Does labor get easier the more kids you have?

My first was only an hour, my second was a whopping 36 hours and I’m currently 33 weeks so hopefully this one isn’t quite as long.

First of off, I’m terribly sorry for your losses. :broken_heart:

I am going opposite from the rest and saying that #6 will likely be a bit easier physically given the emotions that impacted your 4th and 5th deliveries significantly.

Inductions are never fun, but you know what to expect… and though it’s not the most comfortable experience, I do feel like it gets easier.

Sending you lots of love and support. :purple_heart:

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Different every time

I am on baby #9. 5 living, 2 DNC, 1 natural miscarriage, and 29 weeks pregnant. Mine have been easier after each one. Longest actual pushing was my 1st and shortest was my last one of only 2 min. Once I got to 6cm I had a baby in my arms within 30min

My 3rd was my hardest. Also my biggest baby.

1st- 14hrs.
2nd- 12hrs.
3rd- 2hrs.
Each pregnancy journey was harder than the one before. Labor not so much since you know what to expect.

I only have 2, but my second was much, much faster. Maybe its hereditary, though🤷‍♀️ All the women in my family seem to have faster labor times the more babies we have.

They were all about the same for me

No!!! My last baby was my worst labor. 20 hours of active labor.

5 kids nope not true! Just like all children are different, all pregnancies are different, all labors are different! My third was the worst bc his big head got stuck on my pelvic bone! That was the worst pain of my life, I wish that on no one! My first and second were the easiest bc of over doing the epidural and then my smallest baby.

They are all different depending on baby size and position, front or back labor, etc. My 3 were 5-7 years apart. I was 27 with the first, 32 with second and 39 with third. All were 35-36 weeks. Each was different. I was anxious and nervous each time. I had all three 100% naturally. We all did fantastic in the long run. Best wishes and congratulations :champagne:! Best advise I can offer is listen to your body, and try to learn how to relax so you can work with your body and baby.

  1. I’m sorry 4 the losses. 2. I really can’t compare my 1st and 2nd pregnancies were so different. My 1st was single, vaginal, and military hospital. my 2nd was twins, scheduled c section, civilian hospital, and tubal ligation.

My second labor was longer… But gave birth a lot faster… Over and hour of pushing with my first and smaller daughter… My second was larger and i pushed her out with 6 pushes. My first pregnancy we both almost didn’t make it… Nothing happened my second pregnancy… They are all different.

All different, but mine were Faster, more painful after, but #6 was easy like a slip n slide :kissing_heart::kissing_heart: congrats momma!!

I had 4 and my last baby was almost born on the side of the road. I woke up in active labor, water broke 15 minutes later on the way to the hospital, delivered 20 min after arrival. No pain meds so it’s safe to say my 4th was definitely the most painful and traumatic

I think it depends on your body cause my first son I was in labor for 15 hours and pushed for 15 minutes && my second one I was in labor for 23 hours and 53 minutes and I pushed one time and my son was born within 3 minutes

#5 & #6 reverted to my first labour experience. They were longer than 2/3/4.

Due to being a grand multi ( what they call a woman who has labours past 4 kids here) … It meant there was more room for my babies to move and turn in active labour.
Which they did haha.

So no, it doesn’t always go quicker or easier.

I didn’t use any medication or epidural and from the time labor started until they came out was
1st - 1hr 10min
2nd- 1hr
3rd- 52 min
It just depends on your body though and what it wants to do. Listen to it and it will guide you on what to do. You can do this :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:

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I only had 1. I had to be induced. I went in at 5 am to be induced. By 6-630 pm my water broke. And he was born at 851 pm. It didn’t seem like it was 2 hrs though. I had no epidural and only pain meds I had was at noon to help me sleep.

Well first let me say, I’m extremely sorry for your losses. I also came to chime in, the after of birth the more kids you have is the WORST. It gets progressively worse each child. Labor itself seems easier just because I know how to listen to my body more now then I did at my first.

