Getting pregnant with PCOS

My best friend got pregnant by accident and her baby is beautiful. Don’t give up!

My sister did, she has PCOS

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If you are open minded look into Many have had great success using his healthy lifestyle choices and forgoing expensive and toxic medications.

Following :sparkling_heart:… I to struggle with fertility… I havent been diagnosed with PCOS…

Ashley Smith Garner can you help her with advise

Melanie Proffitt Ahlers Sky Ahlers Guillory reading some of the comments might help find some answers

Hannah Nichole Yates

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Breyanne LaFontaine-Enno

Had 3 babies on metformin- 2 babies with just metformin, one with metformin and clomid… don’t give up on ur dream :heartpulse: it worked 3 times for us, and within 9 months at the max! The only thing I will say is metformin side effects are quite harsh! But after a month they do settle down!! I was on 2000mg of metformin xx

A girl I know with this diagnosis started the keto diet to get healthier. She swears this is why she got pregnant. They weren’t trying or preventing getting pregnant and were pleasantly surprised. I am not sure how long she was on keto before getting pregnant but it could help regulate and get your body where it needs to be.

I’ve had PCOS since puberty but didn’t start trying to get pregnant until after I had one ovary removed because of the cysts. I thought I had no chance. My husband and I struggled to get pregnant for more than a year and had one miscarriage.

It wasn’t until I started improving my gut health and balancing my blood sugar that my hormones balanced out enough to get pregnant. I now have two very healthy kids. A 3.5yo and a 17mo.

I used Plexus products for my blood sugar and gut health and became a believer so I joined the company. There may be other ways to achieve the same but I encourage you to look into your blood sugar and gut health too. Both can greatly impact your hormones.


Yes. I was started on metformin for pcos which helped regulate my irregular cycle but still I was not ovulating. If they haven’t done so already I’d say get bloodwork done now to see if you’re actually ovulating. I then did 2 rounds of clomed and we now have our son. I’m pregnant with #2 and it was natural with no clomed this time. And I only have 1 ovary, they said I had lots of good eggs just like you so stay hopeful!

We tried for 3 years, I knew I have pcos for 10 years already so I knew it would be hard. We tried 5 rounds of iuis and still no child. I gave up trying and was told if I lost 10% of my body weight I would have better chances, so I joined a gym got a trainer and focused on that. 4 months later I am 6 weeks pregnant. Best advice based on my history is work on weight loss and don’t focus on having a child find something else to occupy your thoughts.

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My first came after a long time of trying but no help I was pregnant 3 weeks after being diagosed with PCOS. My second was 6 months after starting metformin and 2 years after my first. My third was a complete shock with no medication but with some decent weight loss.

Not proud of it, but I was addicted to heavy drugs for a year and a half. Lost 100 lbs. Got clean, 3 weeks later I met my husband. A year and a half later I hadn’t gained back but 40 pounds. Tried to get pregnant for 2 weeks and it worked. I am now 300 pounds and it is a struggle to have a 2nd

I was only successful on getting pregnant after going paleo for about 6 months… after that I had 3 kids in a little over 3 years… I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS since 12 and taking metformin since then as well… also we tried for 4 and a half years to get pregnant

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I had one pregnancy before being diagnosed with PCOS that I lost. Once diagnosed and put on Metformin I was pregnant within 3 months. Lost it, pregnant again 3 months later and lost it as well. I ended up seeing a specialist for my early losses and she kept me on the Metformin but added in femara to make sure I was ovulating every cycle, and a complete diet overhaul where I cut out dairy, sugars and grains. It took less than 6 months before I was pregnant again, and then I cut the Metformin and did a regimen of baby aspirin and progesterone during the first trimester to help me carry to term. My lil guy will be 14 months at the end of February! Good luck and stay hopeful!

