Getting pregnant with PCOS

Hello! My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for two years now. Long story short, they just diagnosed me with PCOS. I will be starting Metformin today to get the process going. I just want to know if anyone has experienced this? If so, did you succeed? How soon? Was is pretty hard to get pregnant, or is the medicine pretty successful? Pretty much, just want to hear everyone’s stories! Thank you in advance! Add on: Even with being diagnosed with the PCOS, and they did say I have a great supply of eggs, so I’m staying hopeful!


Dar McNulty tell her your story.

I have PCOS and 6 kids. So it is possible.

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Do a low carb diet! Worked for me after 5 years of trying!

I got pregnant after a couple of months on Metformin!

I have pcos you can message me if you like

I have PCOS. They started me on metformin and since my cycles were irregular they put me back on birth control. Just by personal choice I chose to take my birth control and the metformin together for one year. We got pregnant the very first try. This was after trying for 18 months and not getting anywhere.

My friend with PCOS got pregnant 2 weeks after starting Metformin. Sending baby dust and prayers your way :heart:

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We’ve tried for 2 years after having a miscarriage…I went in and ended up finding out I had PCOS… they wanted to put me on metformin but I refused it… I actually went in to see if I could have kids because nothing was happening… they ended up running a bunch of tests on me to see if I could go through with getting a test that runs die through your Fallopian tubes well in the mist of that I get a call about an hour later from them telling me I was pregnant lol I was in shock because we’ve tried for soooo long lol… now my baby will be 2 tmmrw :slight_smile:

I’ve been on metformin for almost 3 months now! And it’s regulating my cycles😌

Metformin is taken to treat diabetes. How does treating your diabetes help with PCOS?

I have PCOS and got pregnant very early on when I became sexually active for the first time. I first had intercourse in Feb 2018 in august I found out I was pregnant xx

I wasn’t having periods at all and was told I had pcos. They put me on metformin and I was pregnant with my daughter within a couple months!

Metformin for infertility is a miracle product. After 6 years of infertility, miscarriages, and lots of expense we found a doctor that prescribed it. I was pregnant within the year and now have a nine month old baby boy. Good luck!

Most people have GI issues while taking it but I am allergic to mammal so my diet was limited. I didn’t have problems with it and I think it was because of my diet.

My best friend has pcos and is pregnant with her second child. She was over weight, diet all messed up and was not working out. 5 years ago she lost weight, started living a healthier life style and worked out 4-5 times a week and seemed to do the trick! Not sure if you already do all of these things but her doctor never tried to prescribe her anything but she tried for years and nothing until she did those things. If you ever wanna talk to someone she would be happy to speak with you!! Her period also regulated when she lost weight and never needed to try any other alternatives!

This method worked or me! I’ve had two successful pregnancies and my pcos is a lot better. I still get a few cysts but no where near as bad. I was put on it in 15 and had my first daughter in 2016. I did have two miscarriages after I had her one in 17 then another in 18 then in 2019 we had our second daughter. So don’t give up it’s definitely possible! Best of luck!

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I was preggo 10 months after starting metformin…then preggo ago again at 9 months pp…now I’m preggo again at 8 months pp. Good luck!!!

I was dx with PCOS 8 yrs ago. My husband and I tried naturally for 3yrs with no luck. I started Metformin as I sn insulin resistant and conceived within weeks. We had 2 miscarriages bc of my hormone imbalance so our third pregnancy I started progesterone right away. I am now 36wks pregnant with our miracle baby. Hang in there. If you want to talk further or have any questions feel free to PM me.

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Hey yes and I’m currently pregnant with my second! Metformin can make you feel rubbish, so I’m now on the slow release metformin which is much better. Good luck and don’t put pressure in you’re self x x

I have pcos and took metformin and met with a dietitian to work on losing weight it took awhile but eventually I lost enough weight and kept taking my meds and now I will be delivering my 2nd baby on tuesday :slight_smile:

Meds got me pregnant with my first after about 5 years. Keto got me pregnant with my second after only a year.

I was diagnosed at 18 but didn’t have my first baby til 38 :grimacing:. Advice: do not get discouraged and don’t let it wear you down to where you start getting depressed. Just breathe and it will happen when it’s meant to.

