I’m currently 34 weeks with my second child and he is weighing 2.5 KJ… Just wondering if any other mothers were weighing this big at 34 weeks and if delivery was normal or if you needed a C-section??
It all depends on your body and your doctor
I had two c sections not due to weight and if you do end up having to have one I have lots of tips if you want them! Praying for you mama!
If this is in kilograms that’s only 5.5 pounds. Why would you be worried? (Asking seriously)
Ultrasounds can be wrong up to about 2lbs in either direction so I wouldn’t completely rule out a vaginal birth. If you are worried I would ask for another growth scan closer to 40 weeks
Seems small to me but every baby is different. my baby was born at 31 weeks and was 2 pound 14 oz. then I had my boys at 34 weeks and they both were 5.2
My little girl was roughly 2lbs at her twenty week ultra sound and ended up weighing 11lbs of pure joy !!!
You’d be amazed at what your body can do. Always TRY vaginally first. My first at 20 yrs old was only 7 ounces from 10 lbs! All natural. With my second, 37 week scan showed 7lbs so they estimated around 11 lbs, induced at 39wks 6days and she was 8.1. Dont let anyone scare you or deter you from doing what naturally women were made to do!
My lb was weighing 5lb at 33 weeks I’m now nearly 35 weeks. My daughter was born at 5lb 15oz at 37+6 so expecting a big baby this time
A coworker of mine had her son all naturally and he was a little over 14 pounds. You don’t need a cesarean because of size.
The growth scans arent really accurate… I went for my last scan at 36+6 and he was weighing 6lb odd and I had him at 42 weeks and he was only 8lb 6oz and they say they put on a lb a week towards the end so I dont believe them😂
Can I ask how much is 2.5 K.J
At 34 weeks my daughter was weighing 6.5 lbs and I had her early at 36 weeks she weighed 7.5 lbs. the doctor said it all depends on your body
That’s a normal weight for that far along…
I’m currently just over 37 weeks had a growth scan on Thursday morning. They said baby is sitting between 7 and 8pounds
I had an ultrasound with my daughter the day before she was born and they told me she was 8lbs…she was born the next day at 9lbs 5 oz.
Both kids of mine over 8lbs you should be fine
Still early. Wait until closer and you’ll know more. It was about my 37/38 week apt that we did an ultrasound to check his weight (because we knew he was big) and found that he was about 8lbs. Based on my size and his potential size I opted for a c-section. Was an excellent decision for me- he was 8lbs 15oz and because of how I am built and how he is built it was the best choice I could have made. I also recovered really quickly
I had a section for my first weighing 9lb 8 1/2 oz and I was too small to do naturally. My second was a planned section as they said he was over 10lb, he was born at 8lb 3 1/2oz so they got it well wrong!!! Don’t stress just go with the flow xx
At 5ish lbs thats not big to have more weight. That could be 8ish if that. Ultrasound measurements are inaccurate at that gestation
My baby was weighing 6lbs at 35 weeks she was gaining a pound a week they induced me at 37weeks because the ultrasound was showing 8lbs at 36-37 weeks and the ultrasound lady told us if she would go to 40 weeks I’d be delivering a 11lb baby. And I had hypertension so they decided to induce me and I was in labor for 2 1/2 days and it turned into a c-section because she was stuck she was born at 8lb 12oz
The largest baby we ever had that wasn’t a C/S, God bless that mom, He at over 15 lbs !! It does depend on many factors. And if you trust your OB ( which you should) he/ she will do what is the safest for both you & your baby
also the weight can be wrong… my 1st was supposed to be 6lbs and 2 days later he was born weighing 8lbs 5oz
Not accurate wat so ever. My son weighted 8 . 5 lbs in utero the day before I had him. When I had him he was 6. 5 lb.
Ya they said my first was over 8 lbs a few weeks before I had her and she was born 7 lbs 4 oz lol
I had an ultrasound at 37+6, the day before my kiddo was born.
Tech said he looked to weigh about 8.5lbs.
Born about 24 hours later weighing 5.7lbs.
My baby boy weighed 6lbs 10ozs at 34 weeks I was induced at 37 weeks and he was 9lbs and I did not have a csection.