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I was not planning on having a baby so soon but I was diagnosed with pcos when I was 18 and was put on metformin for the future when I wanted to have a baby. I was only on it for about 6 months I just didn’t have good side affects with it. I was put on birth control (the pill) at 19 even though I wasn’t sexually active. That was for about a year and a half and I became pregnant at 21. It could have been a lot of different things for me metformin, bc, weight loss. I wish you luck!!!

I had PCOS, and I took Clomid to get pregnant. I tried the metformin but it gave me stomach issues so I stopped it after a week or so. Good luck!

I have PCOS. I got pregnant with my first by accident and my second right away. I have only ever taken birth control as a means to control my pcos though. Cutting back the sugar is supposed to help as well. I was very lucky to conceive so easily but hopefully this will keep you optimistic about it.

I was diagnosed with PCOS at 17, had my son at 23 unmedicated. I started taking Ovasitol Inositol powder supplement to help reduce the frequency of cycts (they were getting bad, 4-6cm diameter) and had my daughter just before age 32.

Keto for pregnancy group on FB. Almost everyone in there got pregnant shortly after starting keto (within 6 months about, some the first month) and over half have PCOS. Keto cures inflammation from among other things and I hear this helps with implanting and such and that’s why it is has such a high success rate for pregnancy. Gooogglleee it :heart_eyes:

Was on it for two weeks and boom pregnant. This time not so quick but working on it.

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I did metformin and fermara for 4 months and my doctor did ultrasounds to see if I ovulated and told us when to do it. My little boy will be turning 1 next month!

One miscarriage and two successful pregnancies without medication pcos

I tried for 2 years also dignoased with pcos. Decided to not take any medications. And 4 months later I became pregnant with my first baby. Weight loss can help a lot.

I after 12 years of being told I couldnt have a baby due to pcos I got on metformin and got healthy and lost 80 lbs two years later I got pregnant not even trying.

I was diagnosed. I was told I may struggle to conceive naturally. Me and my partner went onto panic mode and started trying instantly. I was pregnant in 2 months! Dont panic!!

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I have PCOS. I took metformin, clomid and did trigger shots. Took me roughly 2 years.

Be careful with metformin. Side effects can really get you. My sister is on it

I was on metformin for 3 months and got pregnant!

Metformin helped me get pregnant after about 8 months

I had 5 miscarriages lost like 40 pounds eating keto, took antibiotics on birth control and had my rainbow

Im on baby #4 with PCOS, non medicated. Stop trying and just have sex. The anxiety is whats bad.

I have PCOS & tried pretty much all of the tricks. I lost 100 lbs. I tried myoinositol. I tried Plexus. I did timed intercourse with medication (Femara). None of it worked for me. We conceived with IVF.

I think some cysters have issues with egg quality or even maturing eggs, even though we have an over abundance of eggs. I had 32 eggs retrieved, but only 8 of those became blastocysts that made it to freeze. We transferred two embryos during our first frozen transfer and neither one stuck. We did two again the next transfer and both stuck. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I have pcos. Now they know more than 1 type. Tried ivf for years no luck. Gave up adopted then on my 40th got preggo now 41 preggo #2

Really it all depends on the severity of your pcos . I was on metformin up to 2000 mg for abt 2.5 years along with the help of birth control off and on to calm my ovaries bc I had soooo many cysts eggs didn’t have room to grow to the size they needed for healthy ovulation. We went to a fertility specialist after abt 6 months at the Obgyn with clomid , femera & metformin without luck. That was with my daughter (had her in 2017 via ivf ). We started trying for number 2 in June of this year didn’t have luck for 3 months so I went on birth control again (on metformin as well per fertility specialist recommendation ) and got pregnant unexpectedly on the birth control in October. He’s a big healthy boy coming late June ! Good luck love . Just an FYI the metformin may make u LIVE on the toilet for abt a month & anytime u eat greasy fatty food. Baby dust :heart:

One way to clear up PCOS and get pregnant is to eat Keto, I am on a site on and everyday someone with a story just like yours post they are pregnant. Might try it.