Do you think the weird things my kid is doing could be related to our roomate?

Tbh I think because you don’t like this lady, who is weirdly in your place. (Sugar mumma)
Which I’d feel little uncomfortable and not getting on with I think your looking into things too much, and could accuse an innocent lady.
These things you’ve said are stages that some children go through not all but some. I don’t see anything wrong from the things that you’ve said that makes me think something weird is going on…
Each child is very different no matter if you teach and parent them all the same way they will act differently to what they are dealt with.
I teach my girls the same as my boy but what worked with them and made their younger years a breeze hasn’t and definitely isn’t working with my boy.

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Or u could get a nanny cam to see what’s going on

Those honestly all sound like normal things and my kids have both done all of these things with me having no suspicion of something being wrong but moms have a gut feeling for a reason so, just talk to your husband let him know you don’t want her there and if he disagrees then kick them both out. And if he’s on the same page then y’all sit down together and let her know she needs to leave :relieved:

Ashley Silva if you read the rest of the sentence of “just not my preference” it’s a pretty good indication she meant to say “doesn’t judge”. I’m not out to defend her. The whole sentence doesn’t make sense.

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U put a hiddem cam on the room… And also… Get that woman out :wink:

Always trust your gut. Put up cameras and make her leave

Maybe set up a nanny cam also if that makes you feel better

Get her out of your home now.

Make her leave, and be more aware of your boyfriend… :woman_shrugging:t4::100: if your gut telling you one thing then trust it. None of my kids ever tried putting their tongue in my mouth, and I kiss my kids on the lips.

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If you feel it. You know. She’s gotta go!

I wouldn’t want anyone living with me!!

Well obviously you are letting your distaste for this woman cloud your judgment significantly. Maybe you’ve never experienced these things because you never chose to kiss your children on the mouth. Which I don’t understand why but whatever. My daughter will bite her toes, fingers, hands, toys, anything she can get in her mouth. It’s called a phase. Maybe take some parenting classes or read a book on child development. As for a stranger kissing your child I agree 1000% because I won’t let anyone I don’t know even touch my baby princess, but you not kissing your kids is a problem. You don’t want people to judge you don’t blatantly say your gonna judge us mother’s who choose to give our children affection and love

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If you gut is telling you something listen and kick her out.

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You need to ask her to leave, because she’s lived with you a while you may need to go through a legal eviction process if she refuses so get legal advice. The first time she argued my boundaries for my child she’d have been out the door, my child my rules & kiss my backside if you don’t like it! If partner objects to kicking her out he can go with her.

This was hard to read… there is zero punctuation :joy:

You are the parent. YOU need to be firm and strong and tell her what is and isn’t okay for her to do with your child. I never would’ve let the rando move in without kids, but especially if i had kids.

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Get her out of the house

Honestly I think all your craziness is because you simply don’t want that woman in your house tell her to leave an stop with judging people who kiss there kids on the mouth if I want to kiss my kids ass that’s my business

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Get a nanny cam or a few of them

Red flag…get her away from ur baby

Set up nanny cams all over the house.

I would go with your gut!!!

Get that lady away from your kid immediately. Something not right going on. Your man doing stuff with that lady in front of your kid where you’re not home :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: Either way. Get rid of her stat.

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This whole post is we*rd. Judgy and accusatory. Like we can judge too… I’m thinking this older woman needs to move out but mostly because the OP is basically accusing her of something really bad with zero proof. I’m thinking the boyfriend wants her there for reasons not stated though lol.

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I don’t mouth kiss either but my toddler tries to do that too. Stuck his tongue in my mouth. That’s something kids will try to do they see it on tv. The toe thing it’s a small child they do things like that. It’s not a fetish. Some kids suck on their own toes. If the child is teething they will do weird things like that.As a parent if u suspect this no matter what u should never leave the child alone w the person ever! Google search this person . Go on their fb page see who they talk too. If need be start friending them and asking questions ab this person. Talk to ur pediatrician talk to ur bf or gf. Do not ever ignore a feeling like that. The humping thing is odd.unkess the child ahs seen the older siblings do it. Kids do play with theirselves it’s normal . A child this young may play w their private areas but humping it’s too soon for that. That’s more like a three yr old . Get w ur Dr they have tests and things to tell if something is going on. Don’t ever turn ur head to anything. U never know . My. Step dad and his brother molested me for 12 years. I never told until he split w my mom. Nightmares are things to watch for . Don’t leave her alone w the kids and put some nanny cameras up for night time.

Why do I find this the weirdest question ever ur Literally asking like ur a first time mother Makes no sense u must of not have raised ur other kids at all everything u have just said one or all of my 3 kids have done as a baby all of my friends kids have also done all of this as babies ur baby is 1 years old he’s prob teething and ur toe was just there it’s the same as them sucking on ur finger when teething they don’t know the difference they are going to put their mouth on everything mostly all babies do a humping motion when they are sleeping that is completely normal even trying to kiss u on the mouth with tongue it doesn’t not matter if u kiss ur kids on the mouth or not it doesn’t mean they are not going to do it I mean yea most of us find that weird when our babies try to kidd us like that but a normal person knows they don’t know the difference that’s why it’s ur job as a parent to tell them the right way teach him it’s that simple ur baby has no signs of being abused he has all the signs of being a baby

…not enough evidence for me

Go with your gut. Somethings wrong.

