Does it hurt having an IUD removed?

I’m having my iud removed tomorrow per request due to paranoia. How bad is it going to hurt?


I’ve had mine changed out. I’d say that afterwards I had mild cramping and a little bleeding, but not bad. Nothing ibuprofen or tylenol can’t manage.

Mine never hurt going in or coming out, it only hurt being in there. (Just my experience)

Mine hurt like he’ll going in and didn’t feel a thing coming out.

I had mine changed out. Taking the old one out didn’t hurt at all but putting the new one in was uncomfortable as hell

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Well mine fell out I didn’t know until foundout pregnant so don’t think be bad lol

Sometimes there’s cramping after and it feels much like a pelvic exam as long as it’s where it’s supposed to be

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Taking it out should not hurt if it’s in there properly. You could have some cramping afterwards but the actual removal should not hurt at all unless there is a complication. I took mine out myself at home both times I had one in and we decided to try for a baby

Mine was slightly imbedded and it hurt them pulling it out but I decided to have them try to pull it out instead of surgery. The cramping afterward wasn’t as bad as getting it out in in my opinion

It’s uncomfortable during the removal and I had cramps for a few hours after.
I’d take some ibuprofen about 45 minutes before the removal to help with the cramping.
But all in all it was bearable for me and I have a low pain tolerance.

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It didn’t hurt me when I removed mine but I didn’t know I was pregnant at the time also but thankfully nothing happened to the baby and no pain I just bleed a lot and still didn’t miscarry she was my rainbow baby

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It hurt me. I’m a baby when it comes to pain though. Most just say it’s uncomfortable.

It’s not too bad mine was a quick sharp pinch and a little abdominal cramping and then I was good. For reference I’ve had 2 removed

No. I’ve had three or four removed and they don’t hurt

I had no pain whatsoever. I did cramp about 30 minutes after it was removed but only a few times.

doesn’t hurt at all to have it removed.

be mentally ready for that hormone drop that no one ever talks about. I hope your body handles it better than mine but it’s the biggest hormonal low I’ve experienced my entire life.

Just popped right out. Easy peasy

Hurts going in , not out .

I didn’t feel a thing getting it removed

As long they can locate the strings it’s fairly simple. I had to have one surgically removed. Then my next one they had to use an ultrasound to find it and another lady internally ready to grab it that was quite uncomfortable but tolerable.

Just had mine out 1.5 days go. Had a pinch and some cramping after. A little dizzy yesterday feeling fine now… but I also had it in for 7 years. No bleeding when it was removed

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It didn’t hurt me at all. Was instant relief from the paid I had suffered from it.

My mother had hers for 16yrs and as far as I know everything is good

Might be a little uncomfortable but not painful. Just be prepared to have some cramping afterwards