Do you think phones can cause speech delays in kids?

So I have a two-year-old. She became interested in her dad’s phone, and of course, he let her play with it. Then some months back, it escalated to her having her own phone to play on. I thought, okay, maybe I’ll install some learning games (which she doesn’t play). All she does is watch Youtube Kids. And the problem is, I feel like the phone caused her to regress in learning all around. Before she was saying words, she stopped talking and making any other advances in learning. SO - I recently put her phone away for good. And there’s already been such a drastic difference in her behaviorally and other ways. She’s attempting words again slowly. She’s attentive when I speak; she plays and interacts with me and doesn’t fuss with me when it’s mealtime anymore even. Just a happier child all around. So my question is, has anyone else had a similar experience? Where you felt a phone/tablet too early caused your child to delay or regress in learning or speech, then took it away, and they improved?


Kids that young they say shouldn’t have that much screen time because it’s literally addicting like a drug. If I had it my way none of my kids would’ve had their own devices until they’re were well into elementary school and limited at that. But I don’t have that option.

My son only gets his tablet twice a day for movie time and he gets to pick out his movie but I make sure he isn’t allowed on YouTube at all unless I put a cartoon on for him. Most of the time it’s just back ground noise for him so it doesn’t bother him he has regressed and is further ahead in development areas and he’s two. Children should be watched closely

My daughter is 5 but her behavioir is drastically better on the the days we have little to no tv.

I think everything can honestly. We avoided so much and still was a tad behind. Play dates will make a world of difference sometimes! When covid first hit we stopped for a bit and I noticed a change

Idk if it’s much different than kids watching TV all day but having her phone this early will have some downside. But I have 2 kids in speech, one has autism but my other has a speech impediment. It had nothing to do with their screen time or tv time. Talk to her pediatrician about your concerns and see if they think it’s time for additional testing.

Depending on what she’s watching. I took youtube kids off my kids phones because they were watching these shows of people (teen & adults) are playing with dolls. They purposely mispronounced words, baby talked, whined. My kids were talking like that.

A child that age shouldn’t have a device to themselves. My daughter is 5 & I just got her a tablet & it’s already causing issues with her having to take breaks with it & I wish I never got it for her lol


My 2 year old has watched off and on for a while, but she watches nursery rhymes and likes kids stories like 3 little pigs. Honestly, she’s pretty advanced. Between us and her little songs and stuff, she knows whole rhymes, songs, abcs, counting to 28 (very specific :joy:), and can tell us the whole stories of goldie locks, red riding hood, and a bunch of others. I think it depends on the child. Mine free watches but puts it down to listen while she plays, more so than just sitting and staring at a screen. If she’s getting better, I wouldn’t worry too much. Good luck, mama.


Of course! I know plenty of cases with too much screen time causing great harm on toddlers, I for one think no need to until they are at least 3 there’s plenty of other things to do - find your childs passion!

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When she’s sitting on her phone all day then yeah. She’s not communicating because she is doing something she doesn’t need to talk. If she was actually playing learning games it wouldn’t have been a big problem. No reason for a kid to watch YouTube day in and day out.

It was the opposite for me!

My 2 year old learned so much from watching Blippi and Bubble Guppies. She plays a game on my iPad and she knows how to count and her shapes, colors, sizes, etc. I don’t monitor screen time, but my kids don’t actually watch their tablets or TV. Here and there they’ll stop to sing a song, but their tablets don’t really get used :joy:

I think it depends on the kid. Mine like having the open option of screen time, but don’t actually have much of it.


No it’s not the cause . It’s a distraction. Fixating will make anyone loose interest in other things.


I think it depends on content, my kids have learned ALOT from their tablets. But with my oldest he did start getting into YouTube and we saw some regressing, we cut off YouTube again and he’s been back to normal. I think technology is important because most of their lives will be technology when they are older, but I also limit them to certain times.

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2? Ummm take the phone away. That baby needs old school learning and stimulation


It’s the opposite for me. My kids have learnt so much from it.


I don’t think anyone should give a 2 year old a phone even if it’s not in service
That’s really young for a phone
In my own opinion she need more human communication other then a cell phone all the time
2 years old is to young for a phone I think even 11 is to young


Definitely take YouTube off the kid phone. Even kids YouTube is bad


My kid was delayed before he started watching YouTube kids. That has since started to change. He hears the same words repeated over and over on those videos and he has started using those words. I’m not here saying A is for Apple 68 times a day. I’d shoot myself first. But after the 10,000th time of hearing a video say it, he has started to say apple. He’s also in speech therapy too, so that helps. But I hear him talking to his tablet, and he is really learning. Every kid is different. If it’s not good for your kid, don’t use one. If it’s helpful, use it. It shouldn’t replace social interaction all together (obviously), and it shouldn’t be a constant babysitter for any child.

