Does taking birth control pills increase the need to pee?

Do any of you ladies on birth control pills have issues with needing to pee always? I work from home, and every day while I work, I get up and go “pee” (more like a trickle) over ten times a day. Most of the time, it’s just little amounts of urine…like not even enough to fill a medicine measuring cup—no pain, no burning, nothing like that, just the urge to pee too often. I am at my wits end with it because I’m sick of constantly buying toilet paper. This has been going on for a month, and I am O V E R. Anyone else with this problem?


possible since the pill does mimic pregnancy–but also you should have a urine test done, as some people can have UTI’s without the burning or pain.

Have you checked your blood sugar?

If you drink caffeine it can cause this issue

That’s all I get when I have a UTI. I just feel I have to pee more than normal.


A lot of things can cause an urgency to pee. Some are more serious than others. Best to see your primary care doctor asap

I’d probably get a urine test done to see if you have a uti

Check for uti, or have your sugar checked for diabetes frequency of urination is a symptom

I have the same issue and was just recently diagnosed with over active bladder. No doctor could tell me what was wrong until I went to a bladder specialist.

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I don’t think so, but I’ll say I just switched birth controls for the first time in six years and the first month or so I had to be every three seconds I swear. Lol

I never peed a lot on the pill, but when I get UTI’s I never catch them until they’re bladder or kidney infections because I don’t really have symptoms. My only symptom is worse than usual back pain, go get it checked out, if it is a UTI you don’t want it moving to your kidneys because then you will go septic.

I don’t think it has anything to do with the pill… but it’s definitely a sign that something else is up!! Call your doctor!

Call your doctor. Could be as simple as UTI or something much more involved.

Maybe over active bladder?

Check them for hydrochlorothiazide. That’s the diuretic medicine.

I advise you to see a urologist to see if you have an infection. If not, there are meds that easily correct an overactive bladder. I know many women who have had children and reached a certain age who have this condition.


I have problems with uti. Same symptoms. Don’t have to have burning to have one. Please check this out with your doctor.


Call your doctor and get an UTI screening and some antibiotics. You don’t have to have burning and pain to have an UTI. Often women don’t know they have one and the result is usually having the urge to go and a little comes out. Oh and it’s not the Birth Control. Nurse here

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My little girl was having problems going pee ALL THE TIME. She also has no burning, itching, or pain. Turns out She was so constipated that it was squishing her bladder.

Facebook really needs to add eye roll to the options in like. Seriously :flushed: some of these comments and suggestions :eyes: :joy:

If this were me, I’d want to have a conversation with my doctor and get tested for a UTI. All in all, hormones can do funny things to your body…

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We’re not doctors on Facebook I would consult with a doctor possibly a urologist. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


Even though you dont have the burning or pain it could still be an infection. The best thing to do is go to the dr. I have never heard of birth control making you have to pee alot

You could have a UTI and don’t assume it’s the birth control. You don’t have to have symptoms just saying. I have experienced it and has had it numerous times. Talk to the obgyn or your primary care

I don’t know if it’s your birth control or not but it does sound like you may have an overactive bladder that is a real thing I would talk to a doctor cuz it could be serious

You could have bladder prolapse, or something else, but I mm would get getting checked out by a doctor sooner rather than later.

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Maybe it’s nervous condition.

Is it at all possible your pregnant? That’s the only time I had that issue I was pregnant on BC and didnt know it

This also happens as the aging process prevails🙂

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Ask your Dr., not social media.


Why not ask dr these personal questions?


go to the doctor. Be smart about it.

Could be over active bladder. There are meds to help. You should see a urologist if PCP does not know how to manage. Defiantly not from the birth control.
Diabetes also could cause this.
Could be simple reasons too… like a low carb diets.

Just an option from someone who has worked in ob/gyn, urogyn, and urology.

Maybe you should try drinking cranberry juice.

Ask a dr? Read the side effects? Switch b/c

Diabetes in your family?

I have same issue…found out I have a prolapse bladder…go see a urologists. Meaning bladder tipped and increased need and frequency

I’m old and birthed 9 children. I pee every hour. LoL


Peeing that often is never normal. After infection is ruled out- get a referral to a Pelvic Physical Therapist for bladder calming and retraining. Permanent cure!

UTI is my best guess. I’ve had many and this sounds just like it

It might be other to urologist about. It

You are diuresing you need to see a doctor. Hopefully, it’s just over active bladder.

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Check with your doctor. My daughter was peeing a lot, trickles and she was constipated

U can have a uti without any systems. I would go to ur Dr to see what is going on

Diabetes can cause frequent urination, too.

Don’t drink to much… Like tea coffee or juice or water… :coffee::coffee::coffee:

Sounds like an infection

There’s a solution. Lol

Call your Dr office and check for UTI

This happened to me. It was an asymptomatic UTI that turned into a kidney infection after 3 months and THEN i was in pain

RN here. Many problems can cause these symptoms. Some minor, others more serious. Get checked out. Urinalysis is first step, is cheap and your doctor may let u just drop off a specimen without appointment. Best to find out what is going on.

Sure you aren’t pregnant? I have known women to get prey on the pill. I’d buy a pregnancy test first.

Have you been checked for diabetes?

I agee need to see a Dr for safe measures.

My dr put me on murbetriq for o a b it is difference of night and day

I know a few that are