They told me my son was going to be 10.5-11 pounds when he was born. So they induced me at 38 weeks. Then ended up having an emergency Csection.
The Dr screwed up BIG TIME! My son was 7.2 pounds and all the signs of a 32 week baby, he was a preemie and had to stay in the NICU for like 10 days. Let your body tell you when its ready. Good luck & congrats Mommy!
Normal weight for age. Just talk with your doc. I had a 9lb and an 8lb 14oz. Both natural.
They said my son was to big they wanted to do a csection I told them no I wanted to try being he was my third baby he only weight 7lb almost 8 they thought he was going to be 10
They told me I was having a 10 pounder and she came out 7
They told me my daughter was almost nine pounds at my thirty-six week appointment and two days later she was born six pounds seven ounces. I didn’t have a c-section.
Don’t go by the weight of the ultrasound the baby can be +/- 2 pounds. My weights were wrong with mine
Let the Dr make that decision
Doctors told me at 40 weeks that my son was going to be around 6-7lbs because of how small I was. Ended up having an emergency csection due to complications & he came out at 9lbs 2oz.
Women give birth to ten pound babies. Every woman’s body is different. There’s no way to know if you can deliver a baby just based on the baby’s weight. The estimated weight can be wrong, the baby might be smaller than they think. I would not agree to have a csection just because they think the baby might be big. If you’ve already had a successful vaginal birth I wouldn’t worry at all.
I delivered my son at 35 weeks and he was 5 lbs 14 oz (basically 6 pounds).
Lol so my daughter at 28weeks weighed 1.5 lbs. came out at at 37w weighing 5.4lbs n perfectly healthy. She ran out of room lol. (My uterus is super small for medical reasons) well my son at 28w is weighing 2.4lbs , my doctor doesn’t think my body will let me carry past 36-38 weeks. So depending on my next ultrasound n his weight on July 1st , we’ll be setting my c section date for 37w.
It all depends on how you’re built and how baby flips and sits. My mom is petite and all but one kid was between 8 and 9 lbs.
I’m not as petite as my mom and my son was just shy of 8 lbs and we did fine.
Its all on your circumstances for your pelvis and the baby flipping and position
A c section is actually easier to recover from than vaginal delivery, my sister and cousin each had 2, don’t worry about it too much
My youngest was 10.9 lbd (dunno that in kg) he was born naturally with no meds
My son was 10.9…no drugs:flushed:
Im 33 weeks and baby is at 5 pounds 5 ounces. Birth is projected to be 10 pounds. Im having a csection due to a prior c section and getting my tubes tied.
My eldest was a vaginal birth…my youngest was cesarean…7 lbs 12 oz and 8 lbs 10 oz…cesarean due to breach position…and I have to say vaginal birth was easier to recover from
I was induced two weeks early with my third child because from first contraction to birth was about an hour, at best. After they started the induction, the doctor started to panic, saying this baby was too small. He arrived at over 10 lbs. With induction I went from nothing to suddenly my body just pushed that baby right out. They never know. It’s a good thing I was induced. Otherwise, he would have walked out and asked for the car keys to drive home.
Their estimate could be completely wrong. My daughter was estimated to weigh 7.5 lbs by ultrasound at 38 weeks. When I had her she actually only weighed 5.3 lbs and that was 2 weeks later.
I was insulin diabetic while pregnant with my second, and gained 80 pounds. I had a planned c-section bc the doc said he would be over 10 pounds based upon the measurements. He was a few days early and weighed 7 pounds, eight ounces, and measured 20 inches. Too hard to know while the baby is in utero imo from my experience. Vaginal birth would have most likely been fine for me.
There not always right in fact most the time are not and off by at least a pound. They said mine was nearly 10 at 37 weeks and was going to be induced at 39+2 because ge woukd be well over 10lbs. Ended up going into labor on my own at exactly 39 weeks and he was a healthy 8lbs 7oz.
First of all the doctors told me I was going to deliver almost 10lb baby I pushed 2 times 6lbs 14ozs. They were so wrong
Usually the 2nd delivers easier, my first was 7 lbs took over 4 hours of pushing, 2nd was nearly 10 lbs, pushed 3 times and out she came!
