Does bleeding early in pregnancy always mean a miscarriage?

It’s really hard to say because it could be different for everyone. But, after three years of trying to convince I finally was successful, and I bled off and on(not extremely heavy) but enough for concern for months and I really thought I was losing. I went to hospital twice and got ultrasounds and tests and everything ended up coming back fine. It really worried me but Dr. told me that sometimes it happens to people and it can be normal. If your excessively bleeding I’d look into why. My son is a little over one and happy healthy little man. I am hoping everything turns out good for you as well. Sending all the positivity your way!

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No I bleed lots through my pregnancy with my first baby and she came early at 35 weeks but was 7lbs and fine . I was in a car accident and very stressed though . She is now a happy 10 year old

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My 2nd pregnancy, I had a full period cycle for 5 months! Be cautious and rest !


No I bled all throughout my last pregnancy have a healthy 9yr old now❤ try not to stress

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I bled in the first 12 weeks with my son. I ended up having a hematoma along the sack lining.

My placenta and uterus didn’t connect and bled my whole pregnancy… he was a month early and I had to have surgery after to remove the placenta

Yes I have. Was bleeding heavy. My doctor admitted over night On my way! Leaving the hospital a big clot came out but didn’t miscarried. Next morning at home needed to poo. After I started getting cramps they we’re getting worse. Had to rush back to the hospital. Doctor said I miscarried. But the fetus was still in me. So they had to do an DC and remove the dead fetus. If anyone tells you they had a miscarriage and didn’t feel anything. They didn’t. Cause to me that miscarried was worse then regular labor pains.

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I did but much just spotting. Dr. Put me on bed rest for a while. It ended with a healthy boy. Wishing you the best of luck.

I bled 4 months into my pregnancy. Had to take progesterone shots from 12 weeks and she came at 33 weeks.

Not always. I bled through my pregnancy all 9 months. My son turned 11 in April.

Bleeding can be normal for some. I had a few periods my first pregnancy nothing was wrong

Complete bedrest to be on the safe side. I miscarried but it aso happened with my son and is now 31.

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I had heavy bleeding with my youngest when I was 13 weeks. Hes not a healthy and happy 1 year old

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My mom had her period every month when she was pregnant with me and my sister

It happens and does not always mean miscarriage.

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Go to your dr, appt or not, emergency visits are important and bleeding during pregnancy is bad

Did they check u for an uti? I was 20 weeks with my second and was spotting and I went to hospital to figure out what was going on and they found out I had a uti. With my 3rd I spotted when I was 5 weeks and there was no uti and baby was too small for heartbeat but they said if I had sex recently it could have caused some spotting and that’s what it was bx my 3rd is here and almost 2.

Yes sweetie I had fibroid tumors ,they had burst but my daughter was fine :slightly_smiling_face:

My mom had a regular menstrual cycle for 6 months with my youngest brother

I did and I now have a healthy 30 year old son

I had blood running down my leg it was so bad and my little guys is now 13 yrs

I did with my 3rd pregnancy. I was diagnosed with placenta previa and put to bed at 3 months. My baby is now 31.

Had normal cycles, then suprise your 5.5 months pregnant

No. I even had huge clots. And my little guy survived. Now 23w5d.

It’s caused by stress or doing to much I was fine but when I worked or anything that would cause stress being sad mad or anything would cause bleeding but baby stayed attached just relax and I would keep goin to get checked but unfortunately its a waiting game wishing u well through ur journey

Isn’t that up to your doctor to explain to you your question? After all they are the professional s not us strangers

You need to stay calm and rest.


Not always. How much blood are we talking?

My personal experience like this was a result of a subchoronic hemorrhage

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This happened to me. My baby is 26 years old now with her own 6 week old baby boy.

Call your OB dr and go see them. Why worry all weekend. They will see you if they know your bleeding.

