I think they do that to avoid bullying bc some kids got nicer and better school supplies than others. Also there are children whose parents can barely buy anything. So they kind of help each other with all the supplies. There are tons of foster children and children who live in an abusive environment and we don’t know it. If they are going to use a book note or a pencil that I bought for my children school supplies. I am happy to do so. Some families and some children are really unfortunate and if one of them are happy to have an spiderman book note and fun crayons , bc of me, and cheer them up a little, my child and I are happy to share
I’ve always bought extras and sent them in. I shop when there’s sales. What folders and notebooks I buy that my daughter picked out I just put her name on. It’s never been an issue for me.
Stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. It started when my kids were in elementary school! They are 30 and 25 now! I started buying the cheapest I could find and they had a few special items they didn’t have to share. It took away one of the best things all kids look forward to going back to school!!
We turned In everything to teacher as well 3 days before class started at open house…she then took the 3 days to individualy organize each child’s things for them in their cubby’s so they had it all available the first day. I’m sure she probably shares her crayons and things like that but for the most part she uses her things. Sorry ur daughters school is that way.
It takes a village, y’all.
I buy for my child and extra for children who may need some supplies.
So, the teacher puts everything in a communal box. It’s really not a big deal.
If my child is learning, it doesn’t matter with what paper and what pencil.
If I have it I’m sharing! I’m not teaching my child not to share! If I’m blessed I’m sharing a blessing .if I don’t have it I would like to thank the parents who shared so that my child didn’t go without and face bullying!
l Get paid over $113 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15741 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This. https://DollarsBox472.pages.dev/
I wrote my kids name on everything!!! I heard about this and thought it was nuts. Especially with the way stuff costs now a days.
I would never give the teacher nothing. This is not community’s supplies.
It’s not weird. The teacher wants to make sure when she needs the class to get out their pencil box, they have it. She just passes them out.
Depends on the class and the teacher. Many times my daughter got it keep everything.
My daughter gets to pick out and keep her pencil pouch, notebooks and things like that. But the crayons and pencils and all that are for the entire class. And that’s fine with me. Most of these teachers have to pay out of pocket for supplies if they run out. They are educating our children… least we as parents could do is help them out when we are able.
This is a thing in elementary school.
That’s often why the lists are brand specific.
A lot of it has to do with the age. Buying plain things that everyone shares helps cut down on distractions and bickering.
As they get older less and less things go to the communal area.
The only time I’ve had an issue is when we buy supplies meant to be able to be used one-handed (he’s got a paralyzed arm)
And in those instances Ive never had a teacher give me any issues.
Adding in. My son still brings home a bunch of “leftover” supplies at the end of the year.
Buying plain like requested I cannot tell if they were “his” at the beginning of the year. But some unused supplies did come home.
Although this wasn’t done with my eldest 2 it started when my now almost 18yr old was in elementary. I didn’t find it weird because as long as they had access I didn’t care. I also explained to them the why behind it. I did buy them “special” supplies that stayed in there desk or book bags though.
My children have always been able to keep every school supplies they’ve brought and they share school supplies and their lunches.
Our district provides everything so we don’t have this issue but I would be annoyed if this happened
I always write my child’s name on all of their things. I do purchase extra when I can afford too, for the teacher.
It’s been that way, so we only buy one or 2 cute things they keep with them cause the rest gets shared
If you purchased the school supplies she should be able to bring them home
The reason it goes to the teacher is so the child doesn’t use one pencil or whatever, then another and so on. They then have like 10 pencils in their desk. The teacher will give your child THEIR OWN supplies as YOUR CHILD needs them.
Schools do that because teachers pay out of pocket for supplies( and we don’t get pay enough) and sometimes not all children come to school with the supplies needed.
Yeah it is, I don’t like it. I mean let them keep something… we were allowed to when I was in school…
Usually on the school supply list it will say “Label items with your child name” if it’s kept in their desk or whatever, if it doesn’t say that it’s usually shared with the classroom.
Yup I write my kids name on everything, and each pencil crayon etc! I will not by we extra either.
Every single teacher od my kids in the past 5 years has done this. It is an effort to make kids equal in the classroom, instead of Missy over there having the most expensive of everything and little Cassie having nothing. Your kids can have whatever at home, but you shouldn’t go out of your way to get them the best of everything for school. Its unnecessary.
At the end of last year half my son’s school supplies came home at the end of the year unused. Why get supplies if they aren’t even being used??
