Do you think the weird things my kid is doing could be related to our roomate?

I thought this was going to be a joke and her 1 yr old was a puppy. Just me?! :grin:

Boot her. Your kid is to young to verbalize if they are being abused. But kids do act out what they see. Go with your gut.

Get her out now or leave with ur boy get him checked out by doc asap and when u started having gut feelings u should have acted on them there and then to many kids fall thru the cracks because people dont act on there judgment on whats happining id rather i took my kid to b checked over to find out was wrong rather then find out later u were right nobody can judge u on going with ur instinc even if wrong

Why did he move this lady in? Seems odd. Do you trust your boyfriend? It all seems suspish.

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Kids are kids no one knows what actually goes though their heads they can do things to make you think “oh your very clever” but they can also do things that have you “wtf your a weird child” they are strange strange humans I wouldn’t jump to the conclusions you may be jumping towards the relationship you have with this woman will also play a huge part in your doubt sort of creating issues in your head where she’s always to blame …. I would sit down with her and your partner and talk things over and set clear boundaries of what and whats not acceptable behaviour towards your child

Time for an eviction notice. Unless your child is being harmed No one has a right to argue with you about your kids, especially a roommate.

This is very natural actually. My 1 year old likes to give kisses on the lips and will stick his tongue out during kisses. I just pull away and tell him no. He also finds it funny to lick peoples feet and suck on toes. He just laughs about it

Sounds like normal toddler behavior to me tbh. I never met a little one that DIDNT hump or try to kiss or let alone chew on weird things. They don’t understand. You may think they do. But they really don’t.

You don’t like her and your trying to use your child’s behavior (which is normal) as an excuse to make her leave. Just tell her to leave, stop using your child as an excuse.

If you have to question it or feel uncomfortable around her or suspect anything funky, trust your gut and kick her out.

All I read was side lady living in your house and the kids or kid is probably seeing to much

Be worried. If you and this lady don’t get along she shouldn’t be in your house.

Get cameras if you have a gut feeling it could be something. Better to be safe than sorry. Could be innocent but then again could not.

My 2 year old has started kissing on the mouth when he never did before. That part I find pretty normal. The toe thing, idk. I play bite my kids feet, but they have never sucked a toe. I would say that isn’t too weird, eventhough I haven’t experienced it personally. And the humping is definitely normal. It’s not humping, but I know what you’re talking about. All my kids did or currently do it. You can always take your baby to his pediatrician and have her evaluate the situation though. She’s going to be much better trained than any of us mommas off Facebook. Oh, and kick that woman out! Hope this helps!

If you are not comfortable with this person, have her move out.

I wouldn’t have someone I wasn’t comfortable with around my children, whether something is going on or not.

Ok others going against ur rules are never ok but no one should judge anyone we all grew up different. My son who will be 2 in 3 days does that too and i never understood it

When in doubt, get out. This is your CHILD you are talking about!

I would maybe keep an eye out like go to about her room and just watch closely how she is with your kids. Or hide nanny cams in the house. Trust your guy girl. Honestly I would ask her to leave

So… you’ll judge other parents for kissing their kids on the mouth… but your 3 other children don’t live with you :thinking: :frog::tea:… & if you’re questioning whether or not this woman is trustworthy, then trust your gut instincts and maybe tell her she should find somewhere else to live. She’s not family, so I wouldn’t even worry :woman_shrugging:t2:

Sounds like a normal 1 yo to me ? :joy:


He is only one year old. I doubt he has sexual urges. And unless he had witnessed this “humping” movement from someone obviously close to him. It’s probably just a restless squirming in he’s sleep. As for sucking on toes. Keep your feet away from he’s face yuk. Babies suck on anything when they are teething and they would swallow you if they could. My advice is to ask the lady to leave if you are not getting on.

You just trust your gut instinct and remove the concern from the picture. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. Clearly you have an uneasy feeling about this human and that’s all you really need. If your motherly instincts tells you something isn’t right go with it.

If you don’t get along with her it’s time for her to go PERIOD! If you think something is going on set up cameras or just trust your gut! Most kids do what they see​:woman_shrugging:t5: maybe your son has saw this behavior and your just not aware of it :woman_shrugging:t5: maybe your man moved his cougar in and they go behind your back thinking your son is t to young to say anything and him acting that way is how he is telling you :woman_shrugging:t5: it could be many different things or also nothing at all but regardless if you don’t get along with her she needs to go

Definitely odd behavior the tongue and toe sucking definitely… kids do mimic things to how do you know he didn’t see you and boyfriend do something. Or maybe boyfriend and lady doing something together that he has seen . Or anyone else he’s been around can’t just jump gun . Assume it’s just the lady . It could be her . But could also be anyone else he’s around . So think of everyone he’s been around. And investigate. And if he’s mostly around you and lady and boyfriend. Than he’s learning it from one of yall .