For me every labor was easier- mom of three boys. All were natural, vaginal births- no meds. First labor was 36 hrs, second was 6 hrs and far more relaxed and less painful. The third was coming out literally and I didn’t even realize and laughed through most of it- lasted about 3 hrs total for which most I was business as usual. The dr laughed that he almost fell out- mind you my last two were less then 2 years apart

Absolutely not! Not saying it’s like this for everyone but my first child was the easiest, second was harder, and my last baby was the worst pain ever. She was born sunnyside up and ultimately that birthing experience is what made me decide to stop at 3 children. I wouldn’t even chance doing that labor over again. I also did all three of mine with zero medication.

You can’t ask this to anyone
No two women have the same birthing experience or pain level tolerance

Not true, but don’t let that scare you. Every birth just like every pregnancy is different. Doesn’t mean it will be harder, but it also could be. There is no way of telling until it’s time. Good luck momma

Tbh mine got longer and more painful with each child! Every one is diff tho! I’m hoping this one is quick haha but I highly doubt it!

I have 4. And all induced. My 4th and my last was 33 hours long. More than my 1,2,3 combined. I think depends on person

While all pregnancies are different, induced labors are more painful than naturally occurring labor. The meds they use increase the intensity of the contractions in my opinion.

I’ve had 5, and they got worse with each child. My last ended with an emergency csection. :confused:

My own experience it was quick ( I have 7 ) No pain meds all natural, sister n law was my birth coach made it better for concentrating on contractions

I wouldnt say easier but alot faster for me.
My daughter, I was in labour for 20 hours and contractions stalled at 4cm so I had to have my waters broken and put on a drip, even then it was another 5.5 hours until she was actually born.
With my son (2nd baby) my waters broke at 3pm and he was out by 5:51pm

Not true! My first 3 the labor did get shorter. My 4th was my longest and hardest. He was also born op.

My Mother had 12 Babies. I don’t recall her saying anything about how hard the first six were or that the last six were easier. I know she almost died with number 7 because he was big and wouldn’t turn. Number 8 was even bigger and I believe she sacrificed the health of her kidneys by having so many babies, so close together. All 12 lived into adulthood. I wish you all the best♡

I’m having baby number 7. I’d say my first was my hardest by far and it did get shorter and more bearable as I went. Mine were vaginal births.

My first it was a day 1/2… my second was kind of fast born in my car 2 mns from the hospital . my 3rd baby I started at 8 am by 5:50 I just push 1 time really fast that the doctor didn’t make it to my room😅. My recovery was worst for me.

Not sure with induction.
But X2 spontaneous 1st was 5.5 hours 1 hour pushing.
2nd was 3 hours and only half hour pushing

No. I just had my 3rd baby. My contractions were alot more painful then my 2nd (I had an epidural for my 1st). Everything was alot harder and painful for me this time around

God no , ,who ever would stupid enough to think they get easier :pensive: all pregnancies and deliverys are different


My first was awful, the epidural didn’t work, but #2 & 3 were easy. Was induced with #2, she came after a few hours without pushing, #3, I almost slept through, they woke me up because the monitor wasn’t working, turns out I had had just given birth. No dr., the nurse freaked out told my husband to go find the dr. My daughter started screaming just after. Had 3 pregnancies after, one was a DNC, then 2 c sections…they sucked.

I feel like as we age our pain threshold goes down therefor it feels worse with each one but it’s prob just the same.

