Does bleeding early in pregnancy always mean a miscarriage?

I had placenta previa and basically bled for half my pregnancy my son is 9 months now :heart::heart:

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Rest and take it easy until you see your doc. Some of us bleed during pregnancy and baby is fine.

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I bled with all 3 of my pregnancies, quite a bit and scared the crap out of me. But it was due to my blood type, and had to get special injections to help. My kids are 13, 12 and 11 now.

But with bleeding it should always be addressed ASAP, there are so many different reasons. Sending love your way.

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With my third I bled from 10wks to 11.5wks. I did have subchoriotic hemorrhages then. Lost him to a late miscarriage due to other reasons.
With my fourth, I bled lightly around 19.5wks to 21.5wks due to partial placenta previa, which corrected itself the farther I got. She is now 17mo

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No! I’ve lost 13 babies! I have 4 live and am pregnant with my 5th (I lost the twin at 7.5 weeks.) I had an implantation bleed at 5.5 weeks with these babies.
I did have bleeding with my 4 babies too.
If you’re worried ask your Dr for an ultrasound and or a hcg bloodtest to make sure your pregnancy levels are still rising.
Good luck mumma. I hope you’re OK.


I had a subchorionic hemorrhage at 11 weeks. And had similar results at the ER. Im now almost 34 weeks and baby is doing well. Big hugs and prayers that things continue to go well.

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I bled with all 3 of my pregnancies. One of them ended in a miscarriage. The difference was that the blood was bright red for days and I knew something was wrong. I had a subchorionic hemorrhage for sure with one of my babies.

Just try to take it easy …put your feet up and relax …stress is bad for you and baby … Prayers for you

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I had heavy bleeding at 14wks, baby was good. I had a tear in my placenta, bleed for 4 mths (light) he was full term weight was 8lb 10oz

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It doesn’t always, but always consult your doctor.

I had 3 “periods” in my first trimester with my first child.

Yes I hemorrhaged with my twins. Even at 12 weeks they couldn’t find the cause. They did put me on light bed rest until it went away. I did have a lot of bed rest but they are happy healthy 4.5 now! Hoping I can manage one more healthy pregnancy :crossed_fingers:t2:

I done this with my son I full on bled like a period and it was an injured cervix

Thank you everyone! I went to the hospital today it was a hemorrhage. It was 3 cm did grow to 8cm they are monitoring it closely but my baby is healthy and blood work is all great. I was put on pelvic rest :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I had this with my last 2 baby’s n they were fine, could be so many things…try not to stress( n I know how stupid that sounds) rest up n sending :two_hearts:

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Honestly stay off the internet when this happens. Only ask your doctor. One person having a good experience if the outcome is bad for you is going to be hard and vice versa. A bad outcome for others doesn’t mean it will be for you. I had bleeding half way thru my first pregnancy and although it didn’t cause a miscarriage, that baby was sick. I bled early in my second pregnancy at 9 weeks and there was no known reason. I know others who bled every month like they were having their period while pregnant.


I was bloody with both my pregnant but the 2 one was more because I did has miscarriage a twin 3 months of pregnancy my daughter ….

My friend had a hematoma. Thought shewas losing baby. A lot of blood, no clots. Noah is 4 now :heart:

Get yourself some fresh red raspberry. Make a tea or stuff it in pill capsules and take it like a vitamin. It has lots of vitamin k in it which helps stop bleeding and eases cramping. It’s been uses for centuries to help with labor pains, period pains, slow/stop bleeding, and to help keep pregnancies.

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I bled with all 3. The first 2 was light and turned out to be nothing but they still monitored it. My 3rd I had a subchorionic hematoma. I bled until I was about 15 weeks and then everything was fine.

Insemination bleeding happens at the beginning of the pregnancy. So it’s not that

Implantation bleeding

That happened to me and 2 days later baby was gone. The hemmorage was between placenta and baby well it ruptured which resulted in loss.

not always i bled with 3 out of 4 of my kids nomisscarriage

I had my period for my whole pregnancy go to your appointment and go from there any probs go to hospital

My step mom had a regular period throughout her whole pregnancy and had a healthy baby. It’s not normal, I’d go back to Dr. I think she just got lucky

I had bleeding and passed a large blood clot with my first pregnancy. That baby is now 23. This happened in my first trimester and we believe that it was a twin pregnancy and I miscarried one early on.