I had a miscarriage when I was 4 months along, 1 year later I had another miscarriage 4 months along with twins, I had my baby boy in 2008, we was trying to have a baby for 2 years before I was diagnosed with pcos, and endometriosis, it took me 7 more years to get pregnant again, and I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks along, finally 1 year after that I had my baby girl in 2018, its complicated, and very stressful, but it’s still possible to have kids, I was on metformin, but I also tried fertilaid, sending you baby dust, praying you will get your blessing asap, hang in there

I have pcos. I was put on clomid 100mg days 5 to 9 . Got pregnant the first time. 10 years later same process.

Yes, pregnant with my 3rd. Also, check out pcos 30 day challenge by Kym. It is an amazing group with a lot of insight on how diet impacts our symptoms.

I got pregnant with in a month of taking the medication. I took the last pill then went to flordia I didnt even know I was pregnant until I came back

We tried for almost 4 years for baby #2. I was diagnosed with PCOS and put on metformin which only made me sick and didn’t help me get pregnant. I took myself off them and tried fertility meds which made me ovulate, but not good enough to get pregnant. I decided to get healthy, cut out sugar, and started working out. I lost 50 pounds and ended up getting pregnant naturally. It took me 5 months to get pregnant once I decided to get healthy.

I was diagnosed with PCOS and given a very low percentage for likelihood of getting pregnant. Metformin, with the combination of other fertility medicine, and I’m now the proud Mom of 5 beautiful children (all single births). Don’t give up! The longest it took when trying on medicine was 7 months. Good luck.

I have pcos. Naturally I got pregnant after 3 years of trying.

I had to take Chlomiphine.

I have PCOS, and each and everytime that I decided I wanted to start working out and eating healthy, I got pregnant. I’m pregnant with my 3rd. The only medication that I was put on for PCOS was birth control. And yes I got pregnant while on the pill 🤦

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Hi, I found out after 10 years of trying that I had PCOS and after lots of tests they started me on Metformin and within 6 months I was pregnant and lost 40 pounds after starting Metformin. I had my first son at 20 with my husband which was a fluke because no ovulation maybe once every 2 years and periods the same. Metformin was a blessing for us now another boy 7 and little girl 5. It will happen keep your head up you got this :blush:

Caution*** metformin makes your stomach hurt like a bitch. Just be prepared. I was on it for my t1D and I had to stop cause it hurt my stomach really bad and quite known amung the diabetic community

I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2000. Did fertility treatment for 1yr. (Did not work) Got pregnant in 2006 without treatment. Went back on fertility treatment for 2 years with new husband in 2011. (Did not work again) Got pregnant within 6 months of being off treatment. And then Got pregnant a 3rd time without treatment in 2015. You can most certainly get pregnant with PCOS, it’s just a lot harder and can take a lot longer. Good Luck!!

I have seen keto diet helping women with pcos get pregnant in a few of my keto groups.

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Took me 2 yrs but i now have 2 babies!!

I have pcos and conceived right away on metformin and provera. Currently 22 weeks pregnant with our little boy <3

Ok so I had three back to back miscarriages, diagnosed with PCOS, got started on metformin and within three weeks I was pregnant. Once I was pregnant they started me on progesterone too until I was 10 weeks. Currently 28 weeks pregnant with a very healthy boy!!! Good luck. Feel free to message me


New studies are finding that PCOS infertility lessens with age, due to the hormones that are getting in the way even out. I can attest to that. Major infertility struggles in my 20’s, yet had NO problem getting pregnant in my late 30’s. I had children all naturally at 28, 37, 39, and 40.

A lot of women with PCOS get pregnant after starting Keto lifestyle. Might be something to look into/research if that’s something you are interested in learning more about.

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I have pcos and I just took a prenatal vitamin everyday and I got pregnant fast and I on my second one


I have pcos and was able to conceive my first while taking letrozole! Then my second decided to just come on his own!