I was induced for my stillborn and it took about 6hrs. With my last beautiful girl it took 4 days. All the other girls on the ward were coming in and leaving a few hrs later to go have their babies mine just wouldnt move. Hurt like hell with a few problems and was to late to get the epidural but was also so worth it. Good luck because i wouldnt plan to do it again any time soon :heart::four_leaf_clover::heart:

Different for everyone. My mom said it got easier each time…for me it was backwards. My 1st went so fast…hadn’t even signed all the documents yet and I had gone from 3 cm to 10 cm and into hard labor in under an hour…it began with my water breaking and everything was a blur from there. 2nd kid took longer. I was induced this time. They ended up having to break my water for me to see if that would get anything going…went from no labor to hard labor within an hour or so but much more pushing and labor was much much more intense. Then I had twins so that experience doesn’t count as much because I was lucky enough to have a vaginal delivery but it was mandatory to have an epidural and once they gave me that…my labor almost stopped and it took hours to get back up to where I was. My 5th kid was the absolute worst. The whole pregnancy was terrible. Labor was no exception. My water wouldn’t completely break…it had pockets of fluid so it was like she was stuck in there and would go down further but then go back up again. No clue how many hours it took…I was high af from laughing gas because the pain was so bad I couldn’t stop clenching it to my face and I’d literally pass out and the mask would fall off and then I’d wake and another contraction would start…it was absolutely horrible. Please note the last kid was 2 years after full term twins and my body still hadn’t fully recovered and the twins were only starting to sleep through the night at the same time around the time I learned I was pregnant so I think that was a huge factor.

It all depends on the person really. My youngest two were way worse than my first.

Nope just had my 4th and was the worst labour out of them all .x

My first was my easiest.
Second was a back labour
Third was induced and almost ended in a c section.
4th was a water birth.
30 weeks pregnant with my 5th.

Idk my 5th i went all the way to 39 weeks amd was in labor 8hrs i got the epidural. Way worth it

My first born, I was in slow labour for 3 and a half weeks, the had my waters broke at 37+4, from waters breaking my labour was 6 and a half hours and 3 pushes. My second I had my waters broke at 37+6, from my waters breaking my labour was 1 hour 4 minutes and 3 pushes also. But everyone is different I guess x

Well I’ve only had 2, but they were as different as night and day. With my first, I felt uncomfortable all day near the due date, finally went to L&D to find out I was in labor, then still had to push 4 more hours to get her out. My second, however, decided to come 2 weeks early, give me a few hours of being uncomfortable-quickly-turning-to-pain, and came out 11 minutes after arriving at the ER of the nearest hospital. :smirk:
If I ever had a third I wonder if they’d come about in the middle there lol.

For me the births got easier but the labor and pregnancy were harder. My first didn’t want to come out. I would push and they could see her head but when I stopped she went back up and I had to start all over. My 2nd baby pretty much fell out. The Dr barely got in the room in time.

My first 2 were born in 4 hours and not that bad; my 3rd couldn’t wait to enter the world but my 4th took more than 18 hours, my labor was all back pain, and it was not a pleasant experience. Because of the lengthy labor, the baby was stressed and monitored closely. Thank the Lord, all my kids are healthy today.

No. My 3rd was the worst Labour out the three of them

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Does labor get easier the more kids you have? - Mamas Uncut

It definitely was easier and shorter labor with my 2nd one. I had a very hard labor with the 1rst. 2nd was out without much labor

I am so sorry for your losses.

And I understand your anxiety.

Please speak goodness into your birth.

Remind yourself that you are strong.
You’ve done this before (although it won’t be the same)
Doctors and nurses will be there.
How beautiful your baby is and will be the first time you hold them and hear them cry.

You’re a warrior.

You got this momma. :heart:


I have 5 kids and yes each delivery was shorter and easier. However, my last one was mostly back labor which was something I had not dealt with in the 4 previous deliveries. An epidural did not help but we survived and it’s always worth it. Our bodies are capable of so much more than we think. Best of luck to you!

