. U got this momma stay positive.

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I had a miscarriage march 2018 got pregnant again in June 2018(and I went in right when I found out I was pregnant again and they did the ultrasound didn’t show anything they did the blood work and my levels were low went back a few weeks later and the baby was forming… best wishes!!!


5wks is early to see anything but a sac and if you ovulated even a little later in your cycle than normal you could be a little earlier than 5wks.

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Going through the same thing right now. I’m about 4 weeks and went in for two blood tests 48 hours apart my levels doubled like they were supposed to. They told me the same thing no ultra sound as long as the levels go up it’s fine. The numbers don’t mean much to me, I’m 4 weeks and my level was 333.

I went through the same thing. I’m sorry, sending prayers!

My blood work was similar. There was a sac around 5 weeks but didn’t see the baby till closer to 6 weeks my baby boy is now a year and half

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I went thru the same last year they saw a sac but they didn’t see fetal pole so either it was too early to see or it was a miscarriage took few weeks with my levels going up they went back down just days before I lost the baby. Hopefully it’s just too early to see.

I didn’t see my daughter til almost 9 weeks. They almost did a D&C cause the first Dr was convinced I had a miscarriage

I had a miscarriage /chemical pregnancy back in February around 5 weeks.

At 5 weeks you won’t see a bubba just a sac hun fingers crossed your just earlier and everything is perfect x

It’s to early to see the baby but seeing the sac is a good thing

I understand exactly what you are feeling and going through. I know everything you are feeling. I too miscarried and had a surprise pregnancy a year ago that started just like you have mentioned. I went week after week and no heartbeat low progesterone was what I heard every time. I hope yours ends better than mine. I know the affect it can have on you. Prayers and love your way.

Search Blighted ovum. I had one in Feb😞

At 5 weeks it’s possible baby is just too small. Your levels should be doubling every 48 hours. I’m currently almost 37 weeks and in the beginning of this pregnancy my numbers were super low at first but they were doubling the way they should have been. I got a vaginal ultrasound and this is what it looked like… not a very noticeable sac. I felt discouraged and afraid but my baby boy is now almost ready to come into this world. Prior to this boy I had lost one last year only a few months before i found out I was pregnant with him. Don’t be discouraged think positive and listen to what your doctors say and if it doesn’t seem right to you always get a second opinion! Best of luck mama!


You can’t see the baby at 5 weeks gestation. My levels were at 384 when I first found out I was pregnant, I am now u months perfectly healthy. Levels will double every day.

My second pregnancy I was told I had miscarried because my numbers where low an the sack was empty they set up a dnc for the next day I didn’t go I waited a few weeks and went back in they found a heart beat. I has even had spotting and cramps. But they realized they had my date of conception off by a little over a week. If you wait a couple of weeks an still no heart beat or image with vaginal ultrasound I’d say it’s a anembryonic pregnancy meaning no embryo. It’s actually more common than not.

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594 is not low unless you’re further along. They should have done another blood draw to see if the numbers have doubled.


5 weeks is too early to see anything. If your worried ask them to do blood again in a couple of days to see if #'s are rising.


This is my 5 week 4 day ultrasound. I cant remember what my exact numbers were but it was pretty close to that

At 5 weeks, it’s too early to see a baby. Doctors really need to be on top of explaining things like this to their patients, especially ones that have lost babies in the past and need the reassurance. At 6 weeks, the doctor gave me the impression that I was going to miscarry because the heartbeat wasn’t normal and asked me to come in a week later for another ultrasound. She didn’t even think to tell me that it’s completely normal because the heartbeat starts around 6 weeks. Please don’t stress yourself out, mama, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.


If there was no baby at 5 weeks then you either already lost the baby out there wasn’t one to begin with. Even as early as 5 weeks there should be some form of detectable baby. It would hardly look like a baby, but it would be there.

As for the hcg levels, those can be low and still result in a normal healthy pregnancy.


I went to the doctors thinking I was at least 5-6 weeks pregnant. They told me to book the ultrasound for two weeks time to make sure we got a good dating scan.

Two weeks later I’m in there and they’re like oh sorry you must be just hitting around the 5 week mark. we can see the sac so Come back in another two weeks.

