Drama with buying a house from a family member

At the end of the day, buying a house is business no matter who you buy from. Whether it worked out or not, that is separate from your relationship with them. Helping them move has nothing to do with business. I know it’s hard to mentally separate the two but why ruin a relationship over it? Usually there is a good reason why these things don’t work out…


Yes, you have every right to your feelings and choices but you can’t expect your husband to feel and choose the same as you. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t have your back. Not having your back would be him doing what you’re doing, expecting you to make the same choice as him. Tbh it sounds more like you don’t have his back.

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I’d stay away from them in future. Let your husband find out what they may he like eventually. They should have stuck to what they said to you. Stuff them.


I wouldn’t help with them with nothing. People have some nerve.


Business n family…sometimes not a good move. End of the day…its still his cousin. No need to lose a family member over it


Be upset, but get over your husband not being upset and helping. That’s his family. Selling a house is not a small deal, for either of you…do you think they did it just to piss you off? Cmon now. They might need the money the same way you do.

Husband was wrong shame on him prayers


Family is family regardless. If you ask me it was never ment to be. Buy a beautiful home that you and your husband adore x

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Don’t buy from family. Ever. This will be the first issue and then there will be plenty more.

You want to be free and clear of your cousin. If you purchase this house it will never be truly yours. Walk away from this


Well they obviously don’t want to sell you the house.


Family is family going through a divorce isn’t easy and emotions can get in the way … help them move … let them put the house on the market and wait once it’s on the market if you want it make an offer through the realtor if they except that way they can’t change their mind again in the mean time keep looking maybe you will find something you like better


Never deal with family. Take your money elsewhere


You have every right to be upset. If it were my cousin I wouldn’t help


I wouldn’t help. I would let my husband do whatever he wanted but I would give him an attitude for a day or two. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


Never buy from family. But that being said you still help family especially if you previously had a good relationship with them.


I don’t buy or sell anything to a family member as it just not worth it. But I would help a family member move even if they don’t talk to much because that is just who I am.

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People on here saying “family is family” sorry. But that’s bullshit. Family is the first to screw you over sometimes. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
Don’t mess with them. Just walk away. Be angry at husband but don’t let it get too much in the way of your happy time of housebuying.

You are upset because you didn’t get your way. You still help family.


I think you are in the right. Be it as it may your busband like myself may have a harder time disconnecting from that simply because they’re family. Its wrong 100% because family shouldn’t be trying to get every penny from you. Value maybe but… I deal with things like this where it matters most and I just disconnect.


Get the offer signed in writing. If they accept your offer in writing they can’t just up and change their minds without breaking the contract.


NEVER buy or sell with family!!!

Help the cousin move, wash your hands of the situation & Thank God you dodged a bullet!

& Go find your own home that you will be happy in :purple_heart:


Never do business with family.


Who knows what you have been saved from and what you will be blessed with. You have a right to your feelings but I don’t think I’d be upset with the husband maybe he sees this as what could be a blessing in disguise and feels like there is a better option out there for you both.


Buying thru family nvr hardly works…n if that was my husband. He would NOT be helping them cause I said so n if he persisted in going either way.guess what he better not come nxk home…they better fix him a spare room.


And this is why you never make business or money transactions with family. He’s right-that’s his family all day. A house is a house and with the market they can ask what they want within appraisal and appropriate value. Sorry but you got your feelings hurt. Give your husband a hug and makeup so you keep a husband. He’s going to keep his family as it should be!

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Family is family. I would help bc they are family. But business and family normally never works out. I would have said no from the get go. Just bc you know there will be drama with family and divorce in the mix.


Myself I would be just like you but I guess worse I’d tell my husband to go live with his cousin!!!..just me no dramas guys


Buy your husband baby oil for his👋 for all that lovin he won’t be getting from you!


Wow I’d say that’s a little ridiculous yeah just like everybody said families family but she wasn’t worried he was family🤷🏼‍♀️

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Ummmm 10,000 dollars is like $10 difference to your monthly rate to a 30 year mortgage. Don’t sweat it.


I know you don’t want to hear this but y’all are kinda both in the wrong. It doesn’t matter what they paid for their home. If they were offering it to you under the market price for that neighborhood, then it’s your bad for not jumping on the opportunity. Houses are investments and their value increases when things improve around them as well as need. A lot of people commenting are hung up on the low numbers that you used. Whether it was 150k or 450k an additional 10K realistically isn’t going to hurt the home loan because there are things you can wrap up in your home like the closing costs, etc. You should have gotten a realtor involved, because they protect you. (if you got the right one.) You really can’t be angry at them for wanting more out of their house. It should not be expected that they owe you anything. That’s where you are wrong. Yes, they said one price and then upped it; but you have to remember, this is their house, they’ve been paying on it and they’ve been incurring equity. They are under ZERO obligation to give you any of that equity and selling a home under market value is doing just that. While I understand your feelings are hurt, it’s really your own doing by having expectations that you were owed something when you aren’t. Your husband is being pragmatic and still helping his cousin move out, it’s the adult thing to do. When my toddler doesn’t get his way, he sits on the couch and pouts and whines and tells me that I am being unfair and that he refuses to help with anything going on right now, and no offense, that’s exactly how you are acting in this moment.


See my husband & I are the same if someone screwed with us we would both say go fuck yourself move alone we ain’t helping you.
All!! These people saying family is family help them anyway like wth yah they only tried pushing them for more money & got people’s hopes up just too pretty much say actually fuck you were not selling too you but oh can you help us like yah fuck no

That cousin is a douche and I would have went off my rocker! That’s just me :woman_shrugging: lol


Rule # 1 never ever do business with family members


I don’t do any business when it comes to family! I hardly fuck with mine cause it’s always drama but why invite the opportunity for more potentially! My sister is selling her car to my mom and my mom had already had to put over $500 into it and I told her she better let my sister know that because that needs to come off the asking price!! But my mom isn’t into confrontation at all and my sister is a bitch she hasn’t used this car in almost a year but will want every penny she can get for it.

Charge them for the move…this " family is family" crap has to work both ways


Unfortunately that’s what happens when money is involved I’ve seen it all but family is family and there is always a risk when it comes to money no matter how close you are. It isn’t that he’s not siding with you btw it’s you want him to choose you and you just don’t like the answer. I’m sure if a family member disrespected you he’d back you up because your family too! I’d just support and move on.


You should have asked for confirmation in writing. You’re buying a house for heaven sake.

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Let him helo her out but don’t ever do business with family they will still call it here house etc. Just look elsewhere :woman_shrugging:t5:


If the situation upsets you this much that you don’t want to help, you literally don’t have to. If your husband wants to help even after the situation let him. I wouldn’t let this stress you out to the max, it is what it is. You are entitled to your feelings & your hubby is entitled to his own. I’d personally agree to disagree on this one & let that shit go but always keep it as a reminder. Save yourself the stress!

I wouldn’t help but your husband is grown and if he wants to help then that’s on him.


Sucker!!! I woukd not get into feeling sorry. Jis let them do it by themselves. Overgrown crooks

Your husband should have your back, if he wants to be a dumbass and help them then so be it! There is no way I would help them!