I keep some supplies here at the house for my son, the “cute” stuff he picked. and I always try to send a little extra to school so that none of the kiddos have to go without. My son is in kinder but I also did this with my daughter, now in 7th grade, they don’t share
Not weird, some things go into group buckets. Things that say label with their names, like folders, are just for them. Other stuff just goes into a group box. Teachers have enough to deal with without having to keep everything separate. School supplies never go home til the end of the year. I would keep the cute stuff at home.
As far as pencils, glue sticks, extra expo markers thinks like that, I always send extra for whoever needs it. When it comes to their notebooks, folders, individual stuff, I put her name on it bc that will be hers. I don’t mind to share at all and give more when I can but what I buy for my child will be hers.
Last year my daughters teacher pooled all the supplies together I was pissed! I spend a lot on school supplies and it’s not fair I spend extra to get nice things for someone else to buy dollar tree crap and then my daughter gets it. I ended up asking for her supplies back and just gave it to my daughter as needed. This year her teacher put the “extras” in a cubby with their name on it and I thought that was a much better idea
after reading some of these responses I’m relieved my kids aren’t in public schools
That would be a NO from me!! They can request that parents help with school supplies, but they cannot confiscate what you bought and paid for! We don’t live in China yet!
Your kids are in school 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for, 9, sometimes 10 months of the year.
Kids write, color, craft, take notes, go through homework and activity packets, clue, paste, cut and color litterally all day long. And this is for 12-15 students. Your child’s class is their family the minute you drop them off
Why not feel great about supplying them-( your kid and their school family, ) with all that they need to be successful this year?
If a child is missing out on ANYTHING in school, I would hope that the class has enough of everything to go around.
Also, they ask you not to add names because imagine handing out individual crayons and glue every day to the right student instead of a community bin of glue.
Teacher are just to make everyone feel equal.
Sorry for the rant, I just know that teachers do so much for our kids and the parents are still unhappy
That’s really weird, when I was in school my teachers handed us a list of things they needed for the class that year(Clorox wipes, whiteboard markers, tissues, ) and then a list of things us students need for the year.
I wonder why they changed it. I thought it was pretty effective to keep the classroom stocked up.
As much as it makes me sound horrible, I let my daughters teachers know every year that certain things I buy are for her and only her. Like her notebook, her scissors, pencil case etc. Then I also pitch in towards the class supplies so the teacher can’t get mad.
Where is this?? I have never heard of children’s personal school supplies being taken away.
My son who is in 3rd grade got to keep everything he picked out. All his other than the paper towels and stuff went in his cubby with his ne on it. And everything he has brought home has been his things. I think it just depends on the teacher.
l Get paid over $113 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15741 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This. https://DollarsBox501.pages.dev/
Doesn’t bother me as they normally keep there pencil case, ear buds and a couple items that are higher value to themselves. The rest pencil, markers etc are shared or divided up. Did get aggravated that my son came home second day asking for crayons saying he didn’t get any when we got them already. I would still prefer ever child in the class to have what they need to all learn together. Well just get extra when we can and send them in. I have always sent extra supplies in ever year. Either beginning of the year or after all supplies are clearance at store. Does upset me when unused supplies are sent home at end of year. Wish they would just keep them for what other children would need.
Some of these replies make me smh
Y’all better start praying you never become the parent that hopes your never in a bind
so let’s teach our kids that sometimes we have to share our things so that everyone can feel special.
Or leave her favorite items for homework at home.
It’s like saying I bought that cute box of Kleenex for my child and no one else can grab one.
It’s school they share.
I told my kids teachers my kids aren’t sharing because of my COVID paranoia. If they need extra for the class I’ll send extra. Honestly even without COVID I’m grossed out by how some kids treat crayons, markers, etc. They chew on them, stick them in their noses etc. It also annoys me that only a few parents provide supplies. A couple parents & the teacher shouldn’t have to provide for everyone. I understand some have financial problems. I’ve been there. That’s not the case with most though. They just feel it’s everyone else’s responsibility to provide for their kid.
The teacher most likely has a special box or storage container for each child. When the next item (crayons, pencil, glue etc) is needed they can get that item from that box. The supply list is for the year. If each child was to keep everything in there desk it could get messy or lost.
