Does my boyfriend have a right to be mad?

Forget about it. Just don’t trust what the sister in law says. Don’t go thru life mad.

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Let it go,as to not cause trouble,but don’t trust her again


Um worse things could be happening right now. Get over it?

It’s hers to do with as she wishes. She changed her mind and found someone who would like it.


It was a gift so I dont understand why u in between!


It was a gift at some point so whether she offered it back or not she can do whatever she wants with it. He didn’t lose anything because he bought it as a gift. I’m confused if they were at one point a couple because of the first sentence but if they were and still together he wouldn’t be selling it to get lost money so now shouldn’t be an issue. She probably mentioned to her sister she was giving it back and the sister said she wanted it so she gave it to her…no big deal. I would of done the same thing


Legally, he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. He gifted it to her. She asked if he wanted it back yes, but that does not a contract make. She changed her mind & gave it to someone else. He can be irked about it but I wouldn’t dwell on it.


Let it go. She’s married in. It was 7+ years ago. Pick your battles. Dick move she offered it and then gave it to sister BUT he wasn’t thinking about it before she offered…

Trying to read this made my head hurt :confounded:


Let it go because he should have just sold it in the beginning

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Childish really
Its a ring
None of your business to begin with
He gave it away not his ring anymore
Choose your battle if you fighting over pathetic crap like this your relationship won’t go anywhere fast or if is has that poor guy ! Grow up hunny it’s a ring


A gift 8 years ago. She changed her mind. No he shouldn’t be mad. Probably never thought of the ring before she brought it up.

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Leave it be.
He gave a present, it was promised back, then not given back.
Move on. Don’t expect anything from this person.
You live your life.


Yes he can be mad because he was promised it back. But that’s just a waste of time and energy because he gave it to her so she can do what she wants with it regardless of what she said. Sucks but sadly that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

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Nope, pretend the window opened and the ring fell out. It’s gone. Don’t spend anymore time thinking about it.

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It was dumb of her to offer it back but maybe her sister saw it during the move and really liked it :woman_shrugging:t2: he can be annoyed but he needs to let it go. He gave it to her a long time ago.

He can be annoyed cause she brought it up but it was a gift so he have no rights over it. Its hers to do with as she please

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I would definitely be frustrated and kind of confused on why you even offered it back to me if you were going to give it away, but he had pretty much forgotten about it so he shouldn’t dwell on it. But that was definitely stupid on her part.

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Forget about it at this point. Walk away.

“7-8 years ago” should have stopped you from even wasting time and energy on this. Why bring that into your present or future?

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Yes be angry but just let it go , he has more than that’s ever worth with you :kissing_heart:


Nope he gave it away, shot that she said she would give it back back Owell you win some you lose some

Chances are it wasnt worth much to begin with otherwise he would have sold it in the first place…and now being 8 years later, the value has depreciated it’s probably worth $5…so your putting more stress value onto the ring than it’s actually worth! Let it go

It was a gift, the person that received it can do whatever they want with it.


Drama that’s what it’s all about

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he gave it as a gift… it’s the sister in laws right to do with whatever she wants with it

honestly, I would have given it back if I didn’t want it anymore but he also can’t expect/demand a gift be returned back to him

Second hand jewellery is only worth scrap. Unless it’s the Hope Diamond, don’t bother, not worth your effort.

When you give something as a gift you dont expect it back. She offered it back… Then changed her mind. Its her ring to do as she pleases. Simple as that.

Once the ring left his procession, it became her property. That is unfortunately how the world works. So being mad is just not justified at this point.


Did he have mashed potatoes the day he gave her the ring? Was it cloudy that day? It was 8 years ago, LET IT GO. People, ya can’t be mad over everything FOREVER. It doesn’t matter. Forgive, forget and move on.


Here’s my question: What does this have to do with my husband being a blessing? The title of the page is “My Husband is a Blessing “… :thinking:
Some of this has been entertaining, though :joy:


Go on with life but remember it. Chalk it up to a learning lesson.


He’s mad bc he lost money on a ring 7-8 years ago? If it was that important to recoup the money on that ring, he wouldn’t have given it to the SIL in the first place. She can do with it as she pleases. He has no right to be mad 8 years later just bc she changed her mind on who she gave HER ring to.


Well that was ignorant of the in law. No he shouldn’t be mad but what I don’t understand is that why is your boyfriend giving a ring to the in law.

