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"Do your kids have rights in school? Our elementary school denys the kids to call parents for personal matters. For example my 8 year old daughter in formed her teacher she was having problems with her bra and she asked if she could call me due to personal issues(she is very private and doesn’t like to share information about herself) the teacher told her to go sit back down. Do our kids have to tell a teacher why they want to call home? Can the teachers deny our kids that right?"
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"It’s not right, but yes they have that right to not allow children to call their parents. Your child is their prisoner."
"My kids can’t call home except if they r sick"
"I would call the school and talk with the principal. My kids school takes away their cell phone if they even see it in their pocket, but does allow them to go to main office to make a phone to parent if needed. So yeah definitely speak with the school principal so if it is allowed they can communicate that to the teachers."
"I couldn’t call home unless I went to the nurse and my kids were the same. I don’t blame her if she’s 8 and already wearing a bra to be private about it. Tell her next time to go to the nurse but she may have to tell the nurse what the problem is"
"They would have to request to go to the nurse office and once there she can call you. I know my kid isn’t allowed to use his cellphone while in school but he has still called me from the nurse office when he needs to communicate with me."
"It’s school policy at most schools that kids can’t just call home. They are afraid it would be abused. I think if she told her teacher the reason then she should of found a solution or called a parent."
"My daughter has never had this issue, if she says she needs to call me for something they send her to the counselors office to call, she just use her cell phone if it’s during class time, which I get."
"Schools seems to think they have power over our kids, if your worried provide your child with a mobile if old enough and mature enough n get them to call u during break or lunch other than that they not usually allowed to call u other than being sick at the office."
"We were never allowed to call home unless we were sick. And then sometimes they still wouldn’t let you call you just had to lay down in the nurses office to make sure you didn’t get to feeling better."
"Our school nurse would never call the parents either. One time my daughter was accidentally pushed against a broken trash can and the broken plastic scraped her all up her side and her leg and they didn’t call. The teachers most of the times won’t send kids to office if they say they don’t feel well. My oldest daughter is in 5th and I tell her to bring her phone to school, she knows she’s not allowed to play on it or bring it out only if it’s not an emergency. But I tell her to call or text me from the bathroom and she’s having a problem the teachers or nurse won’t help with."
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