Sounds like a possible sibchorionic hemorrhage. They can check via ultrasound :heart:

No but call your doctor right away

I bled my first pregnancy and they told me I could lose him, I didn’t but I did lose my second pregnancy, and bled so much I almost lost my second son. I have sensitive uterus so I bleed a lot after implantation of the sperm. I think it has to do with my endometriosis. I would go to the doctors asap , and strict bed rest and water.

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Drink lots of ice water and try to get rest

I bled from 13 weeks till 36 weeks and my little miracle is perfectly healthy and today is her TENTH birthday!!

Stay off your feet- I had tear in my placenta, I would of lost my son, need to be on bed rest, don’t chance it!! Prayers!!

Some people experience bleeding every month like a regular period. Due to this some people never knew they was pregnant till they have the baby

If the baby had a strong heartbeat it sounds good

No. I had early bleeding and had something called subchorinic hemorrhages.
Had it in 4 pregnancies. Bled for weeeeeeeks straight and I’m talking about lots of bleeding,and even one pregnancy passing coke can sized clots.

I had 2 out of 4 babies survive.

Women who are expecting and got vaccinated have miscarried.

Prayers all is well with your baby

Put your feet up relax stay hydrated… hopefully it’s just hormonal

I spotted with two of mine and definitely cramped and all was good

My daughter did. The result is now almost 13

Have them check your cervix

Did they check your hcg or progesterone?


Nvm fb doctors, call yours!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Does bleeding early in pregnancy always mean a miscarriage?

I had a massive gush with my third all from a sneeze turned out it caused a rip right through my uterus luckily it was not where the baby sac was I was told I couldn’t do any heavy lifting and to rest and went on to have a healthy baby girl

I bled with both of my kids. I was certain I was having a miscarriage each time. Hugs momma. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Sending love and hope for a healthy pregnancy.

I bleed with my second and third so bad but lucky they both came out healthy prayers for u and ur baby and I pray u deliver a sweet healthy baby and prayers for some peace I know ur worrying ur self to death and stress ain’t good :two_hearts:

I had 2 miscarriages. I started bleeding with the 3rd, so they put me on progesterone supplements. However there was a .01% chance of it causing birth defects. 8.5 months later my baby was born with no kidneys, no instestines, and underdeveloped heart and lungs. She lived 1 day. This was 28 years ago. If they give you progesterone, find out the risks first. I pray your baby will be fine.:two_hearts:


Not at all. I bled my entire 1st trimester with my 2nd and was terrified the entire time, but I knew I had to just relax and not stress out even though I kept seeing red. Every ultrasound I had (3 because I was freaking out so bad), the baby was just fine, heartbeat great and they couldn’t find a reason for the bleeding. Once I hit my 2nd trimester the bleeding stopped. He’s now 1 year and 1 month old, walking, running and eats like a horse :laughing:

I had heavy bleeding with my 3rd pregnancy starting at 12 weeks and ending at 16 weeks then again in my 3rd trimester. It was a subchorionic hematoma, I was placed on bedrest and my son was born at 37 weeks :blush: he’s now 1 week and 6 days old.

My mum had bleeding at 16 weeks with my younger sister and she was born happy and healthy.

I had a sub chorionic hematoma that was very bad, very heavy gushing, large clotted blood every day for a week straight. Doctors kept sending me home saying I was fine the last day I went was my miscarriage, where they said they had found the hematoma on day 2 ultrasound and never told me, and was prepped for blood transfusion. Probably could have been prevented the first time, had they told me and strict bed rest?