I have. Pcos metformin didn’t work for me clomid didn’t but Femara worked like a charm

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I have pcos. Nothing worked. I tried metformin too with no success then was on clomid and ended up making my cysts huge, eventually after 3 years we gave up. About 6 months after giving up I was naturally pregnant with my lil miracle. He was born December 30th. It was a long road but its possible. Dont give up. If it’s meant to be it will happen.


I was given metformin but still was not ovulating so I was given clomiphene citrate and was pregnant in 3 months

I was diagnosed with PCOS at 16 and was told I had a 10% chance of having kids…right now i am pregnant with #7


I have PCOS and 3 children. All conceived naturally but I have been taking metformin for 10 years because I’m diabetic.

I have pcos and we did everything we were told for the first 6 years. I was on clomid and metformin and nothing worked. We stopped trying and 3 years later I got pregnant with my very special little boy. I had a very rough pregnancy and was told at least 10 times that Mother Nature would take over and I would lose him. He will be 11 in April. 9 years after I had my son I got pregnant again with twins when I was 36 but lost them. I was told that taking Dimatap DM everyday at the exact time will actually help. I know people that has actually conceived after they tried everything. It breaks up the mucus down there and lets the sperm travel better. I’m sorry you are going through this! The way my body works I get pregnant once every 9 years :woman_shrugging:t3::joy:. Don’t give up but don’t stress over it. That will only make it harder.

Definitely stay hopeful. I found out I had PCOS at 20 years old. I never did fertility treatments or any medication. Just started taking better care of myself. Quit my bad habits of smoking and drinking. And I’m 31 years old now and 7 months pregnant with my first child.


I was diagnosed with PCOS after my first two babies. I never got a period for 2 years. Did not take metformin because of horror stories. My SO and I tried getting pregnant and it worked pretty quickly. Within a month of trying! Goodluck!

I never knew metformin was used for infertility! I have no advice but I wish you luck. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing

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I have pco . Took a 1 1/2 trying … nothing … very emotionally draining . Finally my doctor put me on femara. First month didn’t work second month I found out I was preg with our princess and she will be four months on Monday!
My doctor had me doing ovulation test in the am and pm bcuz some ovulate only got a short time . And we didn’t want to miss our window .

I have PCOS and I have four children (three which are triplets). A low glycemic diet really helped me

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I have pcos also. Metformin hurt my stomach so I never took it. I finally got pregnant after 5 years. I ended up doing in vitro. I had boy/girl twins. And they told me I would never have any more because I’m not fertile. A year after twins I got so sick and found out I was pregnant again all on my own. They are now 15, 15, and 13. Don’t give up and keep praying!!

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PCOS and 2 babies here! I took metformin and my first baby took me 5 rounds of clomid and 2nd baby took 1 round

I have PCOS and got pregnant naturally with no medication after 4 months of trying to conceive. I exercised and diet to manage PCOS symptoms.

I have pcos but its mild and I haven’t experienced fertility issues

What does pcos means?

My sister was diagnosed in March 2 years ago after an ectopic pregnancy. Then 8months later she was pregnant with her rainbow baby. She had great success with metformin.

I have PCOS as well. We’ve been trying for a year. Fertility doctor gave me Ovasitol and I’ve been on it for 4 months now. This past week for the first time EVER, I had a positive ovulation test. I took four more to make sure :joy: our nurse called it “magic powder” and it’s just a tasteless powder that comes in like a crystal light pack and you drink it twice a day. I also take a prenatal, fish oil, and a probiotic daily. It’s really working!

Also incorporate the keto diet and use preseed lubricant

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I have Pcos also. With my first, I got pregnant while not trying :sweat_smile: I had just lost 45lbs, exercised regularly, and had a regular period. However, it took me 2 1/2 yrs to get pregnant with my second ( I’m currently 17 weeks). This time I believe not losing all my baby weight from the first, irregular periods and being older made it harder for me. I was 24 with my first and now I’m 29 yrs old. I saw an ob for fertility problems and she had me take a prenantal Vitamin and take ovulation tests. It worked the first month.

