Does anyone have any early talking babies? My niece is 11 months and is saying like 50 words. At first, I didn’t really believe my sister, tbh. I didn’t think she was lying necessarily just hearing things lol, but I spent the weekend there, and sure enough, this baby is talking. According to my sister, she has been for a while, which I definitely believe now. Anyone else experiences this? I find it so interesting.
Yep had a granddaughter who was speaking sentences by 1
My daughter was making three word sentences when she was 8 months, she would say things like “pick me up”, “I want mama”, “no bad dog”
I had a son like that he is 21 now but I remember taking him to the dr at 2 years old and telling the dr that he had ear pain and the dr didn’t believe me that my son clearly said his ear hurt but then he told the dr " this ear hurt bad" the dr was amazed he was my first baby so I thought it was normal
Little boy at my daycare spoke early and by 18 months sentences but couldnt walk yet… funny so at almost 3 I feel like year 2 was longer because he has always felt older
My first daughter was saying partial sentences at that age but my second daughter is about 16 months and barely says like three words. They’re all different
My daughter was like this. She’s 2 now her speach and vocabulary Is ahead of her age. Makes communication so much easier cause she can just tell me exactly what she wants so tantrums don’t happen so much.
All three of my daughters were talking before turning one. Not just words, sentences too
Yep my daughter was like this talking really early she’s 5 now and honest to god from the moment she wakes till the moment she goes back to sleep this kid can’t be silent ever if she’s not talking she’s singing like It’s constant. But if she doesn’t know a full song she will just sing the same bit on repeat I love her so much but my god it’s exhausting. It’s a wonder she doesn’t talk in her sleep.
Its called jibber jabbering.babies do that lol
My son could roll over from the time he was born. He was walking at 6 months and was talking before a year old. In the hospital they came in and said they didn’t know what to do cause he kept scooting to the end of the isolet they had to put a pillow in it to keep him from mashing his head and his hair was below his sholders. It was so long you could put it in a bow
By a year and a half my daughter was talking in full complete sentences. People would be so surprised to hear her talk. She was walking at 10 months and talking at the same time.
My son is 3 and has been talking like that since he was 11 months I’d say! He’s very smart and intelligent. He sits with me when I do vocabulary word, spelling words, and sight words! He’s picking up a lot on all this also!
My ten-year-old daughter was talking at 6 months
Yes. My oldest was speaking full sentences at 9 months and new the alphabet at 11 months. By the time she was one her favorite thing to say was “remember when I was a baby” and go on telling us a story. She was an old souls I guess
My son is 1 (15 months if you want to get technical but I don’t do months anymore lol) and has had a fairly big vocabulary since he was about 10-11 months. He talks a lot and knows a lot of words.
My granddaughter was using short phrases at 10 months and sentences by 1yr. My daughter questioned why she wasn’t walking at 13months, the nurse said when she ask you to get her something tell her no to go get it. Wasn’t much longer and she was very mobile.
Very possible depending on how much you talk with them
Mine were talkers and still are lol. That’s great. Mom must be talking and reading to her a lot.
My 4 year old was like that… A huge vocabulary and just a gentle grasp for the English language. I currently now have a four-year-old that never shuts up LOL but I never talk to my kids like babies I always talk to them like how you do any other person it was never baby talk.
my son could talk by 9 months. at his first bd he told him memaw what cake he wanted and when she asked him again he told her, i told you memaw, i want the chocolate!
My oldest talked up a storm and was really good an pronunciation. By two years old she shocked people because she was tiny but could speak like a 5 yr old. It was funny to see peoples reaction. She was very premature so she looked younger than she was then to talk early it was fun. Let me tell you though it was like she could use her talking as turbo boost though she was non stop till she matured in her teens. lol
My daughter was like that. She is 4 and can speak as an adult. Full sentences, big words the whole 9 yards.
My oldest could speak in full sentences before her first birthday, my brother would get freaked out by it and say she was possessed lol
My oldest did. She was rolling over at 2days, sitting by 3months, crawling at 4 months, cruising furniture at 5months, walking at 8 months and talking by 9 months
My daughter is about 11 months. She is walking and says about 20 words right now. She is starting to string the words together to form sentences.