Depends on your body and if you ask the hospital for assistance. My first was 17 hours. 15 hours in pitocin was started. My second was an induction, 4 hours of labor. My third was a surrogate baby and I held her I for 12 hours of labor with 0 pitocin so her parents could make ot to her birth. So really depends how your body handles it and if you ask the hospital for the extra boost. In my opinion I prefer not to be induced. Labor is much harder and painful than naturally contacting

Sorry for your loss having a precious baby born asleep I am sure you will breeze through and have your rainbow baby in your arms in no time x :rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

I had 4 and i don’t know about “easier” but it definitely seemed to go quicker the more kids I had but everyone is different. Good luck to you and so sorry for all the sweet babies you’ve lost :purple_heart:

Well I just had my 3rd. Induced with all of them. I think my first was 12+ hours, my second was about 8ish hours, and this last one was about the same. It really just depends on the situation because my first I had preeclampsia and was Induced at 38 weeks. Not dilated at all. 2nd one was induced at 40 weeks and was I think 4 cm dilated. 3rd I was 40 weeks and cervix completely closed. Just depends on your body and how ready it is. I wish you the best of luck! And prayers that everything goes well and you and baby are both healthy! :pray:t2::pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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Everyone is different. I have 4 children & my last was the most painful!

I have 3 kids, epidural with all of them but I literally felt nothing before or after the epidural with my 3rd kid.

Each pregnancy is different. Never gets easy. Wishing you a safe labor and healthy baby.

I have 3 living and one stillborn. They were all long labors.

I think your more prepared but I don’t think it gets any easier or less painful…. Unless you get an epidural then yes it probably would be better


Mother baby nurse/mother of 4…all deliveries are different depending on you and you’re body

Each birth has its own story.

Sorry for your losses, it depends on the person. My first born was pretty quick, my second born was quicker but my last child was BRUTAL! Longest labor, pain and more mentally draining than the first 2. It depends on you and the baby. Safe delivery and good luck

I had 5 kids I do not recall having any hard labors but as for them being easier the more kids I had my answer would be no. I feel you are more aware of what is happening but easier no

I have 6 kids. Labour does get shorter for me. With my first labour was over 12 hours my second was 12 hours to the mark my 3rd was 3 days however he was premie and they were trying to keep him in. My 4th 5th and 6th were all induced at 38 and 39 weeks all 3 were 5 hour labour’s! Good luck mama :heart::heart:

I have 5 and my last 2 were the worst. By worst I mean emergency button pressed and room filling in bad, epidural with spinal tap not working bad but our bodies are strong and get thru some crazy things.

I have nothing to contribute to this except that’s my birthday :tada: yay a birthday buddy. I’m due with my second September 1st so I’ll get back to you with what I think about it.

I have had six. Baby #1 17 hours. #2 10 hours. #3 induced at 38.5 weeks 4 hours. #4 2.5 hours. #5 24 hours. #6 induced at 37 weeks 25 hours.

My 3rd labour was 4 hours.

For me it got harder because your muscles are not as strong as the first time

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For me it got worse with each one and I have 3

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My first was my easiest but longest labor. My second and 3rd was excruciating because I wasn’t dilating fast enough for them so they gave my pitocin, with my second they gave me 3 bags of it before they got me up and walked since I wasn’t going past 3cm and that was horrendous especially when I went from 5cm to push in 2 contractions. Then with my 3rd they slowly bumped me up in dosage but nothing happened until they was at 23 or 24 on the pitocin level before anything progressed. They were still long labors but my first was 20 1/2 hour. The other 2 was probably 18 to 19 hours

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Does labor get easier the more kids you have? - Mamas Uncut

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In a way yes because you know what to generally expect … but even then every labor is different and babies weight can differ too. My first born was 6lbs 8oz labor was a little long but pushing him was easier. My 2nd born labor was shorter but pushing him was way harder bc he was over 10 lbs …

Every pregnancy/labor is completely different. With my 3 births with my last being twins I have a extremely high tolerance. I carry well and of course labor was simple for me. The “worst” was obviously contractions. But everyone around me is shocked at how well I do pregnancies :joy::weary: even when I was in “labor” with the twinds they kept checking on me and I’m like oh just uncomfortable but I’m good

No. Labor yes, it is shorter usually. Making it easier. But usually the after is harder. My oldest, labor was longer and harder. Last (being 2nd and youngest) was shorter and easier labor. But after was harder and not painful. Doctor said the after effects of each, get worse… Kinda weird but true I guess lol and with my first,I didn’t have much pain after. Second, I was in a lot of pain and needed pain meds after. Especially the first day.

