Do you tip when you are just picking food up?

sit down yes, and if I get excellent service I tip very well. Average service gets average tip. Delivery I give a standard tip. picking up no tip unless it’s a large order or special request. If you’re on the drive thru then I dont tip and I would be APPALLED if someone really asked me for a tip

That was supposed to say minimum wage is not enough try to support a family on that

As someone that has been in the food service for many years you should never ask for a tip that should be something that you earn and some places are tipping pickups but not a lot and drive through absolutely not

Depending on the place there may be someone whose only job is to go orders and they may not get min wage due to the owner’s expectation of them getting tips, or they may be people who make to go orders in addition to their other duties as well. They may be a floor server or some sort of host or cashier, and doing to go orders can often put someone behind, especially if both the sit down space and to go orders are full all at once. They take the order, sometimes cooks box it up but sometimes it’s them, put it all together, put in sauces/plasticware/etc and handle the transaction when you pick up. When I was a server I often had to manage my time between tables and to go orders, and sometimes the to go’s do not stop coming in, which can make it difficult not to neglect either the people who took the time to come in or the to go orders, and either way people get pissy about it. And personally, I always paid more mind to those who sat down and came for the experience, if in a situation where I had to choose. Again, it heavily depends on the place and how they have set everything up. Fast food employees I don’t usually tip as, especially where I live, they actually make more per hour than many other jobs around here. Plus with fast food it is expected that to go orders will make up the majority of orders, so that’s one of the main parts of their job and pay anyway. Baristas are a different story though, I always tip them, bartenders, etc. And ALWAYS tip for delivery drivers, because they usually aren’t fairly compensated for fuel and often don’t keep the delivery fee. A lot of people don’t tip for to go’s though, and I honestly never got too bent out of shape about it personally, unless it was a huge order that took up a bunch of everyone’s time (like for a luncheon or something, bc for those orders I always split my tip with the cooks/anyone else who helped). Ultimately it’s your preference, and while some people may be pissed if you dont tip for to gos, many also understand the struggle lol.

We tip every time unless it’s super shitty/rude service. If we just pickup $5. If it’s delivery we give $10 plus tip if the order is correct, hot/cold and stored properly (when in the city). If we dine in it’s 20-25% of bill. If it’s amazing service we tip even more. If it’s fast food at a drive thru, we usually pay with debit/credit and don’t tip. (Rarely the order is right lol! I’ve even received mouldy wraps. :woman_shrugging: ) However, if we happen to pay with cash, if there’s change left over it goes to them or into a bin such as Ronald McDonald House bin or Tim Horton’s for Kids bin. If you can afford to eat out and not buy groceries or make dinner, imo, a person can then also afford to tip. The same if you go to a club. If you’re drinking, you make sure you save enough money for the cab home. Plus a tip for the driver. Unless you end up with a scary ride. And some money should be allotted for tipping your servers. That’s just us. I find that people who have never worked in the service industry are the ones who refuse to tip. They just don’t understand the work put into it, timing, etc. or how hard it is to be on your feet that many hours with no breaks, rarely eat, and How many brutal hours you have to work for a wage that doesn’t even allow you to actually have a life. (We are in Canada). When we went to Cuba, we spent over $2000 on tips alone.

I tip at sit down restaurants and for delivery. I do not tip if it’s a drive-thru or if I’m picking something up.

If they ask for a tip it’s a hard no from me. I tip if I receive good food and service when dining out but not for drive through or pick-up

If I sit down and have a person waiting on me then yes. At a drive through or if I pick it up then no. A waitress makes far less than someone in a drive thru. I drove there so there’s no reason to tip. If I order for delivery then yes.

Curious to see how many of the people that seem to be so opinionated and self righteous about the audacity of people working for tips have ever actually worked in the service industry.