My daughters school does this as well and I was super annoyed. We had to buy 5 boxes of crayons, 5 boxes of markers, basically 3-5 of all supplies. It’s only for the kindergarten class though
At my last 2 schools, we collect the supplies to put in a large baggy with the child’s name. We basically store it in a cabinet so as need it can be replenished since most kids I know when we used to just put all the supplies in the desk have no space and they waste it. We give back whatever is left at the end.
Wow so many of you are ridiculous. Most elementary kids use community supplies because it is way easier/faster. Elementary teachers don’t have time to spend an hour passing out named supplies and they also don’t have time to make sure little Susie doesn’t lose her expensive sparkly pink notebook and they don’t have the time or patience to deal with little Susie’s crazy karen mom about said lost notebook. They pick their own supplies from middle school up, stop teaching your kids to be entitled monsters
This is why I label everything with my kids name idk I would go to the teach and tell them I’m sorry I buy only for my child I can’t supply your whole class my child has tbier name on all thier belonging
I always marked my kids names on the stuff I bought. It made the teacher upset but he kept his things. I’m not gonna buy nice things for others to get
They are sharing supplies not underwear as long as my kid has supplies to use I don’t care.
It’s like that for elementary but most the middle and high schools I know they keep most of their own supplies. Yeah my kids would love to have cute stuff they get to keep but I understand why teachers do that. My kids still got the cute stuff but they leave it at home for doing homework, projects and whatever they want with. Teachers are given very little funds to teach with. It takes a village and this is our contribution as parents to that village.
When I was a kid all of my friends had Lisa Frank pens folders notebook, etc…. I was very poor and got the cheapest and most basic stuff so I always felt a little disappointed and left out from the rest of the class. Now that my kids are in school I want to give them all the fun characters that they love on their school supplies but the teacher specifically request everything to be plain and basic. This is because they put all the school supplies that are brought it into a community pile that everyone can use and even though I can afford to buy my kids all the fun stuff I like that all the kids feel like they’re on the same level and no one has hurt feelings. If you spent extra on your daughters things because of the characters or colors that she chose then request to have them back and replace them with the basic plain stuff. That way she can use her fun school supplies at home. 
I know when I was in school we kept all our supplies. Now, the teachers set a list of supplies to be bought to be shared and a personal list of supplies for the kids
I am glad the teacher took my child stuff. Now the teacher nor me has to stress the fact my child has lost her stuff. Plus if my child needs something replaced, the teacher will know in advance. Which means I will know to replace it before my child just shows up with out it.
You know what isn’t fair? Teachers who have to cover your childs costs on supplies because elementary school kids lose everything within a day 8/10 times.
Any supplies they buy, is out of their pocket. Not the districts.
I think you’ll be ok if another child uses a pencil or a composition book. If not, you should join the class to learn to share. It takes a village.
For this is a reason so all of their supplies stays at school and not forgotten… my child’s school does this… although this year he is able to keep his pencil box and binder in his bag… everything else stays in class. That’s much better then for little kids to haul everything everyday.
I put my kids name on everything
Label 10000%. But in my class we have a big closet we keep it all in and organized for when we do that project
Letter to the teacher. Return my child’s supplies, or give them a receipt if they’d like to purchase it.
Put their names on it. I refuse to buy supplies if my child can’t have what I pay for. Thankfully my kids school doesn’t do this but my teachers did and my mom put my name on everything.
Usually lists specify so that hon know ahead
You know some children don’t have the luxury of sending in school supplies nor has any for themselves! So why not HELP the less Fortunate! Your child gets upset they don’t get their “cute stuff” how about that child that doesn’t have ANYTHING! Grow up people WE AS PARENTS NEED TO BE BETTER!!! It definitely takes a village to raise children and some don’t have that village! I am that single mom that put 2 boys through school and if I couldn’t send in the optional supplies I knew someone else would step up and help my child! I definitely paid it forward when needed and I still do! You want 10 pencils got it, you want 20 erases got it, 10 glue sticks you got it, you want COFFEE every morning HELL YOU GOT THAT TOO! These teachers need help, parents need help, and one day your little Johnny will NEED help too! Grow up parents and stop being pissed bc the people teaching YOUR children are asking for extras!!!
Not where I live. They have their own desks and keep all their stuff that they bring. All but the tissues, hand sanitizer, ziplock bags and everything.
Unfortunately they do it since alot of parents dont send in school supplies and they dont want the children to feel left out. When I had to send in supplies that was going to be shared I didnt send in my daughters favorite things . She kept them in her school bag with her name on them to use when she wanted to . The basic and cheapest went into the supplies the teacher requested.
