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"About 6 years ago my husband and my MIL had a falling out. None of us speak whatsoever! We had our daughter three years ago this month. My MIL has never once asked about her, never once met her, or even asked to meet her. But yet she sits and posts pictures of our daughter somehow (we have her blocked on all social media ). We don’t even know how she is getting these pictures. But she posts them as if she is a part of her life. It infuriates me to no end !!! Should I reach out to her and ask her not to post these pictures? Or what should I do ?"
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"I totally understand how you feel. I would figure out how she’s getting the pictures. Go through your friend list on your social media and see if there’s a fake account following you or if someone in your husband's family is showing her. That would infuriate me as well acting like she’s a grandma or something not uhhh"
"Report her to Facebook for using pictures of a child without permission"
"Report them. Reaching out will only bring arguments"
"Re-evaluate your friends list. Someone is sending her the photos. And I’d also report all the ones she’s already posted plus send her a formal email or letter that she does not have permission to post photos of your child"
"How is she getting them to post. My mil was doing that. So, I made my profile private and then unfriended her. She can’t see anything or steal my pics anymore."
"Report her to Facebook."
"I’d stop sharing pictures on social media. She’s getting them from somewhere/ someone. Tell your friends and family to not share either."
"Find out who her flying monkey is and block them too."
"Maybe she would like contact but doesn’t know how to mend things. Reach out to find out. Even if you don’t want contact yourself. When my son was born my mother and I hadn’t spoken for many years. I let her visit slowly and things worked out all around. The reason I let her was my issues were not my children. What if time passes and so did my mum. My kids may have issues with me for missing out on their Nan. Ask her to take it from there xxxxx.."
"No pics on social media cause someone is a rat. Feel bad for you because some people just want pity instead of actually caring when they are supposed to."
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