Seems like nowadays everyone expects a tip. Bug man,water softener salt delivery,landscapers,nail techs,hairdressers and just about everyone else! These are jobs people get paid to do. We hire them and pay what they ask and we are still expected to give them more. If I pay someone $100 to do 2 hrs of work they are not getting a tip! I do tip servers though.

If they ask for a tip it’s a hard no from me, if I receive good food and service whilst dining in, then I tip. If it’s drive thru or pick up I don’t

I am an XX server been on both sides

I definitely wouldn’t tip someone’s who’s asking for it. I tip for Dine in and delivery. Drive thru never.

Unless I’m sitting down eating at a restaurant I’m not tipping.
It’s getting out of hand, and I’m not tipping you for doing your job

I only tip doordash drivers, GrubHub, any Instacart type stuff. If I’m picking up and they bring my food I might give them 2 dollars, maybe. I don’t really think it’s “fair” to tip someone who brings me my order two feet away from my car lol. I don’t get it. It’s weird. Things are weird these days.

Tip your insurance agent :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I would like tax free money too

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I don’t understand the concept of tipping someone for doing their job. I tip a waitress…she makes my experience better and makes little money…the young person handing me my pizza I drove there for???the Chinese takeout? I just don’t think so


If I don’t go inside I’m not tipping. I tip because they come bk n forth a million times. I’m not tipping a single drive through. That is the job they choose sooooo that’s all.


No. I’m tired of it … Everything is so so expensive. I do tip and sit downs…and delivery drivers that’s it. I’m sorry people count on tips as their pay but I’m not doing it. Sowwwyyy

They actually verbally ask for a tip?

I don’t tip hourly pay employees to hand me food out a window. I tip drivers using their own vehicle because for the most part- they aren’t hourly paid . Same with wait staff serving me. If I’m taking it home, plating it, drive to get it, and serving myself- you’re not getting a tip.


Depends on the situation, i work on a tipped income so i am grateful for anything, if you give me good, kind service im gonna tip you. Now if you are gonna flat out ask me for A TIP before givin an opportunity to decide if i will.leave 1 than i will.most likely NOT TIP YOU dont be an assumer, know your job and isnt that panhandling lightweight :thinking::thinking:


If it’s dine in or delivery I’ll tip. Other than that no way. You’re just doing your job getting paid hourly.

If they ask ., then NO! It’s rude

I tip at places like that even if its 5 dollars just not at like fast food places

Yes I tip. 10% for pickup. 20+% for dine in. Cooks are still cooking. Servers are still answering the phone and taking your order, bagging it and makingsure its correct, ringing you through, all while serving others in house.
It’s never expected but always nice. Many servers still tip out the kitchen and bussers on those orders and pay taxes.

I know these workers don’t get paid enough to deal with crappy customers everyday… so yeah I’ll tip , even if it’s just $1

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I tip when at a restaurant and seated. I tip for delivery of food etc. I sometimes tip for a pickup at a restaurant but feel I shouldn’t don’t know why I do. I will not and do not tip at a drive thru

If I’m not sitting down I do not tip anymore. Now if I sit down to eat and they have brought me drinks, my food, menus, and everything then yes I will tip you.


I don’t but my 13 year old daughter and her friend ran in Pizza Hut to pick up a Togo order for me and tipped $20 “because she was nice”. :flushed::joy:


No, that’s why I get it to go.

As a hostess i can tell you, I make orders for people coming in to pick it up. It’s nice to be tipped because we are putting your food together, making sure everything is right, making sure you have all your condiments, silverware etc. All while doing a million other jobs. It’s nice to have a small tip to say “Thank you” since ya know we take time out of our day to work and put those things together for you. I’m also one of those employees that MAKES SURE you have everything you need in said order. It’s not easy when you have 10 orders to do, seat people, and check people out all at the same time. It’s nice to tip. Then waitresses make their wages off their tips. It wouldn’t matter quite as much if they made minimum wage. Now we DO NOT ASK the customer to tip, but if you don’t we remember you and warn servers when the “non tippers” come in. It’s basic respect, tipping them when they wait on you hand and foot. Then only leave a 2 dollar tip on a 100 dollar order. TIP YOUR SERVERS.

