They do that at my sons school … Long list of supplies… That they keep there and share
Schools generally collect all supplies and distribute to all the students as needed. This makes it so they hide what student’s families could not afford the supplies or some of the supplies. It’s to try to cut down on bullying over crayons etc. And it does honestly.
Watch out for pooling too. I have zero issue helping the needy, especially children but when my daycare would tell me that IIII had to bring in another box of diapers a week later or more pencils, folders, etc. When they were sent with like 17 each the first day and I see people walking from their escalades up to that donation bin and grabbing a whole back pack filled with everything their kid needs . Nope, I’ve told multiple daycares and schools I will NOT do it, and I am marking my childs things and you’re going to deal with it. We drop off donations to every single thing we see when we do.
I would ask for ot back
I would ask for it back so she can use cute ones at home. Then, I’d buy regular ones for school.
That’s weird, as a kid who often didn’t have what they needed or my parents scraped by to do it I wouldn’t have had what I needed if any of it was taken.
I don’t like buying supplies for my grandson and having them go to the entire class. He can share if he wants to but his belongings should not be taken away.
I don’t necessarily have a problem with sharing and community bins. What I take issue with is a list that was 140$ to fulfill bc it was soooo over the top with amount of items and name brands. Then my fourth grader comes home with a half done self portrait bc there were no brown or blue crayons to use. I mean I personally bought 3 packs of crayons and there’s 31 kids in class. Some parents not sending in supplies shouldn’t be a reason to require me to send three times a normal amount in order to fulfill the list. The 30$ headphones I was required to buy are still in the box in his backpack almost two weeks later
No, but my kids are older and we’ve done the school thing for years. That’s how it is. I don’t mind because it’s hard for kids to keep up with their personal items and saves the teacher the headache of arguments when minor things like crayons and markers get mixed up or lost or whatever. Anything to make the teachers lives easier is cool by me, they put up a lot of
I never heard of this before
I put a special pencil box in my sons bag on day two… sendbpartial of wgat they ask on day one or orientation
I put my child’s name on her important things such as her folder and pencil holder scissors and notebook…then the rest of the stuff gets turned In such as crayons paper extra plain folders I picked up and pencils…I buy 2 of everything so she has some stuff in her bag and the teacher gets some as well …I understand why teachers do this but also if my daughter picked out a space notebook better believe her name is alllllllll over it so no one else can use it…then buy a plain notebook for the class…I know times are hard but it’s not fair for it allll the be on the teacher and to be honest supplies are cheap I don’t ever spend more then 40$ and that’s with extra supplies…once they hit middle school that really doesn’t happen much the kids keep what is bought
My kids school does this, which I’m fine with, EXCEPT I buy all these school supplies, and they don’t even let them bring home a pencil or box of crayons to do their homework! I spend $200 a year buying supplies for my kids, and they expect me to spend even more to have all the supplies at home as well?!?! That’s my issue with it.
I’m on my 3rd kid going through school? That’s never happened here in Massachusetts!
She has all rights to keep what you’ve brought her.thats my opinion anyway.
Amber didn’t you have to make a stink about this?
Pretty sure you called up the teacher and said he was going to use his stuff. Lol
I put my sons name on his stuff, but I do send extra things for the community bins
I don’t mind buying extra for the class, but if I buy my children a cute folder that they asked for, I want them to keep it. I don’t like the idea of everything being put together and passed around all year, especially with Covid. I feel like each student should have their own things.
It’s pretty much the norm in elementary school to turn in all the supplies to the teacher 
Ours asks each child to give $40 for the year and the school is in charge of supplies.
Look … If I spend $26 for a zipper binder then my child should have the right to use that binder. Same with the $2 folders, $8 boxes of crayons and everything else that is astronomically expensive. As a low income mom I know when school starts and I know I need to save money all summer for school clothes and supplies. I scrap and scrounge to make sure my kids have the appropriate supplies so I don’t find it fair that they can then have those supplies taken after it’s taken me months to afford them.
It’s normal here that’s why u just by the basic. When they get older it will change.
I’d have a serious problem with that. The teacher can ask parents to contribute to the classroom, but taking my child’s personal items? No. That could easily lead to fights in the classroom, kids identify with their own things and many get upset if someone else is seen using them.
It’s normal. Our lists go to the whole class. I keep anything they specifically pick at home and send in supplies for the class. Talk to the teacher. See if you can get what back what she picked. Then keep them at home.
Fuck that. Call the school. Demand your stuff back
The optional items should be for the class. Her personal items are hers. they have programs for kids who can’t afford stuff
It’s been like that for awhile cuz they keep slashing funds.
We buy the generic stuff to hand over and then he has his own stiff that is just for him.