Personally I would look into the relationship with this woman and your husband. Maybe he’s seeing them do these things.

Go with your gut if your wrong your wrong better than chancing your kid is being hirt

I would have kicked her out already just for the arguing with me over what I say goes with my kid. You need to go to the police cause someone is not acting right around your kid. Especially if all this came out of the blue. You also should have left like yesterday. If this behavior didn’t start with your bf around, give him an ultimatum. Either you or her but either way, go see the police.

I suggest putting some hidden cameras . People do this to protect there children from possible abuse from sitters/nannies. This would be physical proof .

Listen to ur gut! And get her out of ur house, gor the sake of ur child.


1 year olds do those things though… my daughter does and she is only ever with me

If it was me I wouldn’t let her near my kids

So many people out here be letting there kids around everyone… yall gotta be just as picky who you let around your kids as you would eat potato salad at a cooked smdh

What is normal - babies doing weird shiz for no apparent reason

What is not normal - letting a starger stay with you when you don’t trust them

Kids are kids and don’t know better but Why risk it?? those are big red flags and if y’all alreadyhave issues, why keep her around?

My youngest used to kiss me on the cheek mouth wide open with tongue out

Have you ever left your child alone with her?

The man who groomed my daughter for sexual abuse was teaching sticking out the tongue he went for 10 years for doing it to his step sister instead

I would rather be safe than sorry and go on Amazon and get discreet cameras for each room you can watch and record from your phone through wifi just go be SURE… That’s just me… You NEVER know…

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Probably from watching you & bf make out

Kerri Marie Hassell 100% this. Like wut? Its a 1 yr old. I can promise you a 1yr old isn’t knowingly being sexual towards you. Like wtf is this mom thinking? If it was a older toddler or pre puberty then I may be concerned about humping but that’s only if it was done in a sexual manner. This post has got to be BS.

Why are you having more kids when you don’t even have the kids you all ready have? :thinking:

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Do you leave your child alone with the woman?

How come your eldest kids don’t live with you?

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Although this could be normal, TRUST YOURSELF and you’ll never regret it!

Trust your gut and DO NOT let her stay. Ask her to find another place to live. Always trust your gut.


Nornal…it will stop soon and something else will be occurring

Trust your gut. Always trust your gut. I hope you have talked to your boyfriend about the situation.


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: these are all red flags, listen to your gut!


Foot fetishism at the age of 1. That’s fantastic.

I kiss my daughter goodbye on the lips everytime I see her and she leaves. Maybe your the weird one :rofl::rofl:

Idk… My 20 month old started this around 15 months. Sniffing everyones feet- hers, ours, her dolls, the animals. And biting our toes and knees. Also grabbing our faces and kissing our mouth with baby slobber. Safe to say we have an oddball on our hands :joy: Could just be a baby thing but keep a close eye on the lady if your gut is telling you something.

Get her out of your home!


Listen to your gut. It’s rarely wrong, especially when it pertains to your own children

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You don’t need proof your gut is enough


Get her the fuck out! :slightly_frowning_face:


This whole situation makes me think you need to take this to jerry springer


I would go with your gut and ask her leave it’s your home and if you feel uncomfortable tell her to go , just say u need the space for little one coming etc , xx

I stopped reading when you said, “I do judge parents who mouth kiss”. Now I’m tempted to go check my kid out of school, just to smooch her perfect little lips.

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I disagree with most of these women. Trust. Your. Gut.

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dont judge people when you dont even have your own kids and keep having more.


Trust your gut. Do what you feel is right and dont leave your baby alone with her since you don’t care for her.

You judge moms who kiss their children? What the F ……. Lol :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

If you’re so worried - why is your baby alone with her ? Get nanny cams or kick her ass to the curb. Simple.

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What is wrong with you? If u feel she isnt right why is she there? U cant undo what she is doing. Wake up

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Everything sounds normal for a kid, have your ever left him alone with her?? I’d just make sure they’re never alone if you have any worries🤷🏻‍♀️

Trust your gut feeling. You have been a parent before

You need to go with your gut. She might be abusing your child.

