Does it sound like my boyfriend stepped out of our relationship?

My boyfriend and I have been in a monogamous relationship for about a year. recently I’m having doubts on if the statement prior to this one is a hundred percent true. In the latter part of May he started complaining about discomfort in his genitals. Long story short he was diagnosed on June 1st with Chlamydia. He swore he has not gone outside our relationship and most of me believes it but I personally don’t put anything past anyone. I had discomfort over the last year however thought it was due to him not being circumcised , lack of water intake on my end and him being much larger than any previous partners but I obviously tested positive as well. I have always had issues with UTIs & usually treated them on my own so I’m unsure of when this may have happened. Neither of us had been tested within a year of us dating and we both had been sparingly but active with others so we agreed it must’ve occurred prior to getting together. We both got treatment and for about a month I felt much better. Well recently, I do not feel well and have an appointment scheduled ASAP. I am doing my best to trust my partner but this is Definitely making me question his monogamy. If I do end up positive again, I’m not sure what to think as we did not get retested after our 10 day antibiotics due to them saying we had to wait 7-14 days to be retested.Have any of you ladies had an STD not go away after treatment? Have you and a partner passed it back and forth and both been faithful? I hate to seem naive or that I am wearing rose colored glasses but am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.


I had to get on a stronger antibiotic once when I was younger because i had a resistant strain of chlamydia… 2 rounds of the stanard treatment wasn’t enough to kill it :joy:

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You already know the answer to this question mama. You know if you test positive again that the only one being monogamous in the relationship is you.


It can stay dormant for a very long time as well.

If you believe in Jesus you both are now deliverd in Jesus mighty name Amene. You will now see amazing works in Jesus mighty. Amene! Godbless you

I’d wait for results of next visit & go from there. Stay on your toes!

I learned this recently !!

This may have been asked already but, were either of you tested before your relationship? If you were negative before him and now are then you likely got it from him, visa vers.

Sometimes you need a second round of treatment. If you didn’t get tested after your first round, there is a very good chance that it didn’t fully get cleared up. Did you all wait to do any actives until you were done with your round of treatments? If you have any concerns ask your doctor.


You already know the answer…

It’s very possible that one of you had it all this time but just recently showed signs of an infection. And, yes, sometimes you will need two series of antibiotics to clear it. Until you both know that you are totally in the clear you should be using condoms.


You need to see your doctor

It could lay dormant for months or even years ! This is a hard one!

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The consequences of being unfaithful. :person_shrugging: You know the answer.


From what I just read, I agree it’s very possible that one of you had it the entire time, and honestly you should communicate what you just posted on here to your doctor/medical professionals and have him with you. Honestly,
It sounds like you probably had it for a while before you got with him and that’s why you have had the discomfort for a while, also I know a person who literally got it from river water, tested/checked virgin. So, sure it’s possible he has stepped out, you have, or both haven’t

I would get checked for other things if he gave you one thing he might have gave you another

Have them test for vaginitis as it’s not common to test with pap or utis but use to keep them constantly till I finally got a doctor to test for it

If you test positive again I’d be very suspicious.

Go and talk to your GP :+1:


It can go a long time without symptoms so it’s possible. Him not being circumcised would actually make you less likely to be uncomfortable because the gliding motion of the foreskin helps decrease friction and also helps maintain lubrication.

It’s nothing to do with not being circumcised or how much water you drink, it’s quite obvious one of you have cheated, you don’t get dirty disease through fresh air or not drinking enough, once you get treatment it 9/10 times clears up, he needs to be fussing up asap.


Sometimes it takes 2-3 rounds of treatment to clear it. Chlamydia is one that can hide dormant for a long time with no symptoms so it is very possible either one of you picked it up before you got together. It does not immediately mean someone is unfaithful.


A quick google search and a small amount of reading led me to this. It’s from the CDC and prevention.

Focus on the last paragraph.

Chlamydia symptoms show up 1-3 weeks after exposure to the infection.

The best thing to do here because you don’t know how you got it or if it even went is to get tested again get treated and wait till it’s gone and only then will you know if he’s cheated on you if any of you get it again, unless he admits to anything you will never know how it’s happened unfortunately it could of been from either of you

Maybe leave each other alone until u both test negative … then atleast in future u know where u stand instead of all this second guessing.


