Does my child's teacher think I'm a monster?

Sensitive kids need talking to- don’t yell. If feeling overwhelmed- delay the impulse to deal with the problem that moment. Have her take a time out- read a book for 15 minutes while you get a cup of tea& clear your head then talk calmly

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Have you considered that maybe you are trying too hard? This girl is only 7 . She is still so young . Sometimes they just need to talk and and we need to be better listeners . She could be a very sensitive child. If I were you instead of talking so much , I would aggressively listen . Take in what she is saying. Let her talk as much as she wants . Then I would ask her to tell you how does this make you feel?Let her do all the talking . Then I would say , I see this has really upset you . I am so glad you told me . Is there something I can do to help ?
I have Raised 4 children and have worked with kids for over 20 years . Let her do the talking . Validate her feelings! Become a great listener. It will help .

Maybe your love languages are different so your daughter is picking up on mixed signals. I can’t remember exactly where I heard them from but they are very interesting and helpful.

You never mentioned her father. If he isn’t present, that could possibly be the root of her issues.

It’s probably the example the teacher gave in class…

didn’t you used to tell me every night Estee that Mum was a scary Monster ?

It may not even be anything you are doing or not doing. It may be just her feelings.

Kids learn stuff from tv and movies they see, she may of seen angry parents from that. Don’t take it to heart

Shes looking for attention.who cares what teacher thinks. You know its just a faz.

She may think that you don’t care if you .don’t correct her whenever she does something wrong .caring ls a sign of love

Adult concealing to switch how you feel

Jolene Hanson see it’s not just you!

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…or maybe she is just a drama queen…they do exist ! Just look around.


Give her lots of hugs and kisses. Praise her efforts at anything she does. She will know you love her.

Your not doing anything wrong. We all shout at times it’s part of being human. Maybe she needs to talk to someone about how shes feeling. Seems like she is acting out in her drawings and maybe they have nothing to do with you, but someone else and shes afraid to say anything.

I still remember the times mother got angry with me and some words she said in that anger. My mother was the best mother and whatever I am today it’s because of her but still we need to show love we think that it’s visible but it’s not we need to make an attempt hug your child everytime they come from school show them you miss them show them you love them by kissing their forehead at night and say good night.listen to them when they speak it may be anything it may seem small but it makes a huge difference and plz watch your words when you get angry one wrong word can affect your child’s self confidence