Favorite/least favorite class Valentines?

Favorite AND least favorite class valentines your young kiddos got from school? Trying to decide what to get fit my kindergarteners class valentines but don’t want to get something parents hate lol.

No slime or glitter hahaha

I never hated anything :woman_shrugging:t3:

Whistles/noise makers, slime, gum, anything that’s going to get stuck in hair, clothes, curtains, carpet…

Honestly those little toys kids in elementary school come home with just land in the trash. Give them things they can use (& keep) at school. Fidgets if you let them play with them, word searches you print, pencils, erasers (there’s a cute printable I’ve seen online that go with erasers), crayons (“you color my world”), stickers (it was a big deal for my kids to decorate their folders). Gloves, socks, hats are another good idea. They always loose them. They can be bought in bulk cheaper than candy in Temu.

No whistles or kazoos otherwise good