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It probably can. But to be honest that could just be your daughter being two, my son’s almost too and despite having said a few dozen words for quite some time is currently in a stage where he only says bye and quacks like a duck so who knows


My 1 year old only watches stuff on my phone during car rides sometimes and it’s cocomelon, she will pick up our phones but she just pretends to talk to people and enjoys calling daddy or mommy when one of us isn’t with her. My TV is always on but its normally background noise. She still is very talkative and says a bunch of stuff. I normally can’t get her to be quiet😅 shes 15 months and has been 4 months advanced since 4 months old. Every child is different and not everything effects children the same way it effects other children. Everyone has their own pace.

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Nope, I don’t believe it affects it tbh…
my nearly 5 year old has watched YouTube since like 8 month old😂 on the telly then when she turned 1 she used my phone by 2 I gave her my old phone and she still watches it now and tbh she watches it a lot and always has abs her speech is amazing!! They also say it about a dummy and she was 3 before she got rid of her dummy xx


Aslong as your sat watching what she’s in then I don’t see a problem with YouTube tbh :joy::joy: my nearly 5 year old watches it in her own phone and tiktoks but I’ll always sit and watch her on it


The opposite happened… my kids were learning all sorts of things… and using words that were bigger then them…


I would definitely talk to your doctor about the regression, never can be too sure the cause🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes. Phones and tablets are terrible for children. There is a reason the most “brilliant minds” do not allow their children to play with phones and tablets. Neither my 2 nor 4 year old use them and tv is limited. The only “tablet” they have is exclusively for drawing and writing. I’ll tag the link.


Honestly, my kiddo had a delay and YouTube helped him alot. He’s learned so much from having the tablet.


Nah, that’s just her. My daughter has her own phone (an old iPhone we had that she uses and an iPad) she learned so much and knows her numbers, colors, and shapes. She speaks a bit all before the age of 2.


I think it helped my son a lot he only watches learning videos before my son didn’t know his numbers or letters now he knows his animals,1-10,he can still them backwards, recognizes them, and the same with his abcs, he also knows his numbers 1-10 in Spanish

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Idk about that. My daughter is 2 and has had an iPad and screentime since she was like 16 months and shes always been way ahead on speech. Her pediatrician says shes about a year ahead in everything.

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I’m lost why a 2 year old would need their own phone…


Ots the total opersit for my son he was pretty much non verbal until around six months ago but he had a tablet to watch cartoons on for a while I downloaded loads of learning apps and his speach has come on loads but then I have been doing other non tech related activities to help his speach to so could be abit of both

My stepson is almost 9 years old but everybody thinks he’s about five or six because of how he talks and acts. And all he does and when I say all that’s all he does is on the phone since he was two or three. I had no saying this because he wasn’t my biological son but he never goes outside and plays with kids and I literally mean never he can’t interact with kids his own age and I genuinely believe it’s because he spends every waking second on that phone. I wish I could throw that phone into the ocean they have fixed it at least six times when he has broken it and the one time when he thought that all his game progress was erased she started slamming his head into the floor that’s how upset he was. Please take the phone away.

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Too much screen time can cause a speech delay, it’s also bad for their brain development. Which is why pediatricians and scientists recommend screen time limits for children. Some educational screen time can be helpful. My son has childhood apraxia of speech (oral motor speech disorder) and our speech therapist did suggest certain videos on YouTube for him in addition to his speech therapy. I would recommend limiting screen time and types of videos they’re watching but most importantly talking to your pediatrician about they’re regression and getting a referral for speech therapy.

Not unless she is on it all day and all night, and nobody speaks to her, then maybe lol but I’m sure if she is only playing games on it for a wile it won’t cause any harm

My 2 year old got an amazon fire kids tablet for his bday and while screen time is limited I feel like it’s also helped him a lot he’s been learning and picking up on things I have yet to teach him sometimes I be like where’d you learn this from :joy:


My daughter is 1 year 8 months and I feel like she has a lot of screen time but she is soo advanced for her age and has learned so many words and her words are so clear. I try and make her watch more educational programs on youtube like learning ABCs and counting, colors, etc… although we let her watch it on tv and not via the phone.

Eh my son watched kids shows on his tablet and he hasn’t regressed in speech at all. I do not feel personally that regresses speech in children. My son speaks well and the tablet and kid shows hasn’t affected that. Each child is different. But I also don’t allow my son to watch tv all day or for a long time. But some days I do depending. I would speak to the ped. Or if your babes is talking better then great.

