Do your toddler constantly ask for sweets?

Do your toddlers ask for cookies & other sweets constantly? Other than giving a little for dessert or after school even daily or not having it in the house, how do we stop those cravings for them? It’s gotta be a craving for sugar but don’t want them to be deprived & binge as a teenager or adult later on so I give something daily.


I don’t have toddlers anymore but when I did they would ask all the time! I would give them one sweet thing to eat and if they continued to ask I would offer them fruit or something else healthy!

Oh yes they do :rofl::rofl: it’s never ending “something nice”

Think its a kid thing! My 2 year old will be starving and says “ooo mommy im so hungry” in will reply oky what do you want to eat? Anything i will make it and the follow up answer will be! Neeeeee mamma ek is honger vir Sweets!(noooooo mommy im hungry for sweets):joy::joy::joy:


My child constantly asks for sweeties and chocolate smh I just tell him no but you can have a yoghurt

If that’s what their used to getting, that’s what they’ll be asking for I would switch up the snack options!

If you don’t have them in the house it’s easier not to have them wanting them.

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Pediatric nurse practioner here…every food group is fine in moderation. Sweets can be fruit as well plenty of sugar in fruit. Make sure the tot is brushing their teeth regularly and that you are giving a toddler size portion of whatever sweet they are asking for. I’m not going to say it’s terrible because I don’t know the portion or item you are giving. If you are letting them eat a box of little Debbie’s a day = bad. I would say bloodwork wouldn’t hurt just to rule out any conditions that prompt cravings (I’m not going to list them as it just creates anxiety and worry).


My children are not allowed sweets besides fruit but they definitely ask for lots of different kinds of fruit. They don’t ever complain and candy is just not a thing in my house but a little balance is fine also. Follow your gut momma


They’ll believe anything is a sweet if you tell them. Brightly coloured fruit etc. I used to tell my kids cheese and brocoli quiche was cake lol

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We give sweets a lot for diffent things but we also don’t user possesed sugars ( white sugar) that’s very damaging to your gut health and your teeth. I make everything from scratch and treats are earned not just passed out.

My boys are homeschooling so if they finish their work without a fight they can have a treat if they do all their chores they can have a treat.
Biggest thing is my boys would much rather eat fruit. My family was laughing at Thanksgiving that they refused desserts and killed the fruite bowls my mom made.
Your child might have a sugar craving from the over prossesed sugars and let me tell you its not going to be easy to cut him from it. I stopped sugar a year ago and I had headaches, fatigue, felt sick and craved sugar even more. Now I can’t do sugar it makes me ill. So do keep that in mind if you offer sweets and want to cut them out