I’m sure I’m in the minority, but anyone else dislike baby wearing because it’s so uncomfortable? I see so many moms fawn over how great it is, but I just feel like I’m lugging around bricks when I tried with my boys and now with my nieces baby. My back instantly hurts. It’s like bringing a tire up each stair. I’m out of shape, but I cant be alone! Lmao
My back hurts too. But for me, its more for my sanity on the baby not crying.
Probably the carrier you’re using. I like Ergo
The right carrier helps a ton
The right carrier helps a ton
Yeah I had an ergo and some other ones but after a while my back would bother me. It would just be easier to not use it.
I wanted to love it but my son hated it
The right carrier makes all the difference
Like mentioned above the carrier is probably a huge problem. Fit is everything. I didn’t start out to be a baby wearing momma it just happened lol it was just so much more convenient lol
I like carrying because its easier for me to deal with my toddler when I’m in town without my husband. My back does hurt after a while but usually adjusting my carrier helps with it
I think you haven’t found the right carrier. I tried 7!! Finally settled on a Beco Gemini, I have a bad back and this carrier is the only one I’ve found that the straps cross in the back, it makes a WORLD of difference on my back!! Good luck momma.
I never liked baby wearing either. I did it when I had to, but I avoided it as much as I could. I have back issues though, so that made it worse
I don’t like it either but I have wiggly very vocal babies so maybe that’s why🤷🏼♀️
My babies were so big, wearing them was not fun and didnt last long. I feel like it is only for small babies.
You need to get a good baby carrier . I used a Tula baby and had a heavy baby. Have worn him for quite a few hours without any pain!
Got twins and even though I know it is possible, I just don’t wanna. I got enough trouble trying to carry myself around. Lol.
Yes it can be very hard on the back. I have a DIY wrap and a buckle one. For me if I put on my back it hurts worse than when I baby wear in the front for whatever reason. But in order for me to get stuff done sometimes this is how it goes.
How big is the baby you’re trying to carry
Oh my lord I hated it. My daughter hated it. I found that I would get ‘mom shamed’ by babywearers for not wearing her all the time.
‘You just haven’t found the right carrier’ Well I’m sorry Linda but I don’t have $200 each week to spend on a new freaking carrier because my kid hated the last one.
What worked for me? The stroller.
Find the right carrier higher on the chest not down on the belly if you wear them side on the side high back same thing high and tight it didn’t start bothering me until they got older usually about 9 months to a year and then I would tell my husband to do it it keeps my hands free if I have to carry them
I don’t like the idea because I wanna be Able to do stuff without holding my kid all the time. I didn’t want my kid spoiled by being held all the time and needing me a comfort. My sis in law can’t even walk outside or look like she’s leaving with out the kids dragging her pants legs or screaming and yelling throwing huge tantrums … I did not want to have to deal with that, besides that’s what buggies and strollers are for. I just wanted to be able to sleep in peace and do what I need to do without a baby in my hip all the time. I love my boys but it’s already hard enough to get stuff done and get shower being a stay at home mom, but I refuse to hold my child 24/7 and not be able to get stuff done.
I love the comments about finding the right carrier - who has the budget to buy the top ten “best” (read: expensive) carriers just to find the one that is comfortable?!? lol I tried a number of them - used - and if I liked one the baby didn’t. You can’t actually DO anything other than walk in them - couldn’t shop (can’t lean over into the cart to get things onto the belt) can’t clean at home, can’t cook, can’t do laundry, can’t sit comfortably, can’t garden…so…what’s the point? #teamstroller
My 10 week old is almost 15 pounds, after 30 minutes I’m done!
I carried them for 9 months and that’s enough for me if I need to go anywhere its bring the stroller 100%
I tried briefly. I realized I am too clutzy to pull it off. I almost wacked baby turning a corner. Took baby off and left the baby wearing to my hubby.
I couldn’t do it. When I nannied a baby, it didn’t bother me. I could NOT do it with my own when she was a baby!!!