I have had two pregnancies my first I had bleeding. They showed a heartbeat and said he’s fine. He ended up being fine and I had a great pregnancy. My second I had :drop_of_blood: bleeding. Then get checked they say I’m fine he will be fine. I go to the hospital again because bleeding continues and then they say they can’t see any body or anything. So 50/50 I really pray you are okay and that your baby is fine too!

No. I had bleeds with all 3 of my boys…the worst with my last, born in Feb. I had a Subchorionic Hematoma and blood literally gushed out. It was horrible and so stressful. Hugs and prayers!

Don’t mind fuck yourself thinking the worst. Many women bleed for one reason or another I did. Just relax enjoy the life you have inside. And wait for your appointment. Most importantly stay off the internet, unless your looking up baby animals.

My mom had her period the whole time she was pregnant with me. I was a healthy baby. Everyone’s body is different. :slight_smile:

Yes, I did. My son is now 5 years old. Had bleeding at 12 weeks and he was bouncing around in the womb on the emergency scan :joy::joy::joy:
Hope all is good for you

Subchorionic bleed here. He is now a crazy 4 year old. Dont stress

Placenta previa with a healthy 8pd 6oz baby… I was loosing buckets, got off my feet and he’s on his 1st deployment, 8 pd2oz now 13 and 9pd 7oz now 8. You’ve got this mom. If you need employment options message me.

I bled my entire pregnancy, my baby is now a healthy young man. Hope everything goes well for you!:heart:

No it does not my daughter bleed 2 weeks when she was pregnant doctor said from her body adjusting and stretching. I bleed at 6 months and I called my doctor and he had me come in and told me to calm down and he looked to see where it was coming from and he said nothing to worry about and sure enough he is 18 years old now. Don’t panic but call your doctor and discuss it with them. Best wishes to you❤️

I had periods all the way through my first pregnancy and that’s the reason my baby cane as a huge shock when she was born 30 years ago if your worried too much I would go to my doctor/hospital to put mind at rest

You can still have a period when your pregnant. Let’s hope it’s just that and nothing serious. Pray

Bed rest and hope for the best

With my second baby,when I was 11 weeks ,I started bleeding so much, it wouldn’t stop my husband has to call 911 , i was brough to ghe hospital by ambulance I was sure I had miscarried, did an ultrasound baby had a strong heartbeat, turns out a had a tear in my placenta

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Yes I started bleeding at 5 months and was put on bed rest after further exam I had a placenta previa (?) I dont know if I spelled that correctly baby was healthy and full term

Hope everything will b ok :two_hearts::heart_eyes:

I bleed for the first 17 weeks of my pregnancy was so scary but every time I went in to be checked bubba was healthy & growing well it was a hematoma on the out side of my placenta
she’s now 4 weeks old

I bled with two pregnancy’s but heavy bleeding and it turned to clotting lost both those babies seperate pregnancies at 20weeks😞

Finally got our rainbow boy- didn’t bleed with him and currently 30+4 today with his little sister- no bleeding either!!

Just keep a very close on it

I started bleeding at 12 weeks very heavily, blue lighted into hospital etc…and she’s 4 now! I carried on bleeding on and off for about 4 weeks but she luckily was fine! Xx

Yes I bled from 18 weeks and my beautiful girl is now 5 would keep getting monitored. Hope everything goes well for you

Currently I just went through that myself. Got preggers about a mth and half in I started to bleed for 5 wks with clotting btw and baby is going good and strong I’m currently 28wks and 6 days :slightly_smiling_face: you can totally still be okay

I did. With my second baby my placenta had a tear and I thought for sure I was miscarrying. He is now 3!

I had a chorionic hemorrhage 2 separate times when i was pregnant with my daughter, for sure thought it was a miscarriage but she’s alive and well!

No. Im 18wks with 4th and bleed quite often and no one knows why… I’ve had a few ultrasounds already (I wanna say I’ve had 5… one of the 25th also.) Thankfully I haven’t had bleeding since July. Knocks on wood… I had a tiny blood issue with baby 3 also and shes a healthy 2yr old.

I did I had placenta previa, bed rested from 13 weeks till 28 baby was fine she is about to be 11

I bled at 12 weeks and It turned out to be placenta previa it’s where the placenta sits over the cervix it can be so scary but I carried to term!

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I had heavy bleeding, passing clots etc from 5 weeks until I was 15 weeks ( I had a subchrionic haematoma). I had a healthy baby born full term, she’s 5 now X

I bled and had horrible cramping g in the beginning of my pregnancy. Mostly due to stress. Try not to stress out and check up with you’re doctor. Hopefully everything is OK.