Most schools do this… we get a list … the list tells us what we need and really there’s no way to buy cute for instance - jumbo 8 pack of crayons … 8 pack markers … like there’s really only one brand lol …after a certain age what’s in her bag is theres but for the younger kids it’s all community …my daughters first year of preschool … I got her a folder … she came home without it the first day …
And a school issued one … on the last day of school they gave it back … maybe that’s what they will do for
Your kid ?
You have to put their name on everything. I learned this after it happened to my daughter in 1st grade. I bought all really nice stuff to find out she had to turn it out and then got stuck with a cheap folder that didn’t last more then a month.
As far as kids losing things, not sure how that happens. My kids have always kept everything at school in their cubby. Even if they lost it, not sure what that has to do with the teacher collecting it all and giving back out to different kids.
Not my kids school. My kid gets a pencil case and I label all his stuff and he brings it back at the end of the year.
This is why we don’t keep cute things. We pick what’s on the list and go. You don’t get to keep school supplies til middle school. I think it’s a great idea to turn in school supplies , in today’s world A LOT of parents can’t afford to give their kids school items , barely even able to afford clothes.
Ots always been like this. It mad me mad at first but now its just the way. One year my kid got tp keep some shit and o couldn’t believe it. But yeah this is normal
My kids names are on all of their stuff. But they still don’t get to keep it. I accidentally bought all the stuff from last year’s list for my 5th grader. Require 8 comp books a d 8 folders he didn’t didn’t up needing them so the teacher gave them away to other kids. Im like dang if I would have known that I would have had him bring atleaat 2 home for homework purposes.
I get the fact that some parents can’t afford it but I’m barely affording supplies and clothes for 6 kids. I have three biological kids and three bonus kids for the last 9 years. I’m sorry but parent have all summer to save up like I do for this magical event that happens every year( kids returning to school). I do not send extras and I wait until after the first day now to send supplies and I only send what they will be using. I can not afford to help out other parents. Sorry not sorry and all the rude and hateful comments are uncalled for.
Nope I love it, now I know it’s getting used for school and not lost on the bus or at home.
This right there shows what’s wrong with our society nowadays!!
Behind an entitled child is an entitled parent!!
So sad!!
My kids keep all their stuff! Everything goes into their desk except baggies, Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, and Kleenex. All of their things they’ll use daily they keep. That’s crazy that they take your kids stuff! I wouldn’t be ok with that. But it’s never happened in our school district in the last 15 years. (I also have 2 that graduated the year before last.)
Staples had a huge sale of school supplies so we took advantage of it normally we scrape by with what we can afford but when staples had it sale we got enough for all year and maybe next year 
It’s community property once it gets to school…her cute stuff should’ve stayed in her bag. Schools have been doing this for years now so everyone uses everything together. I buy my kids personal things they ask for specifically and let them keep those things in their backpack.
Idk but if I label all my child’s stuff with their names they better be bringing it back home…Thats stuff I bought with my money and I’m not about to let a teacher take my stuff I bought for my child. Not saying I’m gonna go all out cause I’m not gonna risk them getting lost either but regardless if I buy the stuff, it’s my child’s and they don’t have a right to take it. How’s that even make sense for a teacher to take stuff someone else bought???
That’s some bs. I would be mad if I found out that was happening with my child’s things that I paid for. If I paid for my kid to have the special smelly glue sticks and they were taken away just for him to get the regulars ones I would be livid. They should have a box for parents who would like to donate extra supplies for kids who couldn’t afford all the supply’s.
Yeah they tried that when mine were younger. I got my child’s things back and she kept them for her own use.
I label everything. School supplies are expensive.
Supply lists you buy from are often for a whole class and get put together. Buy her a few cute supplies again to keep at home for homework. Tell her well looks like is good you picked cute supplies, maybe she can make friends with people using them. Next year buy her special things she only keeps for her in her back pack. Extras that aren’t on supply list and won’t have to be shared. Unfortunately not all families or all teachers can afford the supplies they need for the year. Tell her that too and that is why must share. You have this chance to teach your daughter empathy.
Not our school. They all have their own desks and cubbies and keep their own stuff they brought in from the list. We are asked to put their name on everything except tissues and wipes.
I didn’t even realize that was a thing… I get donating to the class, but to keep your kids stuff and not let them take it is insane.