I thought to myself, oh okay, damn we must of found out we were pregnant the moment the sperm it the egg.

Ultrasound #2 came around and they said the same thing! You’re about 5 weeks we can only see the sac. I told them that’s impossible because that’s what you guys said two weeks ago!

They recommend I go back to see My doctor and have more blood test done to make sure the numbers were rising, they were but only slightly.

My doctor didn’t seem worried due the rising numbers.

So i was told to go home and wait a further couple of weeks.

By this time I should have been 9-10 weeks along.

Nearly 2 weeks later, I woke up one day and just asked my husband if he felt like we were still pregnant as I just didn’t. He thought I was being silly because I hadn’t had a period for such a long time and that they could see the ‘egg’.

Later that day I went to the toilet and seen the teeniest of tiny bit of blood and that was enough for me to go the emergency room to finally work out what was going on.

They told me i had lost the baby. But being though I should have been 11-12 weeks along ( nearly the second trimester) they told me that my body just wasn’t allowing the baby to expel on its own and I would need to have a D&C and they had to test the egg and my cells to make sure I wasn’t poisoned.

I was heart broken for many reasons. I grieved for a baby I thought I was growing. But I was just so angry that the doctors allowed me to walk around for nearly 6 weeks that could have potentially made me really sick. I had two very young kids at that time and was such an emotional roller coaster.

They told me it was called an a blighted pregnancy.

Please, if you go through a similar situation, listen to your body.

5 weeks really is to early to see anything more than a sac but if you’re constantly being told you’re 5 weeks…than that’s not normal.
I wish you the best :heartbeat:

Me. they tried to convince me that my daughter was an ectopic pregnancy and push for me to terminate.I told them until I see a heartbeat on my ovary that doesn’t belong there that I wasn’t doing such a thing. 5 weeks later we seeing our little she’s a three and a half year old pain in my bum and I’m so very grateful to have her :sparkling_heart:

When I was 5 weeks with my daughter all they could see was a sac. But low and behold I came back at 8 weeks and there she was. Dont lose faith x

Yup had 2 miscarriages in a row around the same weeks as you (and this was after already having a healthy baby a few years ago) . Keep your head up if it is , because after my 2nd miscarriage I got pregnant a few weeks after it with my double rainbow baby and am now 30 weeks .

You are not gonna see baby that soon. Possibly a yolk sac but even that can be hard to see at that time. At 5w 6d we saw nothing inside the sack (also stomach ultrasound.) Went back at 6w 2d and there was bubs (vaginal ultrasound.) Its very well possible it’s just fine.

There is still hope! This happened with my son I was what they thought was 7 weeks… i went to the ER for cramping and when they did an ultrasound they only saw the sack. They offered a D&C and said i was either having a miscarriage or not as far along as I was told…they gave me the option to give it a couple weeks and see if there is progression. It was the best decision I ever made, he will be 11 this year💕

I had a vaginal ultrasound at 5 or 6 weeks and they couldn’t see anything, not even the sac.

I was about 5 weeks pregnant (didn’t know how far long at the time, but had the pregnancy confirmed at a different hospital) and went to get checked up at another ER because i was experiencing some pain. They did a vaginal ultrasound and told me “there’s no baby, you miscarried”. Sent me and my ex into an emotional breakdown because of the “miscarriage” and the fact that the cunt doctor was so cold about it. Got checked out again a week later, did a regular ultrasound and the doctor saw the baby immediately. Now I have an almost 4 year old. Get a second opinion. Definetly.

my first misscarage was back in 2014 no baby nor sac, didn’t understand what was going on my belly grew but my baby did not. but i now have 3 kids now. don’t give up you can do it :wink:

My level was 50 and when i went in for a ultra sound there was a sac but no baby i went back a few weeks later and then there he was heartbeat and all. There is still hope lovely

I am currently aroind 6 weeks as well, I just went and there was a yolk sac and gestational sac but they said I was too early for the baby to start developing, I go back in 2 weeks and they should be able to see and hear a heartbeat. I’ve never had a miscarriage however I’m 36 and haven’t had a baby for 11 years so it’s like all new to me again. I wouldn’t worry too much yet if that’s possible. Probably still too early to tell

Go to a doctor!!!

