Does it hurt getting mirena out?

does it hurt getting the mirena iud taken out? ive has nothing but issues since its been placed 6 months ago and im over it and gonna ask my husband to get a vasectomy instead lol


It don’t feel great!! Lol but bearable

Not at all. I was asked to cough as they pulled and I felt nothing. I was so happy to have it out!

Never hurt me, I’ve had 3 :person_shrugging: no issues

I had it and it hurt getting it but I didn’t even feel it coming out.

I felt instant relief when they took mine out


My experience was that it hurt more going in. But neither experience was fun. I was just reading about the ability to ask for local anesthesia. If you’re worried maybe that is an option.

It hurts less than putting it in. I’ve only had it replaced so I’m not sure if you’ll have the same cramping when it’s gone.

When I got mine removed it didn’t hurt at all…but I do know some people’s shift and or get imbedded which sounds painful.

It hurt for a split second while it was removed for me, but it was a weird pain. As soon as mine was out, I had minor cramping for the day and have been ok since. Just watch for the hormone crash……it can be rough

I was one of the unlucky ones that voted for 6 months, but I loved it. Had it in for almost 3 years with no issues. It doesn’t hurt to get it removed.

I’ve had 4 removed. On my 5th one now. It more or less felt funny for me. Doesn’t really hurt. Nothing like getting it in anyways.
They have u do a huge cough when they pull it out.

I took mine out myself after about 6 months or so. It was uncomfortable but didn’t hurt at all. Going in was a different story I had excruciating cramping during and afterwards.


This is the MOST painful thing I ever went thru. It was worse than a C-section. I had mine 5 years, worked great and no pregnancy or periods. But that removal……20/10 do not recommend

Nope honestly I felt relief after getting it out I had a lot of pain and emotional rollercoaster and all that changed. It was nice

Mine was imbedded so I had to have it surgically removed :roll_eyes: I just take the pill now.

Putting it in hurt more second time around. It didn’t hurt the first time I think because I had just given birth.

It was so bad for me to get it installed and taken out. Ended up getting my tubes out about six months later.

They couldn’t find my string and were digging around for it. I ended up having to get an ultrasound to check the placement and then go back again to have it removed. Even with the ultrasound images they were still digging around the second time and it hurt so bad. Buuuuttttt I don’t get my period, so I’ll deal with the pain when I need it swapped out once a decade or so.

It might be uncomfortable but instant relief. I suffered for 4 years stupidly. Wish I never did it.

Mine hurt and I ended up needing to be put to sleep to get it taken out. But I’ve heard stories of women having no problems, so it really depends

Removing doesn’t hurt. Insertion after removal sucks but it’s not awful.

It was uncomfortable but nothing compared to getting it put in

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Was very uncomfortable but not really painful

I would suggest taking some IB profin before your appointment. It .ay help with any pain and ir cramping

For me yes, and bad cramping/bleeding after, but I had issues with it which is why I had it removed. No good all around for me.

It hurt me but my Dr was pissed that I was taking it out so I’m sure mine hurt more than it should have


Same! Doesn’t hurt coming out, husband got a vasectomy and two years later we got pregnant lol

It’s uncomfortable buts it’s over quickly I was so scared but it was fine

I had to get mine surgically removed as it had been lodged in there sideways. It didnt hurt at all bc I was knocked out from anesthesia.

It was Instant relief for me. Worse thing to ever get.