Baby protect you kids they can’t protect themselves & no one else will stand up for them like you #somethingissuspicious

Go with it!- you’ve got motherly instincts for a reason!! Time for her to go…

My kid did that and I had no roommates and she didnt go to daycare. Kids are weird. She also liked to bite toes as she played on the ground.

Always trust your gut and dont question yourself.Get rid of her immediately

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Always and I mean ALWAYS listen to your gut when it comes to your babies

Trust your gut momma! It’s called “mother’s intuition” and mine is NEVER wrong!

I kiss my kids on the lips and anyone who thinks it’s weird needs to go get help I will always show my kids love and affection and why would u have someone staying in ur hlme around ur kids who u don’t even like that’s weird in its self get rid of her if u don’t like her then theirs no issue


Trust your gut and kick her out, all those sound sexual

Omg. You don’t need to accuse her of some awful act to get her out of your house. Just tell her to leave.

She has to go. Ur child has seen something. So sorry

Your gut will tell you everything!

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Kick her out regardless! :woman_shrugging: I’ve had people live with me and it only ends badly one way or another! :roll_eyes:

Idk my 1 year old is a toe biter and a open mouth kisser, I don’t allow either of those but he still just does it. I go for cheek kisses just because I feel it’s important to show affection and it’s not weird but he sees me kiss my husband all the time so he’ll usually go for mouth kisses if he catches me off guard. My brother though head butting was kisses so he’d slam his forehead into yours and make a kiss noise. My son even spent 10 minutes trying to put the tip of my dogs tail in his mouth after he already managed it once and realized it was gross (I keep my dog super clean but still it’s a dogs tail). My aunt was super into certain textures so she’d steal my grandmas lingerie to sleep with (it was the right satin texture for her idk). Kids just do weird shit sometimes :woman_shrugging:t3: they grow out of it.


If you have this feeling get her out now

Never ignore your gut feeling when it comes to your children.

Go with your gut. They need to go.


I’m sorry, why don’t your older children live with you? You don’t kiss your kids? Sounds like you should focus on your life and being a parent then about your child’s weirdness. Also, don’t judge ones that kiss our kids and we wont judge for you allowing weird people around and not have your children living with you.


Trust your gut. I say send her on her way. There can only be ONE queen in the household and that’s you!

Your boyfriends other live in girlfriend may be doing weird stuff around your kids.

Kick her out and trust your gut.

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My 1 year old has a foot obsession and def tried to kiss me with his tongue sticking out just the other day and found it hilarious; my self and my very trusted babysitter are his only caregivers, he did not “learn it” I think it’s totally normal, the “humping” is likely him rocking himself, I’ve seen my own children do all of these behaviors

If you even have to question this woman she should be gone

How much unsupervised time does the roommate have with your children? That would be my first concern.


Almost all babies do things like that. It’s normal. If you don’t like the woman then don’t leave your baby alone with her.


It’s great you are open to the idea that you are over reacting because you don’t like this woman. That might be the truth. My son is 2 and just started to lick my hubby and I. Arm leg feet whatever. He’s never really been baby sat so I know nothings happening to him and he’s not seeing us do anything inappropriate because I’m super careful. That being said those things can also be signs of physical abuse. So I would talk with your partner and let him know how you feel and that you would like this woman to be gone. You could also take him to doctors and let them know you concern and go from there with what they recommend.

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At least now I know why you judge parents who kiss their children on the mouth. You literally sexualize everything…kids are weird and don’t know about sexual things. My daughter breastfed for a whole year and she used to up to the age of 3 just stick her hand down my shirt to grab my boob. It was usually when she was trying to fall asleep or was sick. It was her comfort. Honestly the only way you would be worried abput this lady “teaching” him things is if you have left him alone with her. As a parent idk why you would ever leave a stranger alone with your son. Stop sexualizing the things your son does…that’s weird.

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I’d go with your gut on this one and talk to your husband about it

i still kiss both my parents on the mouth…

Trust your gut…make her l leave.

“I judge people that kiss their kids” well then, I judge someone that’s pregnant with number five and isn’t raising three of them.


Why don’t your oldest kids live with you? One is too young to be picking up those habits, babies go through oral stages, which is normal. I think you taking a parenting class would help you understand better. There’s also child development books that can help you understand the phases kids go through.

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I would follow your gut instinct. Not to say she’s doing anything inappropriate. But if you & her aren’t fans of one another why is she living in your home? This is probably a conversation you should be having with your boyfriend.

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Sounds like a baby being a baby