First one 12 hours pushed for half hour son 7lb 12 oz not too bad pain wise
Second labour 28 hours then emergency c section 8 hours of they were abit painful :persevere:. Son 8lb 15 oz
Third labour 28 hours but only 2 hours of yeah that’s a bit ouchy then pushed twice and my third so n was born 7 lb 14.5 oz .
Only had gas for pain relief all three .
My idea was to go in and get the job done no sense complaining snd carrying on . With my third son the midwife said your smiling :relaxed: your not meant to smile this close to delivery :joy::joy:. I said I’m just having a baby n my body knows what to do .

Simple answer no it doesn’t. #1, #3 & #5 were my most difficult labours.

my number 7 induced and smallest baby was my hardest labour being induced things moved slowly for me but plus side i had no after birth pains with him

My first child I had a epidural and labor was 12hrs, my second I had epidural that worked a little and labor was 12hrs,my third I had at 33 weeks due to my water breaking because my placenta had a infection and was in labor for 20hrs and the epidural didnt work. Every child and birth is different.

Labor can be shorter but pain level is not necessarily changed by number of deliveries.


Uh no. My first was a breeze, 2nd was horrid and there was no way I was having more after that

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Not really no. All 4 of mine were to put it bluntly- agony :woman_shrugging:t2:

Idk why people get angry or amused… I have one child but hope to have another some day… I’m sure pain levels are different for each labor & each person. I carried my child way over his due date, epidural didn’t work, then had a cesarean… Not every story is the same! So I’d say myth. There’s no preparation for any labor… You never know how it’s going to turn out!!

Every pregnancy and birth/labour is different. It won’t necessarily be easier due to this. My first was a complete horror movie yet my second was a breeze and I’d do that again in an instant. Induced labours are supposed to be more painful…and even though I’ve only had two babies, from my experience I’d agree with it so far (was induced with my first).

I had my 7th one last year! Had to be induced and she came fasssst

I had my first 5, no problems. The 6th and last of my kids got stuck at the shoulder. They had to dislocate it to get him out. He’s 16 and his shoulder still pops a lot.

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My grandma had 14 and said each birth was different

Baby 2 was a shorter labor for me … She came fast, while my son took his sweet time coming into the world… every pregnancy/labor is different though… I don’t think it matters how many kids youve had, just depends on the baby/your body at the time of this pregnancy :slight_smile:
Although, I do wish everyone a fast and easy labor💕 (as it can be pushing a whole human out)

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I have six kids for me it was true

I have 4 living children. My 4th was the worst delivery. The epidural didn’t work and he wouldn’t come down the birth canal on his own. I had to push him down and then push him out. It was hard and painful.

For me my first 2 were the easiest, my third labour ended up lasting 59 hours and my 4th ended up in a c-section because babe flipped sideways.

My first was five hours, my second was almost nine hours, my third was almost 40 hours and my last two were c-sections.

That is my birthday!! Congrats and good luck!! And in my case of having 5, labor, did not get easier. My older 2, were the easiest!! The other 3, were pains!!

My last (3rd) was worse as far as pain goes. My nurse told me my body knew what was coming and didn’t want to do it again :joy:

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My now 3rd was my longest we’ll see what baby #4 gives me

I have 2 kids…my 1st I was in labor for 8 hours pushing for 7 mins he was out. Easy did it all natural. My 2nd who was just boen in Feb I was in labor with for 6 hours pushed him out in 3 mins but had iv pain meds with him…rwco eat was easier 2nd time around because I didn’t need any stitches no tearing, was a breeze.