I was same just the sack but further on they sin the baby

With my 4 child I went in and I was right around 5 to 6 weeks pregnant and they couldnt see anythung either they had to wait till I got farther along to see her and I had a normal pregnancy after that keep in contact with your doctor it could be that they just cant see it yet prayers to you hun be strong

Saw an empty sac with my last one. Was calculated 8 weeks… was told it was a miscarriage.
Went home and made a follow appt. Weeks later bc I couldnt see anyone and did an ultrasound to prepare for a DC and my baby was perfectly fine in ultrasound!!! She will be 2 next month. Hang in there, breathe and keep going. Have some faith


Prayers going up everything will be ok. My brother’s girlfriend went thru the same thing, she had a miscarriage and a few months after got pregnant and had very similar symptoms plus spotting so her doctor gave her suppositories, her insurance didn’t cover it they were $600 for two months but they are suppose to give you hormones your lacking so your body doesn’t reject your baby.

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Yes I did. They made me wait one week and I refused to watch the screen. My HCG levels were sky high. But there was a little heartbeat. The doctor ran in after the ultrasound tech went to get her. Four years later I’m blessed with a beautiful little girl :heart:


I had it happen twice back to back. Levels weren’t going up just a sac on the ultrasound both times. They thought maybe my dates were off so kept having me come back but eventually had to have a D&C with both. Praying for you :pray:t2:

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I’ve had it go both ways. You can’t really see a heartbeat until you’re about 6 or 7 weeks. With my son i came back a week later and they could see a baby and a very strong heartbeat where a week earlier they couldn’t. I was also told numbers by itself mean nothing. You need at least 2 draws for the numbers to tell you if they are going up or down.

I have had 4 miscarriages due to a blood clotting disorder. So everytime I got pregnant I thought the same thing. I had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and had no baby or sac. She is now a year old. Dont give up until someone tells you it’s happened. My body and baby was measuring weeks behind what she was. She didnt show up until closer to 9 weeks. Also, my levels were extremely low so I had to take medicine to help keep my levels up. So dont give up!

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Don’t worry quite yet! You can’t see anything on US until the HcG is 1,000 sometimes more. If there’s a sac and it’s round (not falling in on itself) you can be ok! Many women with TILTED UTERUSES don’t see the baby right away. This happened with my last baby. I went in at 8 weeks and only saw a sac. No baby, no heartbeat. The doc said the sac looked fine but I may have a miscarriage soon. He asked if I wanted to wait and come back in a week or so a DC the next week. I asked to wait and see. By the next week I had a heartbeat and baby measuring right on track. Ultrasound lady told me by uterus was tilted so the beam didn’t hit that part showing the baby! I know the doctor would have caught it but can you imagine if I just say “do the D&C now.”


I was supposed to be at 8 weeks pregnant, there was a sac, but no baby. My doctor took bloodwork that showed 6 weeks, not 8. The following week, I miscarried. I’m so sorry. I know how devastating it is.

I’ve had 5 misscarriages. I also always had low hcg levels. Here I am 5 kids later… Our body’s are all different 5 weeks is way to early. As hard as is sounds every thing comes in time… I lost babies further along in pregnancy like 18 and 22 weeks… Pregnancy has no guarantee.

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It has happened to me also. First was a miscarriage. Got pregnant the next year and went in at 6 weeks and nothing. I cried for 2 weeks and told myself I just can’t have a baby. At 8 weeks it was a sack with a yolk sac. So give it time.

5 weeks is too early to see something. Have faith you will see a little heart beating by 7weeks

I had the Same thing happen and they called it a blighted ovum. Which is a gestational sac but it stops forming and the baby never forms. I eventually miscarried on my own and didn’t have to have a D&C. I bled so bad My husband had to call an ambulance to meet us and take me to the hospital. I bled through 3 big pads stacked on top of each other within 20 minutes. Your doctor should wait a couple more weeks do another ultrasound then see what happens. Praying for you mama❤️


Still very early. This is why most OBs don’t see you until you are 10 weeks. All you can do is wait and see. If you start cramping and bleeding, that’s when you worry. I’ve had 4 miscarriages and those were my only signs and I lost the pregnancy at 6-8 weeks.