Wow that’s really weird especially if u buy it
I would demand that her supplies be returned. I would go to the principal, if necessary. Communism isn’t supposed to be taught as part of our school curriculum. I get it that some kids may not have money for anything fancy. If that’s the case, then there should be transparency with clear notice that bringing supplies is for the classroom and not for each, individual student. I would be outraged.
My daughter’s school did the same thing and didn’t even give them a pencil out of the supplies we bought so they can do their homework when they get home. I understand leaving it in the classroom for other kids to use if they don’t have any supplies, but the teacher could have atleast gave them a couple of pencils out of the supplies so they would have one on hand when they have to do homework.
Are you sure they’re not gonna set them up at their desk? I know a lot of schools ask for a crap load of extra supplies.
Contact the teacher…had this happen a few years back…I explained to the teacher that I bought the items he had in his backpack for his personal use and because he no longer had them he can’t do his homework and I can’t afford to buy more…the teacher apologized and that day he had his supplies back into his bag. I know alot of teachers pay out of their pocket for supplies but also alot of parents have more than one child in school and that time of year we’re struggling as well
There’s always been specific things on our school lists that would go to the teacher but the vast majority of our stuff we got to keep. I’d be going into the classroom after school and asking that the items be returned and offer to replace them so ur daughter can keep the things she picked out because that isn’t fair that they didn’t make it clear
At our school in South Dakota they send a form home with the kids at the end of the school year asking if they want to donate their supplies to kids in another country who have none or keep them or keep certain ones and donate the rest or the last option we chose was to let our child decide.
My son got all his leftover supplies back at the end of the year. He didn’t even use the binder we got him that was required. We learner our lesson last year so he just got the basic supplies this year and anything cool he wanted stayed home.
I’m in Canada and this has literally never happened. If we buy things ourselves, it’s OURS. With that being said, a lot of us would lend people things but we always got it back.
That’s standard in my area, they have back to school night where we put all supplies on a table and it’s passed out as they need them my oldest is in 6th and it’s always how it’s been done so I don’t see the big deal. If they end up with extra at the end of the year they send it back home.
Usually the list will say not to put names on stuff as the class is suppose to share the supplies. I read the same post last year and It makes me thankful that my school district supplies 98% of what’s needed. Kids just need a back pack and maybe a 3 other small things.
My son keeps all his stuff but he’s in 6th grade
I don’t provide supplies. That’s what the school board gets money for
I always get a little more this teachers need help the school doesn’t help them with a budget at all and did you see how much these teachers get paid maybe other kids don’t bring as much to the class and I’m sure the teacher arranges the supplies so are being in use properly I don’t mind -
My daughter is in first grade and the list is basic. Everyone shares which I think is a good thing at this age. She does have a few personal items like headphones and her water bottle that she picked out, but she knew going in we were getting basic supplies.
I’ve never heard of this. My kids names went on their supplies. The only stuff that’s for the whole class is stuff like hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, big boxes of tissue, etc. Contact your child’s teacher and tell her you bought those things SPECIFICALLY for your daughter. The teacher may collect everything now but will probably give the kids their stuff back when they start using it
My public school is the same way (elementary school) and I agree it’s very weird. My daughter wanted the crayons w the sharpener in it and she’s in 4th grade so I didn’t think it would be all shared anymore but come to find out, it’s all put into a box and shared.
I’m not sure about anyone else, but the school supply lists that I receive are very specific. They ask for the basics, like glue, glue sticks, crayons and markers, and specifically say not to get scented items and such. Those are the items that the teacher takes for community use. From K to 3rd, those go in the supply closet and are taken out when needed. That way every child has the supplies they need when they’re neede. I didn’t realize that when my oldest started school, so I labeled EVERYTHING thinking that only she was going to use them. When I asked if she had her supplies at her desk, she said no. I was kind of mad, until she explained that each table has a bin. The bin has enough supplies for each child in the group. The only thing that gets divided up are the crayons and markers. For example, if there are 6 kids in the group, they might only put out 3 packs of crayons and markers. That encourages the kids to share. It’s actually a really good idea. It ensures that everyone has the supplies they need, it teaches a sense of community and they end up not going through the supplies as quickly. I don’t really see it as confiscated because the kids are still using it. I can totally understand why you’d be upset though. I’d contact the Teacher and ask for those supplies back. Just send in the basic items and use the specialty ones at home.