I have PCOS. We tried for 2 years to conceive our 2nd and tried metformin, clomid together (apparently they work well and have a higher chance of conceiving when taken together). I only tried 1 round of the clomid with no luck. We were then told that we’d more than likely have to take the IVF route so we put it on hold for a while. I ended up falling pregnant naturally when I least expected it and since then have gone on to have my 2nd and 3rd babies without any issues (they are only 20months apart).

Metformin is for diabetic

I was put on metformin for it but ended up having to use clomid both times to get pregnant. First time took 6 rounds, second time took 3

I did metformin and clomid for a year. Nothing happened. I changed my diet (low sugar low carb high protien dairy and gluten free no caffeine) I got pregnant within 2 months. Everyone is different but changing my diet worked over taking meds. Foods affect your hormones which affects insulin resistance which affects fertility. I also take ovasitol which is a supplement that helps with PCOS.

I was diagnosed with pcos and prediabetes at 15. Got a handle on the diabetes early with diet and exercise. They told me I would probably never have children fast forward 11 years later the old man wanted to try to have a baby, iud removed, pregnant in 6 months. 3 years later we want to try for 1 more baby. After about a year or more of trying I gave up, 6 months after that I saw that second line on the pregnancy test. It can be done. It’s just harder because with pcos you don’t ovulate regularly, from what I’ve read the older you get the better your chances are too.

I have pcos I only took metformin for a few months before I got pregnant with my son. I never took it after him. I went on and had a miscarriage when he was two and a month later was pregnant again with my little girl 4 months after her birth I was pregnant with my youngest daughter. Metformin helped with my son and my body kinda regulated itself a bit after my son. Now after my last daughter we tried for another baby when she was 4 and continued to try. Never got pregnant again but I am blessed with my three here on earth and my
Angel daughter In heaven as well.

I was on Clomid for 6 months and fell pregnant with my first. With my current pregnancy I didn’t need any medication

It worked for me in a very short time period I took it for about a month and a half
And then took a pregnancy test and I was pregnant with my baby which is now 3 months old

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 23. I am 36 now.
My 1st pregnancy ( i was 19) I gave birth son at 6mos. He lived for a few hours and passed. My 2nd pregnancy (I was 21) I miscarried at 9weeks.
And was eventually told that because of my pcos I had a very low chance of getting pregnant and even lower to carry full term.
I am typically 125lbs but when my body had the insulin issues I got up to 160. I went into remission when I was 26. Back to 120 125ish.
I belong to a lot of forums for pcos, and was reading about DIM supplement. Started taking it.
My weight is fine. Even my cysts arent as frequent.
At 34yrs old I got pregnant. And had an amazing happy sexy Full term pregnancy. Yes I gained 60lbs during my pregnancy but I still loved it.
Now am 36, back to trim looking, sin is healthy, and I am still taking DIM.

I was diagnosed with PCOS and was told I couldn’t get pregnant. I was put in metformin to control my sugars and ended up pregnant 3 months later. When I went to the specialist they told me that this happens often. Stay hopeful and positive. My boy is now 10

I have this and I was lucky to have my daughter last year. I say lucky because my husband and I tried for 8 years to get pregnant and had tried everything the doctor was able to use with our insurance. No luck. When we stopped trying and just planned on not having kids of our own we got a surprise. I was getting ready to divorce him so he could have a family with someone else. I really don’t have any advice other than don’t give up. If you do have that chance go for it. Trust your doctor and believe it can happen.

I have had horrible cysts staring with the one when I was 14 that was the size of a cantaloupe! I’m now 30. I do have pcos and other horrible issues! Many surgeries for cysts and fibroids. I also lost a tube and an ovary. I never took any meds for anything but I am blessed to say I have Given birth to a now 10 year old a 3 year old and am 30 weeks now with this pregnancy. ALL GOD! Many blessings on your journey!!!

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I was on metformin for 4 years along with birth control (counter productive I know) but it helped me get my weight and my hormones under control. Once off BC I got pregnant naturally with my second little miracle within 8 months with the help of an ovusense sensor to track my ovulation. Babe is now 5 weeks old.

With my first they hadn’t diagnosed me yet and I spent 4 years trying to conceive with a diagnosis of unovulation. We went through 6 rounds of clomid for me to get pregnant the cycle after my last. Being overweight definitely played a role.