My miscarriage was in the early weeks. Dr. Told me the baby needs lots of progesterone for the first 12 weeks. Asap on finding out i was pregnant again i took progesterone and had healthy babies.

I have, the sack continued to grown but there was no baby. It’s called a blighted ovum. Be very careful, it was the worse miscarriage I had, I bled so bad I had to be rushed to the hospital. Take care, I’m so sorry

My daughter just went through this…she had been trying for a while and as soon as her home pregnancy test came up positive she went to the OB. According to dates she was around 6 weeks pregnant. The doctor assess for the baby’s heartbeat and couldn’t hear it, she said that it may just be her dates are off so she did an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed a large yolk sac with a very small embryo. She was heartbroken to say the least because the doctor felt like it was an unviable pregnancy. Needless to say she decided to see a different OB. They sent her for an ultrasound at the hospital which said that the embryo had just stopped growing. They sent her home and told her that if she didn’t miscarry in the next two weeks that they would do a D&C. She had such high hopes that the doctors were wrong as did we all back within about seven or eight days she started cramping and bleeding. This was exactly one year ago this month. But we are now awaiting the birth have a baby boy that she conceived 3 months following this ordeal. Before she did conceived the baby were expecting now her new OB told her that this was just one of those things that happen. The fact that she conceived with the first baby was a good sign. While it was very traumatic and heartbreaking for her we know that it was just a learning experience from God. She’s over the moon at this point and is so thankful to be expecting this rainbow baby any day! But she still remembers the the Heartbreak what she experienced and how it changed their life!

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Unfortunately the same happened to me. And it was attached in a dangerous spot as well. Had to have injections to break the sac and start it dissolving. I’m sorry.

5 weeks is early. Give it a few weeks. Once the doctor can see something they can put you in progesterone to help if it is a viable pregnancy. Good luck.


My very first pregnancy I found out I was 6 weeks. I had light pink spotting. Doctor gave me a script for progesterone suppositories. Everything was going good but unfortunately exactly on my 3rd month I lost the baby. Don’t give up hope. If the sac is forming it’s a good sign. Sending love and light your way :purple_heart:

I hope they put you on progesterone I had it with my daughter. Cuz my levels were.low and with my second I called as soon as my test was positive cuz I figured they would be low again they were low…I had to have meds again and still my levels dropped and I hadnto have an ultra sound at like 18 weeks to make sure I wasnt miscarrying I wasnt but I had to stop pills and go to shots twice a week

Give another week or two. My last one levels were low (but many countries won’t use HCG as a good indicator as they can be misleading) and they did not see sac. Turns out it was just a tad early and my levels were never high but raised. Week and a half later saw sac and heartbeat. I know not all turn out well but if it is earlier than you think just give time.

I was 5 weeks and they made me do an ultrasound, couldnt see anything. Made me do bloodwork every other day and take progesterone, and all for nothing lol…too much intervention too early, 11 weeks now and everything is just fine!


I had a 5 week ultrasound with no fetal pole and no sac. I’m now almost 18 weeks. They’ll probably do another ultrasound in a couple weeks. I wouldn’t worry yourself too much before then.

Yes I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks in sept 2019 and then in march 2020 I had another one at 7 weeks. I started bleeding a week before with each one. Prayers yours works out.

I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks with my youngest. All we could see was the egg sack split open. At 6 weeks we could see the heartbeat. Perinatologist did ultrasound early, because my coumadin had to switched to heparin injections by 6 weeks.

Go and get yourself checked, instead trying to get advice from ordinary people.

I had 5 early miscarriages. When the levels were low it was never good.

Sadly its very common…ive had it happen they called it empty sac syndrome in simple terms. I had to end up having a D&C

My last pregnancy at 5 weeks my sac was empty too went in 3 weeks later and baby was there

It’s very early. You may not be a full 5 weeks. Women’s cycles can vary from month to month.

What where your other levels. They cant base anything off of 1 hcg. Most stuff doesnt show on ultrasound until at least 2000 hcg

Your levels have to be above 1500 typically to see anything

What does the Dr say?