He picked it up somewhere!! I honestly believe if it were from a year ago you both would have known way sooner.


I think you or him had it when you too meet does not mean any of you cheated it’s a strange disease comes and goes get the clearance from doc that it’s definitely gone and if you and your partner get it again then someone must be cheating

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It can show up within weeks or it can lay dormant for years. Those of you saying it’s immediate, do some research before telling her to leave. It’s even possible that she gave it to him!!! Also, because the OP didnt test after the first round of antibiotics, it is possible that she wasn’t cured especially if it’s been dormant for some time.


First stop being so lax with your health. Getting tested does nothing of you’re not following through with treatment = final check up. If you’re sexually active, you should be getting tested regularly; monogamous or not. You only know where YOU’VE been. For those of you who are like “if you can’t trust them you don’t need to be with them”. I’ve worked infectious disease and guess who’s among the highest newly diagnosed there are? Get tested know your status.

If the std is the only evidence you have then i would say innocent till guilty. It can remain dormant for a very long time. And if he is innocent he is thinking the same about you … so he may start acting sus about you aswell so keep that in mind


So much misinformation in the comments. Glad to see some mama’s here actually understand a bit about STI’s and STD’s before giving bad advice.

You didn’t get it from a toilet seat


someone’s been playing…

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If you and him tested positive and it was treated but not tested again then either partner could still have it or either one of you didnt take the full course of treatment or were still sleeping with the culprit and or one is still sleeping with the culprit :woman_shrugging:
We’re u tested after treatment ?
I find alot of the times these type of posts are to try and prove it wasn’t you when in fact it very well may be …:woman_shrugging: or your partner Is a nasty ass :rofl::rofl:

Honestly, when I had chlamydia I wouldn’t have known if they hadn’t tested me at my first pregnancy appointment. I was just having casual sex with a friend and got itfrom him. However with your man being uncircumcised it is going to be a bit harder for him to get rid of. You should both probably do another round of antibiotics and hopefully that kicks it. I would trust him for now but if it comes back maybe question it

People pay for their lifestyles sometimes !

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If you’ve had discomfort for about a year then you probably had it that entire time. Honestly, you probably gave it to him. Woman can be asymptomatic and not know for months/years. It sounds like you’ve got people in your ear telling you there’s “no way” he didn’t cheat but you need to ask your doctor about the possibility you have had it that long and that the first round of treatments didn’t work. If this relationship fails remember to get tested between every partner/relationship in the future. Something most people don’t do but should


Chlamydia can come back! You also said you were not retested after the antibiotics and such, keep an open mind. Do not listen to these women who keep telling you he’s instantly unfaithful.


Well my son’s father and my self had broken up I slept in my son room until I saved enough money to move out! We had not had sex in about 9 months when one day I got a guy knocking on my door I didn’t open it but he said he was from the health department. I was very weary caus I thought oh wow home invasion are becoming more and more common. I still didn’t open the door but he left me a confidential letter on my door. Saying that I may have been exposed to syphillis and that my name was in a list of ppl that could have been exposed to my son’s father…. I immediately went and got tested and was negative thank goodness for that cause I never had anything from anyone and I had been with only him for 8 years he stepped out and till this day he won’t admit it…. But think of things this way what if it was something else that could not be cured? Hope you find the answers your looking for…

my bd gave me chlamydia the first time we ever had sex. I ended up pregnant and would never have known that I had it if it wouldn’t have been for the ob testing me at my first prenatal appt. you can have an std for months or years without symptoms. like I didn’t know that my bd had also given me hsv during our 7 years together and I never would have known if I wouldn’t have accidentally given it to my current fiancé. I never had external symptoms, the doctor said it was up inside. I never would have known. now, if you get it again, it’s either because he didn’t take the meds like he was supposed to the first time OR he’s messing around.

