Does birth control stop your period?

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Depo took my period away completely which is why I was put on it. I’m sure it probably affects different people differently but it seems like most of the time the shot should take away or decrease your period. The pill just helped regulate it better but again people can react differently than the way they intended the medication to work.

Depends on the birtch control and the person.
Shot gave me a 3 month long period :skull_and_crossbones:
Implant took them away for years. :grin:
On the pill my period doesnt care when I take the 4 row of pills- it comes when it decides it’s nice and ready to🙄
But I’ve heard people act the exact opposite too :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Well there’s many different kinds of birth control. And also all those different types will have different side effects for different women so it really just depends on the type and your body and your hormones… one type may stop periods for Suzy over there but that one type won’t stop yours so basically you won’t know until you take one

I use the pill and ever since I’ve been on it ( which is 6 months) I’ve only had my period once :woman_shrugging: doc says nothing for me to be concerned about

Mine (arm implant)makes it so it is light and maybe appears every 3 or 4 months

The pill had certain pills to take (sugar pills) that’s when I usually got my period after for weeks of my bc pills. Idk about any other type.

The Mirena stopped mine but I have mild cramping around what would be that time of the month

It honestly depends on the persons reaction to them

Certain types can, but not all

Depends on the birth control.

Some do. Everybody’s body is different so it’s different with everyone. My period stopped with the shot and bar in arm. The bar in my arm made me gain mad weight though

Some can. Some give you the everlasting visit from aunt Flo.

Depo stopped mine completely and the arm implant gave me one for damn near a year straight

Depo stopped mine completely

Depends on your body and they type of birth control.