With my 3rd child I was hemorrhaging blood the first 4 months. I went to the drs as well at 6 weeks bleeding and thought I was miscarrying, he was in there totally fine but around my uterus I had blood and it just eventually came all out. I would get a sharp cramp in my stomach and lower back and blood would just gush out of me, it was so scary! It all over time came out and I had no more bleeding and carried him until 42 weeks when he was born healthy and is thriving at 6 years old today! If you haven’t already had an ultrasound I would ask for one to see if you can find out more. Good luck :heart:

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I had some blood clots at 13 weeks. I had my husband taking me to the ER the second it happened.

Everything was fine and our son is almost 6 months old.

Both my aunts and my mom and grandma all experienced bleeding during pregnancy

I had normal periods for months during my pregnancy with my daughter and she’s gonna be 20 this year!!

I had bleeding pretty much right through my 2nd pregnancy. Every month just like my period.
Although my son required the crash team to resucitate him at birth he is now a very healthy 28yo
My advice…try not to stress. Dont overdo anything and rest often but live your life. Babies are strong and well protected. A miscarriage is often mother natures way of protecting severely handicapped babies by taking them home :heartpulse:

I bled d entire pregnancy on my 2nd child n out 4 wkly scans. Never told me why till I was n Labour ward, got bored and started reading my file. Turned out was low lying plencita on right side. But was terrified whole time. I had my baby girl who was healthy now age 11. If u r worried go back sooner and explain ur concerns. Xx

Yes, I had a heamatoma with my 2nd baby bled quite badly at one point. He’s now 5months old. Dont worry about the unknown :kissing_heart: good luck xxx

I wouldn’t worry about it too much and put your body through stress sounds like right now everything’s cool with baby watch for clotting I’ve known a couple people this has happened to and their babies have turned out fine just hope for the best and prepare yourself for the worse

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Does bleeding early in pregnancy always mean a miscarriage?

Didn’t see how far along poster was so deleted my comment sorry

I’ve had a miscarriage from bleeding, but heavy heavy bleeding and lots of clots.

I’ve also gone 31 weeks with twins after bleeding a lot at week 5.

I’ll keep you in my thoughts. Bleeding is not ideal and anxiety inducing.

I did not experience bleeding but I want to send positive vibes!!

I had the same thing happen to me with my now 2 year old. I was 13 weeks along and it lasted a little over 24 hours and then just stopped

I would recommend calling your OB/GYN. I had bleeding with both a miscarriage and with my rainbow baby. The bleeding from my successful pregnancy was due to placenta previa (the placenta is covering the cervix which makes you prone to bleeding). My daughter was fine, we just had to plan for a c-section. Best wishes for you :heart:

I had heavy bleeding to light bleeding throughout my first trimester .My baby was born healthy. Obgyn told me it was subchorionic hematoma.

I bled at 16 weeks, blood clots, gushing, soaked through super plus pads. It ended up being placenta privea, was on bed rest, definitely was hard to do with 3 other kids. She came out at 36 weeks, she’s almost 5 :heart_eyes:


I had some heavy bleeding around 9 weeks. But I did IVF and transferred 2 eggs. I ended up losing one but got in quick enough to be put on progesterone suppositories to try and help the uterine lining keep ahold of the other egg. This was in Japan (military duty station but seen off base at a local clinic) so I’m not sure if they’ll make this an option for you but it’s worth asking.

My little one is 3 years old now.

I had light bleeding it was normal I guess but sounds like u need to see your doctor.

I had bleeding early on in my pregnancy with my now 3 year old son. Turns out I was RH negative and needed the rhogam shot. My blood type is negative, and my sons is positive. So my body was treating him as if he was a foreign body that needed to be fought off. But once I had the rhogam shot, and was on pelvic rest for 2 weeks I was fine. Praying for you mama :heart:

I bled at about 12 weeks what it seemed like a period and preparing myself for the worst but luckily I have a 17 year old now. So does not mean miscarriage. Praying for you…

See a dr as soon as you can. I don’t want to scare you too much. When I was pregnant for the first time I started to bleed. Freaked me out and knew it wasn’t good. Just moving to a new area and started to get new drs no one seemed to care when I called. Sadly when I finally got to see a dr my baby was gone. No heart beat….I carried for only 6 wks. It was the worse pain I’ve ever gone through. I pray and hope you don’t go through what I did.

I had placenta previa with my second baby. I bled so much and it was so scary but in the end I had a healthy baby.

This happened to me and ended up being a uti. My baby was fine

I had some bleeding going on like a Period with my last one. I was so afraid I would have another miscarriage, but it turned out that I had a cyst that burst and my baby girl was fine. She only decided to stay in until 34 weeks, but she was healthy.