The child is probably mimicking seeing you and your SO kissing.

I say look up freuds theory on it. Some of my kids did this weird open mouth kiss for a long time. All kids are different. Could be innocent but I would explore all avenues

you will never forgive yourself if your child is being abused.
Don’t listen to buts or it’s all in your head.


I’d ask her to leave

I’d say you need to get some solid proof before throwing accusations out. Some kids are weird and he is 1 he is probably sensory. Also not cool to judge others and outright state that to the public because honestly i kiss my kiddo on the mouth its a quick peck and cheeks. Nothing wrong with it. Also he’s 1 he thinks it’s probably funny to try and stick his tongue in yours because it makes you mad haha. The toe thing dear lord tons of kids do that usually to their own feet. It’s a weird thing kids do.

Honestly you need to have a conversation with your man about her and discuss her making other arrangements elsewhere for home. And then I wouldn’t make accusations without proof and any court or police department will tell you that. Js.

If your child Is being abused and you stay you are as guilty

Well maybe you should look into the other kids. Not just the adult.
What shows or media is everyone watching ?!

Oh no! Throw her out you don’t no wat she’s doing behind your guys back she could possibly be a predator :rage:

Call the cops, make a report and get that B out of your house!!! Kids don’t just suddenly act out like this! He is probably being molested!!! :rage:

She needs to go. The writings on the wall.

Put cameras up. Even tho it could be regular kid stuff if there’s any chance it’s not id put the mini spy cameras up in every room

My son also has a foot fetish and tries to eat my toes all the time. :rofl: He just discovered his tongue and sticks it out all the time as well. Has never tried to stick it down my throat though. TRUST YOIR GUT FEELING.

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That women would be out my house

What does that have to do with being related…

Get a nanny cam and don’t tell anyone about it

Why are you leaving your child alone with this person for any length of time? And then complaining about the repercussions of doing so :face_with_monocle: Be a parent.

Omg! My one year old thinks it’s the funniest thing to lick feet. She especially finds it funny if you actually tell her no! Eww! Kids are weird! Toddlers more so. Lol

Something he’s seeing on TV maybe?

Spy cams. 40 buck on Amazon. Best case peace of mind. Worst case catch and press charges.

Shouldn’t even have to question this, get rid of her…


Don’t leave your kid alone with the woman ?

If you’re gut says something is off, something is off!!

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My daughter tries to do the same thing but she’s trying to be silly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Get hidden nanny cams to watch over even as you sleep. Proof is all you need

Omg get her away from your child asap

I don’t
Think you should have your kid with you and have any more in your care.

You need to move out

With this baby monitor’s 2 way audio feature, you’ll also be able speak to whomever is in ear shot of it, whether you’re home or not. Yes, you can view it on your Mobil phone from another city.

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Ok maybe its just me but i get the vibe your boyfriend is banging her while you arent around and your kid is seeing it.


My kid does all that, he’s weird as heck… We don’t kiss on the lips but he still wants to lick my tongue for some reason :woman_shrugging:t3:

Well, I just have to say that your kid is 1 years old. They try to suck on things and put things in their mouths all the time. It’s just part of exploring the world. Your child doesn’t know what a fetish is. They go through so many stages. Personally, I’d have a real discussion with your boyfriend first and then with the lady that is staying with you. Set your boundaries. Obviously listen to your gut feeling as well. Just know that kids are all different and go through so many stages of learning and exploring. If you don’t like something, talk to your child and let them know.


My almost 3 year old now does this sort of behavior and has never been molested it’s normal kids things they find funny. I just corrected her that was all took awhile but she eventually stopped. So I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions


First of all don’t judge other moms if you don’t want to be judged… It’s not classy or kind!!!
You can choose to not kiss your kids on the mouth but shame on you for judging a beautiful act of love!
My kids aged 1, 13, 15, 17 & 19 still get kisses from me, snuggles, back scratches and big hugs!!! My children feel the love I have for them through those acts of affection.

Now to your topic… Do not leave your son alone with anyone in that house! Monitor any time he has with everyone. Set up cameras.

You judge moms who let their kids kiss them on the mouth? Sorry, I stopped reading at that point because it means your opinion is trash.


Problem #1: Him asking some random woman that doesn’t even like you, to move in. Problem #2: This complete stranger spending alone time with your kid and now he’s behaving differently. You already know what you need to do.

If you THINK something went on or even suspect it did why is she still there? Pretty much allowing it since you didn’t feel need to kick her out the second it crossed your mind. Makes no since to me… Who in right mind would chance that with own child.

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Literally everything you just said my 2 kids have done and still do a little, as far as the humping in their sleep thing. They are boys and get erections, even at almost 3 years old. Kids are weird. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions without any evidence. If you’re uncomfortable, have her find her own place and move out. That’s all. Don’t accuse anyone of anything, just tell her you need your space, especially with a new baby coming.


its a 1yr old thing lol my 1yr old will lick her 6yr old sisters toes and ehen i give kisses shell open her fmpith and lick my whole face. just cause ur other 2 didn do it doesn mean this one wont lol

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Always trust your gut! Especially when it comes to your kids! I don’t how any of these women could excuse this as normal behavior especially when he never did it before her arrival.