My sons school lets them keep what we buy. Then, if the parent can, they buy extra and help the class. But each student keeps their own supplies at their desk. That’s the way it’s always been with both of mine
We buy generic school supplies, but she pick colors of the folders and notebooks. My daughter picks out her headphones, but the rest of her supplies go to the room supplies. She also goes a cultural camp during the summer and they give her school supplies there.
They did that to my child’s class last year but my child didn’t listen so I got to keep all her stuff
I do not understand this. In Middle School and High School they do not have to share. So why do they have to do in Elementary School and Kindergarten.
As a sign of appreciation, I had to post this here so that you too can benefit, as I was referring to Ms. AnnikaMikael, I have no regrets and have made several withdrawals from her platform. Details>> Amelia Wilson
Wow that is not right I would call the school and find put what is going in
They make us label everything before we turn them in. Pretty sure that means the kids will get what’s theirs.
I label everything, down to pencils, but I’m petty as fuck. I also bring enough supplies for 2-3 more kids. What my kiddos pick out is theirs. What I gave you can be for someone else.
I wish they’d atleast tell us each year if it’s to share or for their personal use. I don’t mind sharing and helping out here and there with supplies-But make it known!
l Get paid over $116 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15234 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Our school did the same. It’s for them to bring for the whole class. I left things at home for them too.
Talk to the teacher about it.
It literally doesn’t make sense AT ALL and I spoke with my kids teachers ab it, so they keep their stuff now. We usually send in extra stuff to cover kids who don’t have the means to bring stuff in. However, if there are 22 kids in a class and 17 of them bring in what’s on the list, while 5 don’t… you still don’t have enough stuff to cover the other 5 kids! So don’t take my kids stuff, it’s so mean. I would’ve been devastated to have my stuff taken away and given to someone else, my mom worked hard to buy me the things I wanted and she couldn’t even afford it, much less other people’s kids getting it! It absolutely wasn’t a thing at my schools growing up in the 90s. I was super annoyed for it to be a thing now. One of my sons teachers asked for very specific stuff, like a red, orange, green, and blue folder, 24ct Crayola crayons, basic edition colors. She mixed everything together, but it was literally all the same stuff- 25c, same color folders. She took them to label them and redispersed, that didn’t bother me. I didn’t buy any $4 fortnight folders only for some other kid to get them so lol
My kids’ school supply list basically consisted of a very short and specific list of crayons, markers, glue sticks, pencils and Kleenex. Those things will be turned in to the teacher and used by everyone in class throughout the year. It was like $5 total.
My kids picked out special things that they wanted to use in school and they will not be turned in (like a fancy pen and some cute erasers) because that is considered our personal property. Call the teacher to sort it out and stick to the basic supply list/explain to your kid how school supplies are distributed next time.
My kids school sends all their supplies home at the end of the year. My kids don’t personally pick out their supplies at the store the teachers do the school supply shopping and the parents just pay a school supply fee at the beginning of the school year. Your kids school could do it that way because usually when teachers have you buy the supplies they are usually not personally for your child the teachers just have each child bring supplies so they have enough supplies for the whole class to share.
I despise this but now that I know my kids don’t get to keep them I just get normal whatever
To me it’s not that weird. My kids school provides all supplies for grades K-8 though. BUT at the end of the school years they decide any unused supplies between all the students and send them home. Even before the school started supplying the things whatever want used be end of year was sent home
What?? Why can’t she keep them?! I’ve never heard of this… I’ve been a mom for over 17 years, 3 kids… and whatever I’ve bought for them, is there’s, they use it and they bring it home…
where I am we don’t have to buy much at all, barely anything actually, the schools supply most of what’s needed.
I label everything down to the crayons and pencils with a fine tip sharpie. I didn’t bust my butt to have my kids school supplies I paid for be given out to everyone else. School starts in 2 weeks for us and if this is the case I will be one very angry parent in the office. I even send in some extra things for the classroom and kids who don’t have supplies, but don’t take my daughters stuff to give to others, thats not happening over here. If they take to it to keep it safe and organized for the kids when they need its one thing I get that completely. But to take and hand out to others that’s not OK.
I label all my kids stuff
Talk with the teacher and perhaps if nothing else ask if you can get herself back and you will replace it with differant items…
l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17985 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Yea! That’s why I started buying all the plain stuff because they wasn’t gonna get it anyways
They should only have to turn in what’s on the list and be able to keep their personal stuff
Generally there is a list of ‘classroom supplies’
Can you not just get the supplies she needs instead of the whole class? Not asking disrespectfully just curious, I homeschool so it’s never been an issue.