Just take care of yourself, relax if you can have others do things for you. Sometimes we overdue ourselves and don’t realize it :heart:

With my second I had a hole in the placenta and it caused bleeding my baby grew and so did placenta and bleeding stopped . Lasted about a month…and everyday I was worried but my baby is now 9 and healthy

This happened to me with my 3 oldest children. I had a subchorionic hematoma. It’s when there is blood in between the uterus wall and the placenta. The placenta partially detaches or moves. There is a risk for miscarriage but many woman get through it. With my oldest I bled until 6 months, the second until the mid-end of second trimester. With my 3rd only early in the beginning of the pregnancy. I was told to stay off my feet, no lifting, not too much walking or activity and to lay with my feet elevated. I was told to take it easy, try to reduce all stress factors. With my second and third child my doctor and I decided working in the field of social work (home visits and a lot of walking) had to stop while I was pregnant in order to save my baby. So the doctor wrote me out of work. The third time it happened I chose to take a hiatus and relax. My 3 that’s I experienced bleeding with where all healthy for the most part.

I had a hematoma of the placenta at 12 weeks and bled so much i thought for sure I was having a miscarriage. During the ultrasound at the ER there was a heartbeat. My little guy is now 2 and a half and healthy.

Sometimes women have a whole period while pregnant. It’s not uncommon, your uterus probably just likes to scare you. I wouldn’t say it’s implantation bleeding if it’s 12 weeks but it could be possible that they got your due date wrong. If there’s still a heartbeat then I’m sure baby is fine and it’s nothing. I would check with your doctor still, just in case it is something with your uterus or the placenta. Vaginas are a pain to deal with but I’m sure you’ll be fine mama! Try not to stress too much bc you never know, even if it is something that’s wrong, it could be fixable. So just keep positive thoughts in your brain. Hugs :heart::heart:

I had bleeding on the day I turned 13 weeks it turned out to be a subchorionic hematoma just a very small one but it caused lots of bleeding and some clots then just bleeding. It was very scary and I thought the absolute worst but I am now a healthy 29 weeks pregnant. I hope you and your little one will be just fine, sending you love and positive vibes :heart:

I bled with my first pregnancy cause I had that placenta previa. He’s an energetic, ADD/ADHD 3 year old.

I had twin pregnancy and bled. Some people can have period or some bleeding and be fine. Try not to worry. :heart::pray:t4:

I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant and at around 13 weeks I started bleeding also the doctors told me I had a subchorionic bleed and after a few weeks it’s went away on its own just take it extra easy

I just had my second boy and when I found out I was pregnant I was bleeding they thought I was having a miscarriage so just waited to see if it would stop it stopped about a week later and heart beat and my boy was fine I hope everything stays ok for you :slightly_smiling_face:

I bled some when I was pregnant with my son. I had to literally put myself on bed rest for a few months. And I had a healthy baby boy

With my first I had a normal period for 2 months while pregnant. Then had a massive bleed at 35 weeks and it was because she flipped and there was trapped blood. She’s now 11 and healthy. I didn’t have a period for over a year when I got pregnant with my son (I have health issues and thought I couldn’t get pregnant again because of this. They thought I already went through menopause) but. Nope. Took a while to figure out how far along I was since I had no period to base it off of and was married. So sex was a daily thing. Rough pregnancy with lots of complications but healthy 5 year old now.

I have had multiple miscarriages though. The amount of bleeding differed, they were all usually very early 4-8 weeks ish. But when I had them the cramps felt “different”. There was a lot of clots. And I always got pretty sick. Might have been a mental thing. But I’m not sure.

I found out I have contractions the min I conceive so both my babies are miracles. And I habe had a hysterectomy (age 24).

I hope it works out for you and baby is good. But you won’t know until you go to the doctor. Stress will not help. So take it easy. Try to calm your mind and relax. Lots of fluids and give yourself space to allow for emotions.

Best of luck :heart:

Yes. I was told I was having a miscarriage & to prepare myself - He is now 18 years old. :heart:

I actually had my period sorry but for my 2 sons scared me till i got looked over said very rare but some woman experience this …ur body may be pushing out what u dont need .just take it easy dont over do it

Not necessarily. I bled throughout my pregnancy from around 12 weeks as well. I was put on bed rest.

I did off and on for a couple weeks. I was around 10-12 weeks. Had a healthy little boy. They really didn’t give me a concrete answer as to why it happened. Your in my thoughts momma!

