Anyone shusband refuse to wake with baby at night to help feed and change diapers or is it just mine?
I’m a stay at home mom. So he helped while he was on leave, but after that I didn’t expect him to.
If you both work then it should be split between you both equally.
I got up at night while on maternity leave, we’d alternate after I went back to work.
So for the first 2 months, he did not help.
But it’s because he was roofing, working long hours and needed his sleep. We both agreed on that
Once the season was done, then he started helping. But my son was a pretty good sleeper from early on, so it wasn’t a huge issue.
We had 5 and no. I breastfed 4 for a few Months.
I stayed at home he worked. We took turns every other night because it’s not fair only one does every night. Brains need sleep and food to maintain functioning
I’m a stay at home mom and my kids are 7 & 4 and my husband still helps if they wake at night.
I am a SAHM and my husband works. I do not wake him for help since he is the one who works. I can take breaks/nap during the day, he can’t.
Im a sahm and My husband woke up with us every night and rocked our daughter to sleep.
Ya, and then I left him because I realized I was in a relationship with him, while being a single parent at the same time.
It’s both parents job to play an active role in raising the kids. It’s disgusting how normalized it is for men to do the bare minimum.
My husband got up with me everytime. There was a lot of side by side help
I don’t care if you work or not he should get up and help if you’re tired. Does he help during the day at all? on the weekends etc? I was a stay at home mom, but my husband still got up when I was exhausted.
I would say like 85 percent don’t help in the night
Mine did. He would do the nappy change and be back asleep working 5-10 mins - then I’d feed, wind and settle to sleep
Nope but I breastfed every 2-3 hours and he worked 60-70 hours a week 6 days a week
I never had to ask. If I was up he was up helping with HIS children too
I’ve got up with all my kids because they wouldn’t settle without me so I couldn’t sleep amyways
I’ve never asked my husband to help at night. His boobs are useless and he doesn’t do as well as I do on less sleep. When he can he lets me sleep in in the morning and when our second baby was having a really horrible 4 month sleep regression he got up early with her when he wasn’t working as well. Aside from that I don’t expect him to do it. There’s no reason for us to both be sleep deprived and miserable. He’d help if I asked though.
My husband, now ex, never did. He didn’t help with any of our babies. I did it all. Part of the reason why he’s now my ex.
Both parents are responsible for the children.
While I was a SAHM I never ask for help during night hours as my husband worked 60+ hours. But on his week of 2 days off we would share the days to rest, I would let him rest up the first day off and he would let me rest up the 2nd day and care for baby and the other children also while helping get house work done. These babies are both yours and his… both should play a role of caring for the child(ren) work or not!