Double ear infection

My little one (4.5 months) went to the urgent care clinic today. He was diagnosed with a double ear infection. Today he has wanted to nurse every 1.5-2 hours. When normally he can go 3-4 hours between feedings. Is it normal for babies to nurse more when they are sick? Or is something happening to my supply? I am also sick right now, could that have something to do with it too? He seems full and satisfied after each feeding and he has had 8 wet diapers today. I’m a first time mom and we had latch issues for the first 3 months of his life so i exclusively pumped, so the breastfeeding thing is still brand new for us.


Normal for babies who are sick

Your milk provides whatever he needs to help make him better. Feeding him is the best thing you can do when he is sick and you being sick won’t get him sick through breast milk! :heart:

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Seems normal. He prolly also wants more love time with momma to feel better

Totally normal. I wondered the same thing too when my son was 3 months and sick from cutting his first set of teeth. He would want to bf every hour or two and would want to dtay latched even after there was nothing left. Then hed sleep wake up and repeat. When a baby is sick and breastfeeding our bodies somehow make the necessary antibodies or whatever to help him feel better. It registers through his saliva when he latches- google it its really neat how your milk changes depending on our childs needs. Helps that you’re under the weather too.

Seems normal. Keep feeding. It’s the skin to skin and comfort he is seeking probably and idk about you I naturally her hungrier when sick because it’s comforting and soothing so that could be it too. Take it easy momma. I m a first timer as well. You’ll be fine.

He may not be nursing as long bc of the pressure in his ears, thus wanting to nurse more. This unfortunately happened to my son at 4 months and we never did get back on track. Don’t get discouraged. Just keep at it, momma.

Yeah, it’s soothing for one and please let him because your milk knows your baby is sick and will compensate.

Stay hydrated!! He may be nursing for comfort too. It’s fine!!

Very normal. Comfort, love, and your milk is helping fend off whatever sickness your baby is fighting. Hope your LO feels better asap!

Completely normal! My daughter always nurses more when she’s sick. I think part of it is definitely comfort. If you’re sick I would just make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids yourself.

Completely normal. Just nurse as much as he wants. Just keep yourself hydrated mama!

He’ll do it for comfort and because your milk is what’s going to give him what he needs to feel better. Usually their doctor will recommend putting them to the breast more often while sick

Yes it is also a co.fort and calming effect for him. Is he having an earache you think or has he been put on meds??

Its normal its actually good he wants more this way u don’t have to worry about dehydration. Your BM also has everything they need to get better plus most BF babies want the boob for also comfort and since they are sick they will want comfort more then usual

Its normal & for comfort. Your milk when sick and when baby is sick also produces anti bodies to help fight off the germs so your baby is getting all of that!

Totally normal. My son had double ear infection at 11 months old in December and that was the only thing he could hold down. He’s almost 14 months old now and he just got over an ear infection and flu, he nursed a lot more than eating table food this time as well

Sucking often helps ears feel better

It’s like a comfort. I also heard when baby is sick you milk will start producing extra anti bodies to promote health

This is normal for a sick baby. My kiddo did the same thing. Its good for him to stay hydrated. He also might have a hard time eating to long at one time due to his ears hurting.

Your milk is Making antibiotics for him. Keep him at the breast as much as possible. Mommy milk is magic :blush:

Yes totally normal, its soothing and your milk will produce antibodies their little bodies need