He’s definitely intimate w someone else if you test positive again ! Plus on the first instance he was too … you just didn’t caught him or didn’t want to believe it


Lads you can have chlamydia weeks months years without knowing so breathe !!!
You said you are together one year have you anything other then this that makes you feel like he’s cheated like any concrete evidence. I’m sorry but innocent till proven guilty I’m afraid only you know your partner does he do anything like dating sites , liking others pics , secret txts , stays out all night like anything else other then this if not you have two decisions stay or leave but make sure you make the right one :heart: and fyi chlamydia can come back after treatment go speak to your doctor don’t ask all these strangers who clearly haven’t a clue


Usually women can go for a long time having it before they get any symptoms. I know men usually have symptoms within a couple of weeks of getting it. You should get tested again, and if positive definitely retest after treatment this time. And in the meantime use protection with your partner if you’re unsure. STD’s are no joke.

Chlamydia can remain dormant for years. So unless you are tested regularly, you could literally have it for years and not know, especially if you’re asymptomatic. Either one of you could have passed it to the other. Also, if you didn’t refrain from s3x while taking the antibiotics you could have reinfected each other. Additionally, you mentioned you get UTIs regularly and treat at home, could it have been something other than a UTI, such as urethritis? That is a common symptom of untreated Chlamydia in women.

Only you know if there is reason, outside of the STD to suspect your boyfriend of being unfaithful. Contrary to popular opinion, it sounds more like you’ve had (whether from him or yourself) an untreated case of chlamydia for a while.

It is a bacteria, thus can be caused by uncircumcised penus. My uncle had to be circumcised as an adult due to infections. Check with your dr.

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You would have known about it most cases sooner than later. But I know if you get herpies they come and go. But you will have to tell your other partners that you do have it. Clearned or not, you will have to tell them. Someone had to of had it, if it wasn’t you two then the other person who has cheated has it. Someone needs to come forward!!! Someone needs to tell the truth. In some states you or him can get into trouble for not telling someone about a std.

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If you have to question yourself, trust me you already know

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Join the “are we dating the same guy “ group for your area, post his picture and ask if anyone else has been intimate with him within the past year….


The amount of people who aren’t properly educated on STDs are scary. You can have it for weeks, months, or even years without having symptoms. I would suggest routine testing for STDs. Also get retested to make sure the antibiotics cleared it. If it is cleared and then you get it again or any other std then you know if your boyfriend is cheating or not.


From a scientifical/medical point: some std’s do lie dormant, chlamydia, herpes, hiv just being a few to name. You can have it & not have symptoms, but still test positive. Also large amounts of stress can cause symptoms or an outbreak, even if it has laid dormant. Either one of you could have contracted it prior to your relationship & never known & not had symptoms. But also if you’re just self treating your uti’s for the most part & not seeing a dr, how do you know YOU didn’t pass it to him? Oh you can also get it from oral sex & sharing toys. If your toys weren’t properly cleaned after you tested positive you could have recontracted & passed it back & forth that way.

From the overthinking part of my brain-yes he may have cheated, but you have to go with YOUR gut feeling, NOT what 1000 strangers on social medial tells you.:woman_shrugging:t2:

You can’t just get chlamydia out of no where. It’s a sexually transmitted disease. Whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you but he stepped out. Not only did he step out, he also got an STD from the person he stepped out on you for.


70% of females and 90% of males don’t experience any symptoms and it can go unnoticed for years. Educate yourselves please, instead of giving false info.


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If your panels were clear before him, here is no other way to get chlamydia other than to get it from someone else outside of the relationship. Otherwise you would have had to step out of the relationship if he swears he didn’t. He’s not being truthful with you. He is straight up lying to you.

CONDOMS! Use them until you both are cured ! And in the future with new partners…

Hard to give you a opinión really .
The fact that you feel discomfort and you treated yourself might be the answer , there’s a possibility that you had it before starting dating him but didn’t know and thought it was just your usual utis , you can be infected with out showing any symptoms and be able to transmit it.
And sometimes you need more than one round of antibiotics to be clear .
To be honest I will give him the benefit of the doubt but , for now on you guys should be tested more frequently and use protection please. You guys are lucky that was chlamydia that can be cured, but next time can be herpes or even hiv .

If both of you are having unprotected sex your lucky a little baby isn’t on your plate. Every person you had sex with your boyfriend had sex with. Every person he had sex with so did you . Sorry to sound mean but that’s the facts. Kinda like Russian roulette

You can also be drug resistant to the treatment and not get rid of it….needing to be hospitalized for iv treatment