I had bleeding with my first from a tear somewhere in the placenta…I think. I was on bed rest for two weeks and then it healed on its own. It was super scary, but I made sure to follow the drs orders and rest fully. Hang in there, sending good thoughts :heartbeat:

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Bled with my 3rd child 1/2 way through pregnancy. Placenta previa (sp) kind of scary. Went to ER at least 3 times during pregnancy. 35 days of bed rest. Then Had him 5 weeks early but he was born healthy and is now 13. Keep the faith! Relax and take care of yourself! Wishing u the best!

I had bleeding in the beginning of my second pregnancy. I was worried about a miscarriage as well, and had gone to the ER. But baby was ok and it was found to be a subchorionic hemorrhage. It eventually resolved on its own. I hope everything turns out okay and that baby is healthy :heart:

I had a couple of big bleeds with my second at about 16 weeks. Was put in hospital on bedrest for a week. It was a low lying placenta. He’s now 36.

I bled with my first til i was 4 months pregnant. Like i kept having my period lol, it was scary. My son is now 7 yrs old

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Yes. Not uncommon. I bled w/my 2nd baby, anticipated a Mc, bleeding was light and stopped. Its definitely enough to freak you out, but just wait. I heard it explained that your body is used to having periods ea month. That’s why some women say they had no idea they were preg!!

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I bled until 20 weeks with my first because I had a sub chronic hematoma and he was born healthy :heart:

Not always, I bled and was told to just prepare myself mentally, his now 2 years old!

With my first born I had heavy bleeding and at the er they told me to be on bed rest but to be prepared to lose my unborn. Now he’s turning 8 years old and I’m currently pregnant again and was bleeding in the beginning and my ob told me it depends on the color of ur blood but They’ve monitoring me every 2 weeks and I’m 34 weeks tomorrow. If anything don’t be scared to go get checked again. I hope everything turns out fine and your not going through a miscarriage

I had this at 16weeks with my third baby. It was subchorionic hematoma, we were monitored closely throughout the rest of the pregnancy, Wich had other complications (hyperemisis) despite all our challenges my baby is a healthy 3 month old in my arms as I type. I wish you luck !!!

I bled with my 4th pregnancy after 2 failed pregnancies. My advice would be don’t stress mama! Wait until you see your doctor & love on baby until then :revolving_hearts:

I had bleeding like a period at 7 weeks, my Dr said it was subchorionic hematoma…I’m 16 weeks now and baby is fine :heart:

I bled with my daughter and besides having preeclampsia and having to be induced 2 wks early she was and is perfectly healthy

I bled with all my kids, my second kid was the worst

I bled the entire first trimester, and I now have a happy healthy soon-to-be 3-year-old boy!

I experienced the same at 12 weeks and my son is 1 now

My first pregnancy I bled so much that they told me I miscarried but I didn’t and I have a healthy 4 year old, I bled with my second pregnancy and baby is fine

No, I bleed at the beginning of my second pregnancy and it ended up being a bloodclot that loosened up (the bloodclot formed when baby attached)

I bled and I ended up having placenta previa and my guy came out perfect

No I bled with two of my three babies

Main thing try not to stress & lots of rest atleast until you see your Dr

No. I bleed up will I was 6 months and he’s now a happy and healthy 4 year old. I bleed with my second some also.

I bled my entire pregnancy with my rainbow baby and I was terrified the entire time.

My two pregnancy I didn’t stop bleeding till was over five months pregnant normal for some women

I bleed like that with 2 out of 3 of my babies and everything turned out fine. I hope the same for u

I bled with my second went to emergency turned out to be a bladder infection

I had a period for the first 5 months of my first one. Well I bled like that’s what it was. Anything’s possible

I bleed alot, had a subchorionic hemorrhage that resolved on it own.

I had bleeding with my 1st and also with this pregnancy my 1st came out just fine 3 years ago and this one seems to be doing just fine right now just take it easy and try not to stress momma you got this