Does anyone get bad ovulation pain? I had my daughter six months ago, and my period came back last month. Well, last month, about a week and a half before my period was due, I was getting pains on my right side, and pelvic discomfort kind of felt like a UTI went to the doc and came back negative for a UTI. Well now (a week and a half before my period ), I’m getting the same symptoms it was since yesterday. Could it be ovulation pain? Something that needs to be seen at the doc?
i do i get all the same exact symptoms as my period
It sounds like ovulation or even a cyst.
Omg girl yes !!! It hurts worse than actual period cramps sometimes its awful !!
Yes it’s a cyst or a mass on ur ovaries I had that that’s what the pain from
Yes! And I gave birth 6 and a half years ago. It’s worse then my actual period cramps, fam.
I don’t think you need to see a doctor unless the pain is unbearable. I myself get really bad pelvic pain during ovulation. So I use a heating pad to help relieve my pain. Midol also helps… my pain used to be the worst when I had the IUD too.
It’s possible, I can always feel when I’m ovulating. Definitely a good idea to find out for sure what’s going on though
Yep my ovulation cramps were worse than period cramps
Yes hurts like hell. Could also be a cyst. Heating pad and meds help.
Yes. I had a condition where ovulation caused awful pain. When my egg sac burst is when it hurt. My doctor told me the pus inside the sac was irritating my uterus, like I was having an allergic reaction to it. Birth control helped so much. I haven’t had mid-cycle pain for quite a while.
I would go see a gyn about it or ask primary doc to have a ultrasound or a CT of the area where that pain is… I was having that problem and ended up at ER. They decided to do the CT and found 2 lesions on my liver and a small cyst on the ovary but i already knew it was there just wasn’t sure if it had grown to maybe block something. Waiting to have biopsy on the lesions on my liver.
I do, it only lasts a few hours though and is 2 weeks after I get my period.
Yes cramps or pressure super bad for a day or so then done
Sounds like a cyst! I get them all the time and they’re pretty painful.
I had that only on right side for years. I went to specialists that did ultrasounds and said I had a really skinny tube on that one side and nothing to do about it but that eggs coming from that side probably wouldnt make a baby. Only thing skinny on my body I suppose
I have cysts and they rupture during ovulation, usually a week before my period. But also during and sometimes after my period. Nothing they can do though.
Cysts? I had pain during sex like we had to stop. And the dr actually did surgery and looked around and removed a cyst that was the size of a dime.
Could also be endometriosis? But cysts are normal during periods.
I also started bleeding heavily and was rushed to the hospital twice… I had another surgery and had my tubes removed and they cleaned out my uterus because I had a super thick lining but when a clot broke loose I bled ALOT.
Once was walking throw walmart, black jeans were covered down to my ankle in blood. Some guy bought me pants because if I moved I bled.
Yes after 4 miscarriages and being told I would never have kids having the ovulation pain is what finally helped me become a mom
I didn’t start having ovulation pain until after I gave birth. Saw my doctor and she said it’s normal and some women have it and some women are fortune enough not to have it I just take pain killers when it’s overwhelming pain.
Cyst?..I’m get checked mine on Monday I’ve been had this with my first and after 4th my last baby still have issues with that .
Yaaaassss I do. Usually 1 or 2 times a year it’s bad enough that I can’t stand up. But I always feel the ovulation pain every month. Normally isn’t too bad. I have Dr anxiety so I haven’t seen one but it could be endomitriosis (so butchered) or cysts
Yes absolutely I’m 40 and had it throughout my life, nothing can be done and its gotten worse when older, also after ovulation pain and migraine headache that comes with it I then have 2 weeks nausea, hot flushes, terrible PMT, followed by 10 days of horrible heavy painful period then it starts all over again! Truly suxs being a woman at times!
After my 1st, I started getting migraines when I ovulate and when I get my period. Sometimes they last for days and I get no relief from the pain between the 2.
Yes I always cramp really bad about two weeks out from my period. Not sure why and they never see a cyst when I ask for them to look.
I use to get ovulation pain, then my cycles became harder cramps became stronger, but keep an eye on your reproductive health, physical every year etc. Better safe then sorry
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