I bled heavy at 11 weeks. Currently 36 weeks and baby is happy as ever! Sounds like it could possibly be because of a subchorionic hematoma. I hadn’t heard of it until the bleed. Joined a support group on Facebook and hearing everyone’s success stories out my mind at ease. Sending prayers momma! :heart:

I had bleeding at 13 weeks. It was placenta previa. If you are still bleeding tomorrow, I would go to a different er. My baby was fine, but I was off work for 30 days and light duty for the rest of my pregnancy

I have had bleeding end up both ways. :pensive:

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I had heavy bleeding with my son at 12 weeks. I had a low lying placenta. It corrected itself and all was well. He is now 13. I had bleeding with my daughter and I had a subchorionic hematoma (sp) and she was fine as well. She’s now 11. Rest and take it easy

I had bleeding at 12 weeks as well. Was a subchorionic hematoma. He’s now 9 years old.

This happened to me at 11 weeks and a day. I ended up going to the emergency room as I thought I was having a miscarriage. They did a Vaginal ultra sound and a normal ultra sound. Baby had a good strong heart beat and was moving all over. Dr. ended up coming in after my ultrasounds confirming I had a hemorrhage and that it finally burst and there was only one way for the blood to come out! I’m now 18 weeks and 3 days and the bleeding finally stopped about a week ago. Hang in there and see your Dr.! Prayers for you❤️

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I guess mine was normal it was like a period for the first four months. Just a little lighter. I didn’t have regular periods but seemed like I started getting them just before I got pregnant

I had bleeding after 12 weeks, And it was from the placenta attaching they said. I even had clots and 2 previous miscarriages so I thought for sure it was another one but it wasn’t. My little guy is now 16 months. :two_hearts: Positive vibes to you!

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I bleed my entire pregnancy with my last baby girl I had placenta Previa and then a chronic placental abruption she was born at 31 wks after my water broke at 20 weeks
Don’t lose hope momma

I experienced the same, went in to a healthy baby with a heartbeat, to then no heartbeat the very next day. It can go either way. Good luck :heart::heart::heart:

I had 3 miscarriages before I had my 1st baby. Then when I got pregnant a 4th time I bled at 12 wks and of course thought I was miscarrying again, but I didn’t. I found out that I had a complete previa with him. At 28 wks it happened again and then 3 more times after that. The last time it happened they kept me in the hospital til I delivered him. I was there for 2 wks and they scheduled my c section for 36 wks. He spent 10 days in the hospital, but is now a healthy almost 3 yr old.

You could have a miscarriage, it doesn’t always mean that. It definitely does mean something is going on so have them check your amniotic fluid, your cervix around the baby and the position of the cord and your placenta. The baby of couse with a ultrasound. Good luck.

I had EXTREMELY heavy bleeding at 9 wks. Found out i had a SCH - sub chorionic hemmerage . I bled frm 9wks - 28ish wks. 3 trips to the emergency room, bc of heaviness. My crotch goblin is now 3 years old.

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I did, they put me in bed rest only to get up for restroom and to eat then in bed with feet up. No sex for a few months this was early in pregnancy, went full term with healthy baby boy! :heartbeat: prayers for you and the baby​:pray:t3:

I bled a lot during my pregnancy. My baby boy is fine, he turned 2 in April. I would say your fine, but if it keeps on go to the doctor!

Same happened to me early on. She’s about to turn 21 soon. Stay positive and off your feet!

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I bled every month around the time of my period the whole time I was pregnant and so did my mother

Go to another ER. Aside from the bleeding, getting checked again and knowing your baby is ok will relieve so much stress.

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I had a subchorionic hematoma throughout my second pregnancy. It caused heavy bleeding twice throughout the pregnancy. Both times, I went to the ER and baby boy had a heartbeat. He is now 10 months old! The best thing you can do is stay calm, mama. Sending lots of positive vibes for you and your sweet little :heart:

I’ve had it go both ways. Always best to keep an eye on it and make sure you’re not passing tissue.

Yes, there are other conditions that can cause it. I had heavy bleeding thought the same. I had Placenta Previa (placenta will cover the cervix) up until almost 25 weeks then finally resolved enough for delivery.
I seriously would put yourself on bed rest until Monday. Ask for frequent check ups

No it doesn’t. With my first I started spotting when I was about 3-4 months. Went in had an ultrasound done and it was him just getting bigger, that’s what they told me. He’s 31 now