Does My Partner Have a Right to Be Upset?

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"Do you and your family use a tracking app like Life360 or something similar… I recently found out about that app in particular and the features it has. I brought it up to my partner and he is super against it and says “he doesn’t want to be tracked” it became a pretty big ordeal about trusting one another and how he is upset because “I don’t trust him” I’ve never had a reason to question him in anyway shape or form but I feel like the reaction to the idea of downloading the app it kind of makes me wonder why someone would be so against it if there is nothing to worry about… it’s been eating away at me for weeks since he’s so against it and is making me question everything moving forward in our relationship (12 years) someone please shed some light on this and tell me I’m not the only one who would feel upset and hurt."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I only use it myself with my friend because she and I go running at night. But I would never expect my partner to use it. You’re making a big deal out of nothing. If he’s never given you any reason to not trust him, why does it infuriate you that he won’t download the app? You sound very controlling."

"I personally wouldn’t use it on my partner because I do feel like it is an invasion of privacy"

"My ex tracked me without my knowledge. The fact that I was being watched in everything I did was infuriating. He never had a reason not to trust me and he wound up being the one cheating. I can absolutely understand why he wouldn’t want to be tracked. It’s a huge violation of privacy."

"I’m not a fan of these tracking apps generally, as they can be used to prevent abuse victims from escaping. That said, they have positive uses for memory-impaired seniors and such. I understand your husband’s objection. It’s not just you who would be tracking him. There’s a big brother feeling to this. If you want an exercise tracker, stick to something more basic (and cheaper)."

"All about control…i wouldn’t allow someone to track me…you’re causing problems that don’t exist."

"Okay so hear me out. I’m 100% honest and loyal. I would NEVER ever cheat on someone or do anything disrespectful to a partner. But if someone wanted me to download the life360 app, I would 100% say no. The thought of being tracked more than I already am, freaks me out. Our phones track everything on us, and it would be so uncomfortable to me to literally have every movement of mine being tracked. A lot of people are like this. I just don’t want to feel watched all the time."

"I wouldn’t want to be tracked either. Feels like a violation of privacy being forced to share that info…partner or not."

"I wouldn’t want someone to track my every move. Talk about lack of trust and control"

"If you feel the need to track your husband with a GPS tracker then I feel like you’re married to the wrong person."

"I wouldn’t allow myself to be tracked in that manner. I have spent too much of my life being controlled, and I have no desire to appoint someone as my watchdog to track me at their will."

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