I personally think that it depends heavily on personality of the parent, personality of the baby, and the carrier you use. We have a buckle-up strap carrier that both me and my daughter hate, but we love our Boba wrap. But it isn’t for everyone. Everyone has their own way of parenting, and if it works for you and your kid, that’s all that matters
It may be the carrier you have… I got all mine from.second hand stores… but even with the “right” carrier i hated it. I love holding my child but I didnt have the time or patience to hold him all day long.
I struggled with it too, until I got properly fitted with one! I saw a Doula who my OB recommended, because I was having SO MUCH back pain postpartum. She had a bunch of brands and styles to try. I thought a wrap style (like the Moby) would be best but it was sooooo not right for my son and I. We ended up with a Lillebaby and it was the best thing ever! It took having someone who knew what they were doing to get it adjusted properly for it to work for us, though.
Yes! Did not work for us. It killed my back and made both me and my son super hot. Only did it a few times before I gave up!
I’m small framed and have no torso… So I disliked baby wearing… I owned 4 wraps and rarely used them… a few I never opened…
Think its so dangerous. Trip up, fall forward thats your baby badly hurt or even worse
I never even tried it it don’t even look comfortable
What is Baby wearing?
Nope I never tried it lol It’s not a need. It works for some and not others. It’s also not good for the back and neck to carry a weight around daily no matter how fit you are. I learned this when my daughter was over a year and I carried her around on my hip a lot by habit. Strained my shoulder and upper arm on that one side. Took over a month to get back to normal and she had to learn to follow mommy while I healed lol
I hated it too. Not my thing. I used my stroller a LOT.
I didn’t do it for long, it made me so freaking hot! If you’re already prone to hormonal hot flashes, try adding a little mini heater to carry around! Baby loved it, me not so much…
I don’t mind it when he was small, I have bad knees and I’m already well over my original baby weight. My doctor doesn’t want me lifting over 20 pounds but the exception is my son who’s almost 30 and its rough
it always hurt i couldnt figure out a good way to do it but my fiance LOVED to wear him around that park and other places so i let him do it
I was never able to wear my baby! I was always in pain, and my daughter could never seem to stop moving lol. I’m jealous of those who could do it.
If it is uncomfortable to you then don’t do it. I myself loved it. It left my arms free and I did not have to stop to push a stroller.
I can’t longer than 20-30 mins. I have a Spinal injury after getting into an accident 3 months post partum
Don’t do it. If your back hurts, is not healthy. And don’t listen to all mothers on fb. Go and see a physiotherapist and you will be surprised of how many down sides are to baby wearing. I wore both of my babies, i loved it. But i would not recommend it in long term.
Couldnt do it. Tried with all 3 of mine. I never felt like I could take my hands off the baby, so it was useless.
I hate it, it hurts my back really fucking bad, within a minute or two. Unfortunately sometimes I have to, he hates being put down. So I’ll have to lug him around on my chest while doing a million other things
My kids each screamed when I tried. Repeatedly
I can’t stand it! Drives me crazy!
I hated it when my baby got massively fat
I had to try a couple different kinds with my two kiddos. Hubby loved our tula ring sling, while I couldn’t get it to sit right with my ginormous chest. So he wore our daughter everywhere if we needed it instead of the stroller our son, however, I tried one type of regular carrier, hated it bc I swore he was gonna fall out the bottom. Then my friend gave me her old one, and omg, it was the best thing ever. Easy to adjust and comfortable enough for my taste (I have some sensory issues.) Now, if he wasn’t such a damned heater would be nice lol
i hate not being able to see my feet when i’m walking, and my shoulders KILL ME while i baby wear. i definitely don’t unless i have to
my babies are to heavy so it didn’t work for me
My husband does all the baby wearing. I wore the baby for 42 weeks, now it’s his turn. Lol
I absolutely hated it !!
I hated it and so did my baby.
I don’t baby wear when it’s cold because we get a little sweaty in the wrap and when it’s time to come out if makes the cold bite a little harder. I use a moby wrap.