So this may come off sounding kind of mean but I never could understand why people get on social media and ask people for their perspective on extremely important medical issues. I would contact your doctor immediately what does it matter what we all think?

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5 weeks is kind of early to see anything. Go back in a week or two and get rechecked. My niece is 7 weeks and was only just able to see the baby today

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Nope they didn’t see mine that early!

These are answers you need to get from your Dr. Everyone is different.

You’re within range for 5 weeks

My second miscarriage they couldn’t see the baby either and unfortunately did not check for an ectopic pregnancy. I ended up having emergency surgery to repair one of my tubes. I was able to have 3 normal pregnancies after this but make sure they check for this as well because ectopic pregnancies are very dangerous. Good luck to you!

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Your numbers arent that far off. HCG numbers alone dont necessarily tell the whole story. I’ve had losses and I have 1 very active rainbow baby. All via IVF. From experience, my docs always did 3 blood draws ,3 days apart each to see what the range was. They also tested for other hormones. Such as progesterone. Bc at this stage,your ovaries are responsible for producing the progesterone to “help a sticky baby”. Your placenta doesnt actually start producing it until around 8 to 10 weeks. It’s possible that’s an issue. I was in my mid 30’s with my losses. My ovaries are weak, and short on supply simply due to age. And my thyroid is a bit wonky- which apparently is super important to reproduction and pregnancy. It’s also very possible- the angle of the US wand wasnt exactly right and shadows were creating an issue. Been in that situation, too. I know easier said than done- but breathe. The outcome isnt going to change based on anything you read here. And stress, isnt going to help. If , and I’m very sorry in this situation, you do miscarry, I may suggest seeing a specialist in reproductive medicine. My OB told me- yes, he can test and poke and look at and may be familiar with some tests-but his job is getting you to the end of pregnancy healthy with a healthy baby. Helping you get pregnant, that’s someone else’s can of worms. Good luck & blessings

I had the vaginal ultrasound at 5 wks and there was a baby and a sac im currently 33 wks today. It could be very early in this pregnancy for you. Our bodies are complicated vessels. :pray:t4: praying for you :heart:

My daughter got pregnant and there was just an empty sac. That’s when we found out her blood type was RH negative. When she got pregnant the second time she Had to get a shot before the baby was born and a shot after the baby was born .

Went in at about 5 weeks, hcg level was low, did vag. ultrasound and only saw sac, told I would miscarry, I went in two days later for more blood work and my hcg had doubled(which is what you want). I now have a beautiful 11 year old daughter! Prayers for you and your family.

Why ask the opinion of strangers? The physician will contact you if something is wrong but if I’m correct if your HGC levels are low and not increasing than there may not be a pregnancy at all. Sorry.

Do not give up hope.

I prayed for you :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

Prayers for a healing miracle in Jesus Name amen :pray:

If you start bleeding, get yourself to the hospital. Prayers.

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I highly recommend this group Recurrent miscarriage / multiple miscarriage support for you

This happened to me too!! Just wait a few more weeks!! When I had my first ultrasound im guessing I was maybe 4 weeks ish they told me I might have a miscarriage there was nothing in the sac…then at 6 weeks I went to another Dr and saw my TWINS!!! At that point they were just 2 blobs with a little heartbeat lol now they’re 7a

I had a dear friend who was told that she miscarried at 6 weeks. 4 months later, she hadn’t had a period since the bleeding at 6 weeks, they found a boy, due in 3 months. Keep your chin up! I hope your story ends as beautifully as hers. (Kid is going to be a senior this year!) And if it ends differently, I send you so much love!

My last daughter was supposed to be twins, but I lost her sibling. It was too early to tell if it was a boy or girl.

On the brighter side, my second daughter wasn’t supposed to make it, and she’s 12 now!

Blighted ovum. It is a sac of cells that grows but doesn’t develop into a fetus. Levels are low and eventually you expel the tissue or the can do a d&c to remove now. It happened to me years ago. I was 3 months so I carried this that long before the doctor realized what was happening. Mind you they didn’t do ultrasounds back then. I chose to do the d&c because I didn’t want to go through the cramping and miscarriage symptoms. It’s heartbreaking but those may be what’s happening