I’ll tell you one thing, doctors are wrong sometimes. I am very tall and my belly was ginormous when pregnant with my daughter. Around 35 wks I told the dr the baby wasn’t moving much and seemed too big. She laughed and said I’d be fine. Fast forward to 39 wks I have been telling my dr the baby is getting too big. She guessed a 7.5 lbs baby maybe 8lbs. I begged for a c-section. Nope. Went 4 days over due, doc induced me and at 10cm couldn’t get my daughter out. I had an emergency c-section. My daughter was 9lbs 15oz!! Mommas know. Trust your instincts. Hope for natural but sometimes big babies and c-sections happen and like mine, turn out just fine. But maybe the dr is wrong and baby will be a nice average 7lbs.
My son was 10 pounds and I delivered naturally, no epidural not even an IV. By choice… your gonna be fine…
It just depends on if the baby can handle it. My grandson could not he kept going into to stress so mom had to have a c section
I delivered my 4th daughter at 34 weeks. She weighed 6 lbs 3 oz. she stayed one day extra than I did in the hospital. She would of been huge if she went full team.
They thought my son was going to be 13 lbs at birth cause of his head size. 7.5 lbs. Remember its not an exact science
My son weighed in at 4lbs 7oz @ 31 week and was born weighing 7lbs 12oz. I wouldn’t worry at all.
This is something your Dr and you should discuss. Nobody can answer that question safely unless they have your medical history.
My doctor (a female) never told me the weights of any of my babies and I asked her why and she said it was because its an estimation and are usually never right and just causes moms stress.
My SIL vaginally delivered an almost 13 lb baby.
My son was 10lb (about 4.5kg) my daughter was 10lb 15oz (so around 5 kg or so and they told me on the day of induction they thought she was maybe 9lb! A lady from my town was in same day, they thought her baby was going to be over 12lb and she had a c-section, her baby was 10lb)… both born vaginally, no pain relief for either, no tearing with either.
They told me 2 days before I delivered my son at 38 weeks that he was already 9lbs. He was born at 7lbs 2 oz. it’s really a guessing game. My csection was with my preemie at 32 weeks so you just never know.
My first child was a c- section, Second child normal birth, third child c- section. It all depends on mother,baby,doctor.
The only way you get a section is if your pregnancy is complicated
I delivered9lb 6 and 10lb 11 naturally. 11lb 4 crash section due to him being i wrong position
They said my daughter was going to be 10 pounds at birth she ended up being 6 pounds
I wouldn’t worry until there is something to worry about and usually by then you don’t care, you just them out. Lol
I delivered normally & my baby’s birth weight was 4,7Kg.
I just looked up how much 2.5kj was in pounds on Google, it said 5 pounds…at 34 weeks the docters told me my baby was 6 1/2 pounds and I would be having a 10 or 11 pound baby. Both my kids were 7 1/2 pounds.
My friend delivered a baby boy all natural weighing nearly 13lbs when the ultrasound said 8lbs… she was quite sore after that one
That all depends on you and your baby. I ended up with an emergency c section with my both my kids actually. After my first I was told bc of my hips I would never be able to deliver vaginally even if my babies were on the small side. The other thing to keep in mind is they can’t truly measure how big your baby is with a tape measure around your baby bump. Even if they measure using an ultrasound they’re still so incredibly inaccurate. They told me my oldest was about 7 pounds. She was 8.5 pounds. They told me my youngest was five pounds she was seven and half pounds.
Eavh person is different it depends on the woman size her weight her health so whst happs to one might not be the same.You will be ok if you stop worring
Late ultrasounds to determine weight aren’t very accurate and you have a tried pelvis.
I wouldn’t worry. Convert kilos to lbs.2.5 kl=5.5 lbs.
Your doctor should be hearing this question…
13 pound vaginal delivery.
Ask your doctor!!!
My son was born at 30 weeks 4 lbs 13 oz literally 5 lbs!
I had two 9lb babies and delivered naturally. It really depends on your body.