Don’t just blame the phone. If your child has regressed take to to the doctors. My son did this nothing to do with a phone. He was diagnosed with autism, i had to basically re teach him all the words he knew before, dose she do any other things? Dose she smile when you smile? Point at what she wants and all other thigs that is typical for a child her age? Oh and even thou my son stopped talking by the end of reception he came out as exceptional in speach and used such long words, so try not to worry too much

My 5 year old turns into a rotten thing when I let her watch youtube ive noticed


My kids are older now. However my youngest was given a phone by her dad at about two. She was born tongue tied and it was caught late so I can’t say anything about speech but that behavior after having that thing for a while was omg. It got so much better when I took the phone away.

my 9 yr old would disagree to blaming technology…he would literally have an ADULT type debate​:rofl::rofl::rofl:he’ll leave you and anyone else DUMBFOUNDED​:grin:its like that every day for his 23 yr old sister n 26 yr old brother​:woman_shrugging:

Regulate screen time. Engage and interact with her while she’s watching Youtube or when she’s playing learning games.

My 2 year old has his own Amazon Kids tablet. He has learned to sing his ABCs, numbers, colors and etc. Yes he watches youtube kids and most stuff I’ve seen him watch is baby shark, blippi, and preschool songs. I think it helped him alot!


I had to write a few papers on this subject…and it’s quite complex, but studies have found that too much screen time (tv, tablet, phone) can hinder a child’s development especially in toddlers because that is the most critical stage of development. To thrive developmentally, they need a ton of creative play stimulation. They’ve found that too much screen time can also sometimes mimic signs of autism and ADHD. It’s hard though especially with the pandemic…my 2 yo is speech delayed and I have no doubt that its probably because I allowed too much tv time, especially last year. But since then, he has started OT and speech therapy, I cut down his screen time, and have him either playing outside, or doing blocks and puzzles and he has progressed dramatically! On the other hand, studies have also shown that after age 2 (3+) certain educational apps can be beneficial if time is balanced appropriately! So overall, it really just depends on the child and age, but creative play stimulation will always be key to every child and age.


It didn’t do any of that to my girls they were so advanced they started kindergarten a year early we traveled a lot so they had tablets and DVD player in car but I never allowed and still don’t allow them to get so engaged in their phones or tablets that I don’t get a response when talking to them they know the minute I have to compete to be seen and heard with a phone or tablet I will not hesitate to trash them but all in all I saw great things come from monitored time


Total opposite for my son, he had a tablet by the time he was 18 months and by the age of 2 he knew the alphabet, how to count to 10, his shapes and colors. He starts kindergarten this year and they’ll be doing computer lab. He watched YouTube kids and learned all of that and he is very verbal, sometimes too much haha.

P.s. after reading some of the other comments, I would like to add that he doesn’t spend every minute on it, we go outside to have fun anytime the weather permits and he loves hanging out with his older sisters. So I’m guessing maybe your daughter regressed because she had too much screen time??


All kind of delays it causes :woman_facepalming:t2:


Don’t let her play on it then… for one YouTube is not for kids. I don’t care if it says YouTube kids. I have got my fiancé’s nephews watching things on YouTube kids that they didn’t need to be watching.

My daughter had behavioral issues when she was watching too much YouTube so it was banned for about 3 years and now that she’s 9 she’s allowed to watch it again, but it’s very limited and she doesn’t even really care about watching it. She’d rather be playing with toys or outside.

My son learnt more & started talking more with YouTube kids


Around 2 years is where I noticed my son not progressing more and more. Started around 1.5 but more at 2 and after. Especially speech wise. Took him to his doctor, got referrals, evaluations, etc.

Turns out my son is high functioning autistic with developmental delays. He is now 4 and just now has “momma” “bubba” down.

Sometimes its really not electronics, and your kiddo may need extra help from others than just mom and dad. Doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong. Try reaching out to her doctor and go from there. All you can do is get the tools and resources you need for your little one.

Screen time has actually helped my kiddo more than its been a disadvantage.


Every child is different. If you’ve noticed an improvement since taking the phone away, I suggest keeping it that way.


I don’t think it causes delays, but then again I’m no doctor. My son is 5 years old and is special needs. Timed screen-time sessions helped him tremendously aside from his therapists.


Honestly i had the complete opposite experience :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: we became a military family and moved away from our families when our daughter was only 10 months old, so she had no contact with other people besides me and my husband. She wasn’t talking a lot no matter how much we worked with her (even though we could easily understand, she wasn’t saying the actual words)
She has always loved the show coco melon and she actually started to copy words they were saying and started singing the songs with them! She didn’t actually start speaking actual words until she was between 1 1/2 and 2, but now she’s 3 and she’s constantly talking our ears off :sweat_smile::joy::joy:
We also got her a tablet for her 3rd birthday in December. We only let her on it between an hour and an hour and a half a day, and she’s doing amazing recognizing letter and numbers already :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


A learning tablet would be a better option.

