Does breastfeeding/pumping cause anyone else be completely unable to gain weight? I’m exclusively pumping and have been losing weight like crazy. I’m underweight at this point and feel gross. I try to eat 3000 plus calories a day but I’m still losing weight. I didn’t have this problem with my first who was formula fed so I’m wondering if it’s from pumping ?? I have a dr appointment scheduled but has anyone else been through this? My baby is 3 months
I wish! Going on 10months with my son and haven’t lost anything.
Yesss. It burns all of your calories. I had to stop because I was losing so much weight
It can. But I ate to keep up and then when I stopped I gained so much dang weight.
Yes. It causes your uterus to shrink faster
I breastfed my 3 kids I lost weight fast with all of them. My first was the most I’ve lost though I’m 5’8” and weighted around 125-130 before I got pregnant I only gained 14lbs that pregnancy and was full term but sick a lot but I breastfed and lost so much weight after I delivered I went right back to my pre pregnancy weight but kept lossing as I breast fed went down to 99lbs doctors said I was fine but couldn’t gain weight for the whole year thst I breast fed once I stopped breast feeding I gained my regular weight back fast. I didn’t look healthy I’ll admit that but there was nothing I could do to gain weight while I breastfed hang in there momma.
For some people. I lose the first 6 or 8 weeks, then I don’t lose anymore. Probably because I get cravings for sweets.
My weight fluctuates a lot. Because I am so hungry all the time
I was 147 pre pregnancy with my first and after 12 months of EP I ended at 108.
I held steady above pre-pregnancy weight for the first almost year of breastfeeding. Wasn’t until he wasn’t nursing all day long and I wasn’t eating constantly that I finally dropped the weight. But I have heard/seen that weight loss like that can happen.
I would suggest you go to your doctor and not listen to advice from strangers (like me)
Get your thyroid checked.
Yes I lost a ton went from 208-210 to 125 in six months and I ate more then a lumber jack in food
Get your thyroid checked by an endocrinologist and yes, I lost weight if I ate less than 4500 healthy calories a day
It doesn’t even look like i eat
I was skinny before the pregnancy
But now i really don’t know
Yes, it can cause weight loss but if you’re losing too much or concerned about it talk to your doctor. You might need to add some extra carbs in if you haven’t already to try and maintain your weight.
It definitely can. It speeds up your metabolism. I unfortunately had the opposite problem lol. I lose all of my pregnancy weight then gain weight while breastfeeding because I’m starving all the time when I’m nursing. And if I try to eat less, I produce less milk. It’s frustrating.
Get your blood sugar checked now!
Maybe get your thyroid checked can be a sign it’s overworking it’s common after a baby
It can. It can also cause weight gain. It really depends on your body. If you’re really concerned you can always ask your dr to run some tests to make sure everything is in order. But you burn ALOT of calories a day just from breastfeeding.
When I breastfed I lost a ton because your body uses stored fats to make your milk. Just eating chocolate won’t work though you need healthy fats
Yes, it can. But you’re fine as long as you’re eating enough. Did your doctor state you’re underweight and that it was a concern?
I didn’t lose a pound I ebf for 2 years. didn’t gain when I stopped either
I heard it did that’s why I wanted To but my body had a different plan. Baby came early, milk came late. Shit didn’t work out lol so if you are breastfeeding awesome n if weightloss happens awesome. But nothing is what you plan
Yes, I have found eating peanut butter has helped me put on weight.
I was 178 before I got pregnant. Lost 25 pounds during my pregnancy, only gained 9 of the 25 pounds back by the end of my pregnancy. & I’m about a year PP & weigh 143 now.
You might want to be checked for diabetes. That is one of the frequently experienced signs.
Request a full thyroid panel at your next appt. Hyperthyroidism is very common postpartum.