Every baby develops differently, I can never see what the big deal is.
My cousin was talking in sentences by 10 months and it always blew my mind.
Yeah for sure my first was talking forming sentences at 1
My great grandson was like that also, in kindergarten he was multiplying in his head. People had to get a calculator to make sure he was right. He is in first grade now and I’d still going strong
My oldest was like that and now at 3.5 everyone says it’s like talking to an adult stuck in a tiny body
My son talked alots time he was a year old
My 3 month old try’s to sing.
I think my 3 year old nephew was born talking
My daughter is 18 mo old and saying short sentences
My daughter is 18 months and shocks almost everyone and the doctors at how much she talks and understands. She can count, she uses 5-8 letter sentences that you can understand, and she uses her manners in the right way. The doctors say she’s advanced.
I personally think its because I never spoke baby talk to her or allowed anyone else too.
Yep. My son was talking partial sentences at 10 months. Never stopped and I never minded it one bit😁
My son starting talking at 9 months old. He is 2 and can have a full blown in depth conversation and you can completely understand him
My grandbaby started talking early. He was saying I love you at 5 months. He is 17 months old today and says sentences. He also knows some colors and shapes and can count to 4. He has always loved books and will set and look at them for quiet awhile. His mom and dad have read to him since he was born. I do believe that has helped him learn early.
My daughter and granddaughter both at a year old could carry full conversations
My youngest started talking early. Her older sister def helps with that.
Now at 2 she can form full sentences, have full conversations and can tell you her emotions, colors, counting, and even identifying a stethoscope, saying it perfectly.
She talks like my oldest did by 4 or 5. My oldest couldn’t even form sentences at 2yrs. Now she’s a straight A student. But my 2yr old is quite the character lol
I had my son in June 2017 and my daughter September 2019
Yes my daughter was talking at 11 months, by 18 months she was having full conventions. My son didn’t start till he was 2, by nursery they was both talking just as well as each other.
My little was an early talker like this and at two we’re amazed at how well she speaks.
My son was very well advanced for his age then too. Hes now 5, can add and subtract big numbers in his head and knows some times tables.
Yes my oldest could say big words at that age like dinosaur… he’s very intelligent…he was in all the gifted classes…
Some kids do things earlier than others mine was “early” with a lot of things. Particularly my oldest. She was talking in full sentences long before most kids her age.
My daughter was a early talker. She’s now 13 and never shuts up even talks in her sleep lol
Lol my 2 yr old barely talks
My son was an early talker, but all a sudden just stopped talking at 14months old, he is now 5 and says a few words but not constant, he’s considered nonverbal and he’s been diagnosed with autism as well.
My oldest by 2 was speaking sentences my oldest daughter and youngest son have difficultys and my 9 month old so far figured out mama mom bubba and dada
Yep my daughter was talking sentences since 10months old my son is trying to now and his 18months
My youngest started talking at 6 months. Shes now 18 months and we can have a full conversation. She also can count to 3 and knows a couple colors.
Yes both of my kids could talk beginning around 8 or 9 months.
My daughter was an early talker as well. She’s 9 now and very bright.
My daughter is almost 3.5 and started talking early. It has been a blast watching her grow, but she sponges up all the conversations that were going on around her.
I have my grandson, at ten months recorded~ I got enough to eat
My son started talking at 9 months
My daughter started talking and walking at 9 months old. My boys it was a few years before they could talk talk.
My oldest didnt start talking till after 1. She would satmy a few words but that was it. My youngest talks all day long. He will be 2 in April. But i cant even count how many words hes saying its so many. Every child is different. They all learn at there own pace. I have a friend who says her 8 month old can say the alphabet. (I’ll believe it when i hear it ) lol
My son is 3.5 and I would give anything to have a conversation with him. His speech is delayed and we are trying to figure out why, because myself and all physicians agree he is not autistic. Passed every hearing test… I hear so many moms say “just wait til he starts, you’re gonna wish he had waited longer to talk”. I can’t speak for everyone, but I pray for the day that my son can tell me how he’s feeling, or tell me exactly how he wants his lunch, what hurts or how his day was. I pray for the day that he can sing me a song. Praise god for giving y’all babies a voice, it really is a blessing.