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I had to put the tablets away because I noticed some bad behaviors forming. They were being fresh, not listening and it was a struggle to get them to eat. They have been so much better without them. It’s like night and day

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For me I did have some tantrum issues with her tablet but we just took it away until she would not throw a tantrum for not having it. I’ve always been terrible at limiting time on it but she’s now in 2nd second grade at a 5th grade reading and math level. She watches educational stuff cause she gets super curious but also watches stuff I think is really dumb but not bad. I haven’t seen any issues besides the tantrums that she used to have and she always loves to share random facts she’s learned. It also brought us the opportunity to talk about fact checking and proper sources lol.

I think my son thrived watching some of them. He loves blippi, he would also watch turbo toy time and some Ryan and I think seeing another kid talk so well made him want to talk to communicate when he got with other kids. He has been fully and clearly vocal since 2yr3m. Definitely have some restriction but I don’t think it’s too bad.

Also everyone who let’s their kid watch YouTube TV, go download the PBS video app. It’s free and it’s all the kids show and they are all insanely educational. I like that they can scroll through the different shows and pick what they want. Kind of a YouTube feel but with only educational shows.

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Total opposite for my daughter! She had a normal amount of screen time, mostly cBeebies so always something new to learn. She was talking in sentences at 18 months old and easily understood at 2/2.5.
Every child is different :woman_shrugging:t2:

At that age some limited screen time is probably ok but not if it causes behavior issues when you take it away, etc. The thing is, kids need social play also, to learn how to interact, have good manners and be empathetic. Taking them to the parks, toddler leagues, and classes are an important part of their development.

Do not give her the phone back for many many years my son crossed the line for the last time and I took his and his 6 year old xbox and phones away and they haven’t cared to much as we are very busy any was and when we aren’t busy I make them play with toys or watch movies with me lol

Some of these women. Smfh🙄
Anyway, since taking it away worked for you, I suggest keeping it that way. It sounds like she’s improving for you. :blush:

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Our kids have had a phone from like 1yr old and fhsy are doing fine they know more about the phone thdn i do and im 70 years old but we didnt have them then wish they did id be smarter lol just saying shell be fine just talk to her about the other. Good luck

The only thing that caused disfunction in my family was Ryan’s World. So Ryan has been banned in our family. Other then that my son has really learnt alot from YouTube kids.

My granddaughter has learned a lot and it has broadened her vocabulary. However, with that being said you still have to monitor what they are watching because not everything they watch is good and they pick up the good and the bad.

My son wasn’t allowed to play on my phone until he was 3 or 4 and even then it was literally while I was sitting right there. He is, at 5, just starting to talk.
My nephew is 2 months older than him and has been playing on my sister-in-law’s phone for as long as I can remember. He is incredibly articulate, never had a speech delay.
I think all kids are different.
If you feel the phone is detrimental to her speaking and advancing than absolutely keep her away from it.

Nope. My son was not given/liked screen time up till he was like 3yo and he had a speech delay.

I think it all depends on the child. My son is almost 2 and has a tablet where he plays some educational games and watches all those learning kids shows. But he doesn’t have an actual vocabulary yet. Most of what he says is baby talk still with a few syllables thrown in that we understand and maybe 10 actual words. He recognizes a lot of words and such, he just struggles with saying them himself.
Limiting screen time and verbally interacting with your child wouldn’t hurt the situation at all. I think the more opportunities the child has to talk back to an actual person will help speech development. That’s what we’ve been doing with our son. He tries talking the most when we talk to him.

My son was raised old school. No electronics till he was at least 9-10. He had an old school desk top computer to play educational learning games. On disc not online. He wasn’t exposed to any real internet till the 5th grade. I feel kids are exposed to electronics far to young. A lot of the time some parents find it just easier to put the device in front of the k id instead of interacting or dealing with the child.

My kids are 10-8-7-5 they do not own phones tablets or video games they watch tv and watch youtube on tv not all the time tho they play outside and jump around and are happy kids who go to school and learn they all speak fine now I have family n friends who’s kids are nothing but video games and or tablets and phones and hardly speak or if they do u can’t understand a word they say but its easier for the moms to just give them a devise and keep them occupied and don’t bother them instead of worrying about their kids learning 🤷🏻‍♀ again this is family n close friends ik

No 2 yr old needs phone or tablet access.