Did your periods get worse after a tubal? I’m really out here every month feeling like I’m gonna die since I had mine done in December. They are also very steadily getting worse each month. I also have PCOS, MTHFR, & Factor V. I’m MISERABLE.
Sometimes it felt like I was in labor thats how bad the pain was after having mine done …
Yes it does. I had my tubes tied 3mths after I had my son, and when I had my first period after having that surgery, it was horrible!!! I could barely walk because I was hurting so bad, I was extremely nauseous and bleeding so bad. I’ve never had a period that bad before. It’s not as bad now but it’s still pretty bad. I regret having it done.
I had mine done when I had my last c-section. I don’t notice any difference at all. Sounds like I’m an odd one though going off the comments
I wished they would have taken all of it out
Mine did, but it normalized in about 8-10 months.
Mine did for about 5 years very heavy and fatigue finally getting better this year though.
Yes it did i had semi heavy periods before but after my 4th kid i had my tubes tied and they are horrible bleeding the whole 7 days the first 3/4 days i literally have to change every hour and double up on pads at night. I also have PCOS
Yes I had mine removed and pain was so horrible and almost bleeding for 2 weeks, doctor put me back on birth control