Yep. My little one is now 20 months and she has full sentences etc … her first word was daddy at 6 months. And by 9 months she had daddy, mommy, baba, puppy, kitty, socks, shirt, pants. And her talking just took off from there…
Yes. My daughter is the same way. It’s like she woke up one morning and started mimicking every word I said.
My mom likes to tell the story about my one year checkup. Dr was asking basic questions and he asked if I was saying words yet. My mom said “yeah she’s talking all the time” Dr asked “so like mama, Dada, ect” my mom said no she’s TALKING like speaking sentences. He didn’t believe her. So I got some shots and was upset about it and while the Dr was finishing up some paperwork my mom took her keys out of her purse. My mom says I saw the keys and said clear as day “mama, car keys, I go home now” my mom swears my pediatrician had to sit back down he was so shocked. He told my “do you know the thought process that has to be done to form a sentence like that at that age?!” My mom shrugged and said “I told you she was talking” apparently at that point I was deemed to go on to do great things. I dumbed down since then
All three of mind did, no baby talk was allowed in my home, it makes kids have to relearn the adult version later. Also made them ask for something instead of assuming what they wanted. My kids are in the 40’s now and never had to have speech class either. Did it with all 10 grand kids and now 2 great grands. Worst thing a parent can do is talk baby talk or rename items …don’t do it for your kids sake.
My son said a few words and sentences before one. Hes in the talented and gifted program now. Hes 11
My daughter did she walked at 8 months, never crawled and talked very early. But I also had a son 7 years older that played with her when I needed help.
My parents and family members always said I did. They claim I could communicate in full sentences by one and a half. I’ve doubted it but I’ve been consistently told this by numerous relatives and even family friends, so apparently it’s possible.
Like in all other aspects , some kids do talk early . My older daughter was walking at 9 months .Her son was ready to walk about the same , but got sick , so that set him.back a little .
Yes my baby is 10 months old
& can talk some & say names
& such…
My son walked at 10 months and was talking sentences with adults by then. He is set to graduate in a few months, after 10th grade. Genius kid I swear. But he is on the spectrum, serious social issues. He is a hacker and a loner.
If you have a smart baby, best you can do is feed that little spongy brain! Lol
my daughter talked a lot. started around 9 months, by 12 months she said 57 words (I wrote them down), & by 18 months she was onto sentences.
Yes I had that with my second daughter and now she’s a teenager and hardly ever speaks sigh
My eldest used to be like that I was so surprised and people don’t believed me when I told them about it, they thought I was just bragging about my baby but it really happened my eldest is 36 years old now but during that time I enjoyed my son being so talkative and inquisitive.
My niece, my son & daughter all had full conversations with us at 1 year. We thought it was normal. Later found out babies brains focus on walking or talking. All we later walkers
Niece now has a daughter who was walking before 1 not talking much yet.
Yes my son did that.
I have 3 daughters 2 out of 3 talked way b4 one year old my last one didn’t have too and they all 3 are above average smarts
My son was talking at 9 months …its incredible …all babies are different
Mine did. Advanced in speech, both. My son hasnt shushed since lol hes 11. I rwad to both of mine, enunciated wirds are made sure to read slow n clearly.
Kiddos are different. Some talk earlier than others. Ones that are mainly around adults more than other children tend to talk sooner seems like.
My daughter was walking and talking. The health visitor came to do her 1 year checks, sat her on the the scales and she kindly told the health visitor
No chance that’s cold and ran away lol
Yes, she probably reads to her. It makes a huge difference.
Yes, I have an 11 month old and he talks all the time. He can say, cat, car, mum, dad his 4 brothers names, sissy and the list goes on. He has 5 siblings so alot of stimulation and talking going on around him, he also gets read to by everyone in our house. Babies are sponges the more stimulations and activities they do the more they pick up. Your sister is an amazing mother. All babies are different as well I have 6 and they all started talking at different ages
My daughter talked at 11 months too
My great niece spoke full sentences at 1.
4of mine talked clearly from a young age and in she fences from18 m to 2…one did not speak clearly until about 5
My daughter was like that. 11 months old and speaking in full sentences.
My youngest daughter talked early. She has 2 siblings that are 8 & 9 years older than her. She was reading by the time she was 2 1/2.