I was an Elementary school secretary for 14 yrs. I retired in 2015. I never heard of such a thing. This was not something implemented at our school or any of the other 6 Elementary schools in our city. This may be something newly initiated in some schools to alleviate having some students with no supplies and also the teachers having to buy supplies. Teachers dod have a wish list of their own but it certainly wasn’t over the top money wise. I have to say that all of the teachers in my school bought additional supplies out of their own pocket. That’s a fact throughout the country. Teachers spend their money and extra time not paid in their profession. They are not reimbursed for any of this. We had a phenomenal PTO at our school that would give each teacher a $250 gift card at the beginning of each year to the teachers to help out with supplies. They also gave the school nurse and myself a $100 gift card to augment our needs. This money came out of the fundraising efforts throughout the year. They held several events, raffles and a giant craft fair with donations of cash, gift cards and services from various stores, restaurants, businesses in the community to raise money for this and other things like cultural events, field trips, Monster Mash Halloween Dance etc.
We made sure to send in bland items this year. Everything is becoming community cause the teachers can’t afford anything anymore. But they also expect us to get more supplies in the winter too.
Where do you live? That’s crazy! I’ve never heard or experienced this🤯 so they even have a right to do that??
They did that in elementary school here. But now since my kids are in middle school and high school, their supplies are theirs.
That’s odd I would speak with her teacher maybe send an email. My sons stuff gets labeled with his name so he should be the one using it
Our kids elementary school does that also but it’s because they keep their supplies at school in their desks & cubbies.
Uhhh this is a thing now?! Nah not happening. I’ll give extras but that’s not cool. You spend more so your kids will be motivated with what they have only to hand them in?! That’s wrong.
My son is only in 1st grade, so only the second year he’s had to get supplies. But last year half the stuff was for the classroom…I think like his scissors, headphones, a few pencils, and pencil box were his and only his. But everything else was put into classroom bins on back to school night.
This year looking at his supply list he has to bring 2 boxes of 24ct crayons, 10 Elmer’s glue sticks, 2 boxes of 12ct markers…so again clearly supplying for the class. I just get generic stuff so I’m not wasting money on character things or whatever that may not end up being his only to use.
I don’t like that policy either
Our schools do this for younger kids. But they put what will be shared. As a lot of kids in our district are low income and cannot afford supplies. And it takes a load of teachers trying to buy extra out of their pockets.
Students take items home a d forget to bring them back then the student does not have the items. This is hard for the teachers.
The only thing we buy for teachers are the white board markers or in preschool some materials the teacher may need, everything else is for the kids to keep and use when needed WTH!!!
You should go by the list of things to bring for the class then let her pick out personal stuff.
That’s we do. We let them pick out things they get to keep, but things we have to bring a lot of for the class, it’s just all whatever they have in store
I know my daughter school talked about the kids will be sharing school supplies.
I don’t care. Genuinely. If that means more kids have supplies to learn and aren’t doing without. I don’t care. My kids personal stuff FOR HER I label. The teacher can call me if there’s an issue with that. But when I buy, I’ve always bought with the mentality of it to be shared. Your kid doesn’t need the 8pck of glue sticks but the classroom could use it. Good news (for you) is once these supplies run out, since parents only go school shopping once a year, it’s coming out of teachers pocket 9 times out of 10 to ensure the classroom has the essentials.
Ehh they been doing this for a while, where have you been? Also, it’s quite easy to get around. Send class supplies, and then have personal supplies. It’s what I do for mine. I fill the list and send it with them and then they have their own things marked with their names and some are indeed special to them.
I usually get the basic stuff on the list for the class then let my daughter pick out some cute things for her too keep in her backpack or at home or whatever
Only works here for kindergarten. After that everyone keeps their own stuff
They do that where I live. It’s so ridiculous, so I write my children’s names on every single thing. Pencils, markers, ect.
If you bought supplies specifically for the class room it makes sense. But if you bought supplies specifically for your daughter why would she have to turn them over to the teacher?
Depending on what it is they keep it. Ni picked out some nice pencil boxes an they get to keep them
I do not miss this. Once my boys told me they didn’t get to use their own supplies and I didn’t get anything unused back at the end of the year (bag of broken crayons one year ) I quit sending from the list. Over 150 in supplies for 3 was too much. I sent them with supplies for personal use and replaced when needed. Another student kept stealing my youngest pencils one year made teacher replace since she refused to step up
Until covid that’s always how it was when my kids were in elementary school. Which is exactly why anything that was shared was cheap shit. If I bought it at all. I can’t afford to supply the whole damn school and I shouldn’t have to. It’s like the only good thing that’s come from this covid crap. They’re not sharing supplies anymore. Thank God.
This happened to my friends kids too
Like… wtf?? If you buy stuff for YOUR CHILD it belongs to YOUR CHILD
Sounds like thief. I’d file a police report.
That’s weird, never heard of that.