For those who had a c-section, did you have a VBAC the second time?

i had a c section and then 3 VBACs

It’s their not there

Nope. All 3 were c-section s

I did. No problems aside from vaginal tearing

My first was natural my second was breeched so I had a caesarean luckily I was able to do a vbac with my third

69 years ago my mother had a csection. Then with her next 5 kids a regular birth.

I have 4 kiddos, 1st 2 were both c/s, babies 3 and 4 were both all natural VBAC. First thing, get yourself a very supportive OB. Make sure you have very supportive dads/partners/doulas. Your support will make all the difference. Also, I fully believe my mind set was very important and made it possible. I absolutely KNEW that my body could do it- and I wasn’t gonna take no for an answer any longer. I feel like my c/s were unnecessary. Not everyone is that way and they (c/s) exist for a reason and I’m so glad they were around for emergencies… but none of my births were emergent nor was my babies in any type of distress. I was bullied. I was determined not to let that happen again.

Two cesareans. No choice. My body didnt release a chemical that causes hips to widen. He was 10lb 13oz and I am 110 soaking wet. I was cut belly button down and across pubic. My 2nd son 9 yrs later was Also a cesarean. He was 5 lbs even but they were ner bnb is about vbacs. *I have also had several surgeries on kidneys and ureters so lots of scar tissue. I Was born with bilateral ureters and bands around my kidneys.

I has a c section The first time and a homebirth v-bac the second time and it was really great and very redeeming since my first birth is via C-section was really Trumatic if you’re in good health and it’s been two years since you had a baby you’re probably a good candidate

Yes me, I had a c section with my first and a successful VBAC with my second, I refused to be induced and waited until 40 weeks thats when I started labor naturally.
Did nothing in particular. I just waited for things to take its natural course.

First c-section due to a footling breech… 2nd vaginal with epidural… 3rd all natural… 4th natural water birth… it is possible!

I had 2 vaginal births, 1 c section, and 2 successful vbacs. I had one natural and the last with an epidural. I would recommend vbac if you are able. If you have any questions let me know

I had my first baby with c section and now a second with normal delivery…
Ps. They are 5 years apart

1st 2 vaginal 3rd c-section ans the last 3 vaginal. No problems at all. I gave birth to my youmgest in a hospital that had a no vbac policy but they had no choice because of my right to choose

My first was vaginal my second was c section due to breech my third was vbac and my fourth was c section due to breech. And that was enough boys for me :joy:

2 natural, 3rd c-section and 4th VBAC

I’ve had 2 emergency c section births then had VBac with my 24 weeker and then planned c section with my forth x

I had 3 normal births naturally then a c section on my 4th x

3 successful VBACs after my c-section with number 1.

Linda Holt, I believe you did this right?

Had a c section with my 4th and 5th (twins) and vbac with my 6th now I’m being sterilised well becoz fuck that 6th worst labour forced epidural intense pain yet wasnt dialating longest to recover from c section was a walk in the park compaired to my last never again

Colleen Linehan Wojdyla you might want to read these

Yes. I think what helped most is my girls are 3… almost 4 years apart. And i definitely took it easy the first time to heal up. Both happened at the same hospital.

Yes I did exactly that. 1st one C-section. 2nd VBAC. I think it’s up to the Dr more. They asked me if I wanted to try and I said yes. The recovery time is so much quicker and easier. I would speak with the Dr and as long as it doesn’t put your health in danger try it.


Oldest was an emergency c section. 2nd one they talked me out of a vbac but he came a little early and FAST. They didn’t have a choice but to do a vbac. They’re 3.5 year apart and the 3rd baby, also a vbac was 20 months later. No issues with anything. I felt like i could have run a marathon afterward.


I’ve had 3 c-sections. My 1st was an emergency c-section. My second was an elective c-section since at the time, we were done and happy with 2 kids. Well 9 years later, my youngest comes along. And since I had 2 c-sections already, had to have a third. After she was born, my doctor said it was a good thing I did because my uterus was very thin and I would not have lived through a regular birth.

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I had a vaginal birth with my first, c section with my second and VBac with my third. Depending on the reason for the section, several doctors will try to vbac. My section was due to my sons positioning. I did have a difficult time delivering my daughter so my daughter was delivered via vacuum extraction and forceps. Good luck to you.

I had a csection with my first and a vbac 3 months ago. Best decision I made! It’s actually safer to do a vbac. Go with your gut and find a doctor you trust. The healing time with my vbac versus my csection was so much shorter and a lot less painful.

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My mom had a c-section with me, and then a VBAC with my brother. There was a lot of tearing when my brother was born, but no complications related to the prior c-section. This was in 1983, though.

I did a successful VBAC after my first c-section. It was 7 years after my c-section and only had the c-section because my first baby was a franklin breech. I would recommend having a VBAC if your doctor says enough time has passed and if it’s safe for you :blush:

I had a c section and then I had 3 VBACS! There wasn’t anything that really helped me have them except they were all face down. My daughter who was my c section was face up so she couldn’t pass.

I did. I had my 2and daughter 5 years after my first and had a successful vbac. The one thing I will warn is not to make sure they don’t let you labor forever just to get a vbac. I was in labor over 26hrs and because they didnt say hey how about a csection again around the 12hr mark I developed a fever and my baby couldn’t regulate her temp after birth. She spent a week in the NICU and was born at 41 weeks.

Had a c section w both of mine