The first thing I don’t like any of you guys are doing is you’re comparing your kid to somebody else’s kid every single child is different every single person is different everybody learns differently grows differently develops differently and starts a different paces kids like different things they teeth on different things they try new things they learn new things just because your kid does one thing one way doesn’t mean that it’s wrong for somebody else’s kid to do something a different way how about you check yourself and stop trying to judge other families on how they raise their children because it’s not how we raise yours

I don’t know if your son’s behavior’s due to her or not, but I do know that if you don’t trust this lady, she doesn’t need to be living with y’all either way. I’d tell my boyfriend either she goes or I go, and mean it.

Why is she even living in your house if you don’t like her!?

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^^as someone said above get some secret cameras to find out for sure but I def think it’s weird.

Also don’t judge parents for kissing their kids lol they’re KIDS. But it is weird you raised them one way now suddenly he’s wanting to make out with you lol… keep your guard up and watch for signs you might’ve dismissed before. Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel for sure and come up with something together. Coming up with this without him could cause issues between you two because this lady is his “friend”

Also could he maybe be humping this chick and your son is seeing? I mean… kinda my first thoughts tbh.


When it comes to judging people who do things differently than you, yes, you’re wrong. That’s never ok. You’re the one sexualizing something that’s not sexual and now making very serious accusations based off of your own toxic mindset. Stop doing that. Now. It’s ok to not like it. It’s not ok to project your own paranoia onto others.

However…I absolutely do think that woman is a serious issue if she’s disrespecting you in your own home. That child is YOUR child. She has absolutely NO RIGHT to undermine your parenting. That does raise a huge red flag. Kick her out asap.

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Kids are weird on their own, but if you don’t trust her with your kids why is she there??

Be worried!!! Be VERY worried!!! If your child was not exhibiting “those types” actions ever before…RED FLAG!!! Get her out your house and away from those children A.S.A.P!!! RUN dont walk, get rid of her!!!

Kids are going to do stuff that you don’t want them to, ecspecially if you throw a fit

Don’t judge other parents just because you don’t like it. Just don’t look if you like it


Place a Nanny cam around and that way you can go back over what has happened through the day with your little one

I wouldn’t allow my child alone with her for literally 1 second. Get her out of that house immediately because if anything happens and u did nothing, u WILL be held accountable in a court of law and possibly have your child taken away.

Could he have seen some adult situations on TV or YouTube? Some pretty weird crap pops up when kid stuff is typed in sometimes…js. I’d start by looking at internet history on all devices he can access.

You do judge parents who kiss their kids on lips or you dont judge

Get her out. Your kids come first, always.

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I am shocked by some of these comments! If you feel some type a way go with your GUT!

If this was a man you were asking an opinion about 99% would say RUN TRUST YOUR SELF! If you know or feel like something is not right then ITS NOT RIGHT!!

First of all your sentences are run-on sentences.
You are a terrible writer where did you go to school? I’m assuming you failed English lol. You should take a grammar course where you learn proper English and learn how to actually put periods at the end of sentences like a normal person… Good lord that was a headache to read just from your terrible grammar alone! :woman_facepalming:t2:

If your gut is telling you otherwise what is she still doing there? Id booted her ass out already. But if anything probably saw it on tv or kids mimic everything.

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Sorry but if I thought someone was doin something to my kid I’d have them up by the neck until I had an explanation :woman_shrugging:t2:

Sounds like you need to do a background check and talk to the police if you find anything. I would install pinhole cameras in the public spaces not bedroom or bathrooms just to see if you can see anything. I don’t like strangers. I bought a small place immediately several people were asking if I needed a room mate I was like nope nope nopitty nope

I’m so confused. Are you taking about your 1 year old or you bf?

You’re a Mother, if your Gut is telling you something isn’t right, then TRUST YOUR GUT!!! GET that WEIRD Woman out of your house and your child’s
Life!! ASAP!! Just my opinion!! :100::100::100:

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They will never steer you wrong. That is your guide actually guiding you and trying to protect your family.

Idk but that tongue thing would have me fighting


Go with your gut. Personally me just reading this I got a very bad gut vibe.

This group is WEIRD y’all try to make everything seem normal that is NOT!!! This is NOT normal!!! I hate it for some of y’all kids!! :person_facepalming:t4::put_litter_in_its_place::mask:

Get her out of there immediately!

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Get rid of her trust your gut dude even if your wrong rather be safe than sorry

Sounds like a normal teething baby with a perverted mom🤦🏻‍♀️ those are the things that seriously run through your mind? C’mon now


My boys 10 months old loves toes :laughing::laughing:

Yea you should be worried and protect that child from more abuse

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You better get her out…girl.

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Kick her out easy as 1,2,3​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::ok_hand:t2:

Go to his pediatrician ASAP and get him examined. Run don’t walk.


Kick her out ASAP take him to be checked please