Today I went in for my yearly wellness check up with my OBGYN and she found that my uterus seems to be enlarged? She said that it is probably nothing, but recommended me having an ultrasound done to rule anything out. She said it could be due to fibroids? A benign tumor? If that is the case, generally they don’t do anything but treat my symptoms? And in this case, I don’t have any? (No irregular periods, stomach/back pain, etc). Of course, hearing any of this.. my mind thinks of the worst possible case scenario - ugh.
Has anyone here ever experienced this, and what were your results?
My youngest will be turning 2 next month, so my last check up was in 2019 (didn’t go in 2020 due to the pandemic). I will note that when I gave birth to my last baby, they had to come in every 15 minutes the first hour after to push on my stomach to make sure any remaining pieces of the placenta came out. It was the most excruciating pain I think I’ve ever felt. My tummy has been sensitive ever since.
I’ve had 3 natural births, I’m nearing my mid 30s, and my periods seem to be on track? Nothing out of the ordinary? Is this a normal thing that can occur in women my age? Any insight or advice on this would be greatly appreciated. I’m scheduled to have my ultrasound done next week, so I’m really just looking for emotional support right now.
I had a fibroid tumor and tried treatment for it. I finally had to have hysterectomy. If you have no symptoms they will only do treatment. Mine was large and painful.
I went through the pushing on your tummy thing because I had a blood clot the size of an orange and yes it is excruciating I had my youngest in 2018 and it took a lonnnnng time for that sensitivity to go away but after a few check ups everything was fine crossing my fingers for you!!