He should have moved on by now. He shouldn’t be upset unless there are still feelings attached.

No. Let it go. He gave it to her. Its her property to do as she wishes

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Hard to follow but a gift is a gift. Once it leaves your hands, you have no vote on what happens to it.

never lend or loan family high price items without a written signed notarized agreement… and never give something to anyone you may decide you want back eventually… just dont do business w friends and family lol especially family

She offered it back first. She should of gave it back to him
If she didn’t ask him then she could of gave it to her. Why even bother asking him


She should have never offered it back to hum! Simple but mad no need to let it go!

For all those years it was out of sight out of mind. He didn’t have it then. No reason to have drama. Let it go. Just wasn’t meant to be.

I couldn’t follow this story AT ALL. Try proofreading and using punctuation and resubmit. :woman_shrugging:t2:


A gift is a gift and should not be expected to be returned

He gave it to her in the first place. Let it go. If selling it to get money back meant much to him he should’ve done that from the get-go.

Punctuation would make this so much easier to read. I don’t get this post. But I probably wouldn’t worry too much about whatever the heck it is she’s talking about.


If he’s mad let him be mad - if he’s not mad let him not be mad - quit trying to control this man!

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I say “f” it… you two move on and put your time and energy into something else.

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She should have not offered to give it back. But let it go

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HE Took Way TOO Long ,This Is On HIM !

She should get it back to him

Her boyfriend? No, mind your business.

Sounds like she was playing with him by asking if he wanted it back then not giving it. But it is her ring to with what she wants with. Mad over the ring? No. Mad that she played a mean game? Maybe or just sum it up as black of character on the ex girlfriend ( now sister in law?)

That’s crappy of her.

No be gave it to her su k it man

If he gave it to her that long ago and didn’t worry about it until she brought it up I would say let it go he will make herself look like an idiot making a big deal over something that he spent money on all right years ago to me it’s just petty

:frowning::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::joy::neutral_face::weary:messy relationships
Why don’t you stop sleeping with your relatives relatives, so bloody awfully messy … #embarrassedforyouall #ewwwww

Whatever… it wasn’t money wasted it meant something at the time and was a gift for her. He should have considered it gone when he gave it to her. Dont overthink this and make it something. It was never extra money to you anyway.

Not really that confusing guys. The dude bought a ring for his girlfriend. They broke up. He gave the ring to his sister in law. She offered it back to him. Instead she gave it to her sister. He’s mad about it.

OP, maybe he’s mad because he had plans for the money he was gonna get for selling it? He has every right to feel however he wants but he should just shrug it off. He did gift it to her so she is allowed to do whatever with it.


Confused here … His sister-in-law is his old girlfriend? Ive read it 3 times and I’m still trying to figure it out… Anyway he has no right to be was a gift… She can do what ever she wants with it…


This literally makes no sense, u need to word it better! And if it’s an important ring then yeah he can be mad but seems to me it’s pointless, would he have even remembered if she hadn’t have said about it :woman_shrugging:t4:. Some things just aren’t worth it!!


very confused, I’ve read this a couple times and I still cannot figure it out…his sis in law is an ex of, weird but anyway who cares, there’s plenty more important thing’s in this world goin on then worrying about a gift he gave year’s ago

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he gifted his sister in law an old girlfriends ring is what I understood it to mean. It was a gift so there for she can do what she wants with it


He has a right to be upset in the sense of her telling him he could have it back but instead she gave it away to someone else.

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Super confused… is the sister in law an old girlfriend of the boyfriend? Meaning the brothers have shared the same woman? I feel like many commas and other punctuation are needed to make this make any sort of sense…and yet brothers sharing a woman still makes no sense to me sooo :woman_shrugging:t3:.

Regarding the ring…it was 7 yrs ago, it was a gift, get over it.


He has the right to be mad seeing as she said she was going to give it back. She shouldn’t of given it to her sister after telling him that he could have it back.

It was a gift. Let it go.

He Gave it to her… She can do what ever she wants with it

Nah he bought it as a gift stop being petty.

Huh?? He gave his sister in law his old girlfriend he had?

I’d be pissed. I would demand it back

Pick your battles. Who gives a shit


Let it gooooooooooo life is too short.

Why are u even commenting on this its not ur business


If he was worried about recouping money from it, he shouldn’t have given it to her in the first place.


Anyone would be upset about not getting something when they were told otherwise. So yes he has the right to be upset.