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No you are tipping for the service in a sit down restaurant. You aren’t tipping the chef who cooked it nor are you tipping the cashier when you leave. The tip is for the person who took care of you. So no a carry out is like going to the store, would you tip the cashier??

I am a server and honestly never expect a tip. I think to expect a tip is a bit presumptuous. However if you don’t tip me I assume you either forgot or you just don’t tip. The kitchen cooks your food but the server does everything else for you. Once that ticket is cooked the cook is done with you. The server does everything from refilling drinks to cleaning up spills to taking your empty plates or bringing you to go boxes. They then bring you your tab making sure everything is correct, discounting if the cook screwed up, and making sure this is done in a timely matter. Regardless if they make minimum wage or not servers work their assets off and if they are good why wouldn’t you tip?

A lot of sit down restaurants now add like a 10 percent gratuity on pick up. So if you normally tip, make sure you ask for the receipt just so you know what you’re actually tipping. If they don’t already add it, I always tip when I pick up. I also leave a tip at coffee/drink places. I do not leave a tip at a fast food place tho.

Nah you don’t tip for drive thru or pick up.:woman_shrugging:

Can’t get myself to tip robotic food services, though. If you never see or speak to a live person, who gets the $$?

It’s ridiculous! I was a teacher assistant. I never got tips and the pay sucked! My hours were cut and we were expected to do same work in less time. I wouldn’t do it!


Absolutely not if you are just picking up. Almost a year ago the lady at the pick up counter at chilis was just looking at me confused when I started to walk out with my food then she asked about a tip, she stared me down when I said she didn’t get a tip because no service was given by her at all. I placed an order through an app, I drove to the restaurant, I parked my car and walked in, I was handed a bag of food at a desk. The only person that did anything at the restaurant worthy of a tip would’ve been the cook but cooks don’t get tips


Minimum wage sucks. Just tip and get over it. :roll_eyes: Most of these places stated above don’t even pay a living wage. If it’ll break your wallet to leave a $2 tip at a fast food window then maybe eat at home.

Depends. If fast food offers the option on the credit card machine like Sunday does—than yes. Even if a little. At a restaurant…ABSOLUTELY. I’m a chef and there is nothing more challenging and sometimes annoying than to say “yes” and agree to fulfill someone’s request to come pick up food that is taking the extra steps in packing it to go and in between our other orders/reservations. On a busy night…we fall behind briefly for in house service because lazy people want to order on the phone and get away with it “cheaper” because the alternative requires a tip. All the time I’m constantly promising to be done doing take out orders. Everyone’s ungrateful and they never consider what it costs a kitchen as far as time and amount of help to ensure the rest of the restaurant is going around as needed. So yes. You fucking tip. No matter what. If someone is doing a service for you that you can’t do, shouldn’t do or simply don’t want to do…you tip. Shouldn’t even be a question.

The American tipping culture is just a way to keep businesses from paying people livable wages. It literally began because white business owners didn’t want to pay black employees. We need to catch up & stop allowing employers to underpay their employees. Don’t give me crap that costs will go up either. Other countries don’t share our tipping culture, pay their employees well & prices aren’t crazy. The ONLY reason prices would go up is the business owners greed.

i tip 5 dollars for pick up or delivery my choice never did anyone ask me for a tip that rude asf n i prolly would walk out n leave them stuck with my order

For just pickup. Nope I don’t.


I will only tip delivery drivers and waitstaff that WAITS on me, clearing plates, refilling drinks, etc

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I’m so sorry to say I’m on a fixed income and sometimes able to eat out and I do feel bad not to give a good tip but I do try my hardest but that’s only for sit down eating take out I don’t practically everyone is trying to adjust to the high cost of living it’s impossible to keep up it’s just very expensive and stressful xx

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I always have a answer when being asked for tips, My response to this is, well let me try your food before I pay for it and will base your tip upon my thoughts, Some will laugh and we know the others thoughts !!

