Does your spouse still cuddle you after 3 years?

Those of you in long term relationships 3+ years does your spouse still cuddle with you?

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Absolutely. 8 years together in November. We snuggle most nights. When we don’t it’s due to one or both of us either having back issues, or it’s just too hot. If we don’t cuddle, we put our hands on each other, like his hand on my thigh and my hand on his arm or something.

My spouse gets UPSET if not enough cuddles has occurred.

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7 years two kids 3 step kids and we still cuddle every night unless our little toddlers make it impossible :joy:

Yes!! Nothing bets a cuddle/snuggle after a hard day

Yes but we’re both touchy people. It doesn’t matter what other couples do…are your needs being met by your partner? If you would like cuddles and you’re not getting them have a talk with them and let them know it’s something that would mean a lot to you. With that said, if your partner is not touchy feely…it’s important to respect that and find a compromise, but definitely don’t take it personal. Everyone has different preferences, and that’s ok.


3 minutes max, then we both roll away. :joy: he gives me a pat on the leg and I say “yep, me too” and we roll our separate ways and say “love you, night!” Neither of us are really cuddle types when sleeping, we like our space, even have our own blankets. :woman_shrugging::joy:


Closing in on 14 years and we still hold hands, kiss, cuddle and say I Love You, all the time.

We do a little bit. Mainly laying on the couch. Every once in a while he will roll over and cuddle be in his sleep. Been together 18 yrs.

Absolutely 6+ years, we fall asleep cuddling every night. We clearly don’t stay like that but we fall asleep like that and if we’re relaxing on the couch

Yes of course!! Love snuggling with my hubby :heart:

Yes absolutely wouldn’t have it any other way. 23+ years and even if I’m asleep first he will move me so we cuddle

Yes! 15 years worth for snuggles just not all night… we like our space and blankets when we sleep!

12 years and every single night, but some ppl find it uncomfortable.

Yes, we’ve been together 20 years, and we still cuddle whenever we can

Yes. For us, that connection is critical

Yes!! Been together 16 years and married almost 1!! :heart::heart::heart:

yes gives a fair amount then rolls over

Every night even after 7 1/2 years❤

Every chance he gets. Tg over 5 years :black_heart:

My husband has never been a cuddler.

My husband is cuddly, me not so much

10 years and yes hes very affectionate

Make sure the person you want in your life have like values that matter most to you. You’ll always be unhappy if you settle for something less and you can’t change a person so get someone that you know do what you like

27 years and yes every night