They deserve better pay by their companies! I say shame on the businesses for making them ask for a tip when they should just be paying them an adequate wage. I only tip when it’s a sit down. And always tip well. We shouldn’t have to pay tips for everyone everywhere we go. I understand why you ask this question because I too feel guilt for not tipping every time asked. Their company should be taking care of the employees. A lot needs to change!


Yes. It kinda makes up for the ones that don’t or can’t tip in my eyes. I have been that server way before I was able to afford to eat out

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I think the first question is, do you live in a state where the wait staff only makes like $2.65 an hour before you tip or do you live someplace like Washington where they’re paid at least minimum wage like the rest of us? If my coffee stand worker is making a minimum of $15.74 an hour to make me coffee then no I don’t feel like I should have to tip them. A tip is supposed to be for when they do something exceptional. Now if you live somewhere that they’re depending on that $5 tip to buy their kids lunch then I’d be more inclined to tip but for pick up orders I still wouldn’t tip real high.

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I only tip when someone does a service for me. Like delivering my food, or serving me food. I do not and will never tip at a fast food place unless I order for pick up and they bring it to me outside.

For instance at subway the other day I got the “add a tip” option, and I said no. Because it’s their job to make the sandwich fresh for me and ring me up. Had they filled my drink and brought me the sandwich outside so I didn’t have to go in I would have though.

Simple as that.


i usually tip a buck or so if i can spare it

When the froyo place asked me on the keypad for a tip I was like wait…all you did was weigh my ice cream and take my money lol

I only tip if I’m sitting down at a restaurant or having food delivered

I tip because like Starbucks have to share them with more than one person.

If I’m doing carry out I don’t tip. If I’m dining in I always tip.

Only when I dine in or delivery

I worked in a restaurant, and would have been fired on the spot for asking for a tip. I tip for service ( and well), but not usually for a to-go order or picking up my own food.

Subway has a tip button now when you pay with debit

I don’t leave a tip if I go to Chinese restaurant and get a to go plate and then come back and pay or at subway when using my debt card. But if I call in for a take out meal when they bring it to the car I usually give them up to $4.00 or $5.00 in cash. I do leave one if I eat inside the restaurant and the service is good

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I’m 71 years old and have never been asked for a tip… I always tip when I sit down at a restaurant…DIANE…

Never tip when pushed to it

If I like the service and I go there often I do sometimes. Normally no.

I used to only tip the usual waitress, hair stylist, etc. Then I tried keeping up with tipping at coffee shops, picking up food, etc until it got to the point I was tipping every where. I finally decided not to get on board with the new tipping culture and I think everyone should boycott it. Make employers responsible for their employees!!!

If that happens around here I will just drive off.

I’ve never been ASKED to tip when picking up my order. But if there’s a jar there or if a tip option on the app then I will tip. Every little bit helps & I don’t mind.

I ALWAYS tip in a sit down restaurant.

Waiters and waitresses are not paid min. Wage this is why we tip in restaurants and also your special groomers etc. BUT this thing og tipping EVERYONE doing their job is ridiculous. I hate when I order something on the internet and see they added a couple dollars as a tip! It is out of control! It the same as a company that advertises free shipping and charges a handling charge!

I agree with you. I drove through a McDonald’s just to get an unsweetened iced tea and the cashier said "I accept tips ". I was stunned!


If I am at a sit down restaurant, yes I tip. Fast food, picking up my order, or otherwise, no. Who would I be tipping? The cook? I don’t tip them when I am in the restaurant eating. The person who put the container in a bag? No I don’t see it.

You don’t tip when you go through a drive through or pick up an order.

Only at the local coffee shop. If I’m picking up food elsewhere then no. Dining in or delivery I do based on service. If the place automatically adds it on then we don’t go there. It’s not my place to pay their employees wages.