They had me do letrozole and progesterone. It took only three months and i got pregnant after 7 years of trying and failed 6 months of clomid. Metformin gave me extremely uncomfortable side effects.

With PCOS you typically get lots of eggs but not great quality. Metformin and keto CAN help but doesn’t always.
My husband’s and my only chance was through IVF.
Even with 37 eggs collected only 4 made it to viable embryos and only one of those 4 gave us a viable pregnancy.
There’s also a book called "it starts with the egg"that can help give guidance on how to improve egg quality. (I found out about the book once we had already started the process so never used it however I’ve heard great stories from women who have).

I was diagnosed with it after a miscarriage. I have been on metformin for about two years. I also took three rounds of clomid with no luck. (There is still hope) my friend was diagnosed with it and is pregnant currently with a beautiful daughter. Everyone’s body is different

I have PCOS with our second baby it took me a month and a half, I’ve taken metformin before so I knew the side effects, I also cut out caffeine completely, lost about 20 lbs too. Was on Metformin my entire pregnancies also as it kept my body from attacking the embryo, I have 2 very healthy boys, 10 and 5! Good luck!

I am currently on metformin (have had pcos since high school but only started metformin a year ago) I’m now currently using shady grove fertility…I should be starting chlomid soon…seems like we’re almost in the same boat

I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2010 and was having troubles conceiving my rainbow baby. Dr put me on clomid but that messed with my emotions way too much so I stopped taking it and he started me on metformin. Within 2 months I had lost close to 25 lbs and was found out I was pregnant with my son. I have God, a great Dr and metformin to thank for my miracle son.

Metformin was awful for me but may work well for you! I also have PCOS and we tried for 4 years. Finally, 100mg prometrium (progesterone) and 7.5 mg of letrozole did it! We are now 19 weeks pregnant with a sweet little baby girl!!!

I have PCOS and some other issues and in a week my miracle will be a year old

Tried Metformin and it didn’t help then Clomid and was on the last month before IVF and saw an ad that Metformin used with Clomid was working. So I took it upon myself to use Metformin for that month with Clomid and I now have a 15 year old daughter.

I got pregnant with in 4 months of starting metformin. If that didn’t work the Dr was going to burn small holes in my overies to make ovulation easier. I was givin pills to stimulate ovulation also but never used them as I was pregnant already. I was very lucky, not all have such success stories. You have to watch what you eat also, you have to lose weight and watch your insulin resistance. Unfortunately I have diabetes now.

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Good luck ! I myself have PCOS and my husband and I have been trying to have a child for almost 20 years with no luck I have taken all the pills even lost a bunch of weight still nothing


I was diagnosed with PCOS at 17. I’m 34 and just had my 4th child yesterday. It IS possible. I was told what did it for me was weight loss. I lost 175lbs and then I was able to get pregnant a lot easier.

Prior to my weight loss, it took 3 years to get pregnant with my first. My others, I got pregnant right away.

I mi was on metformin for 5 years before I got pregnant with my first ar age 32 was diagnosed with pcos when I was 18

I was diagnosed with PCOS, and without any meds, have 3 beautiful babies ages 1, 6, and 8 plus a little angel in heaven who was conceived while on birth control. A diagnosis only goes so far when God’s on control! Good luck :heartbeat:

I was diagnosed with PCOS in 1996 and diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in March of 2010. I was put on metformin 500 mg a day and was pregnant by December of 2010. She is my only child but was my true blessing!

I have pcos and was put on metformin as well. 6 months later I was pregnant with my first baby. Now I have 4 beautiful children. Good luck!

Two of my four children were conceived taking metformin. Both pregnancies happened exactly 3 months after starting it. #1 and 4 I didn’t take it.

I have pcos and it didn’t work for me. I was told clomid works & will be asking my doctor about it. We’ve been trying for almost 4 years.

Had a HCG scan done and went on a relaxing cruise a month later and got pregnant. It took me 5 years. Finally had that scan done and my ob/gyn said it just cleaned out your pipes. Then I was fertile myrtle. Had 3 children in almost 4 years.

I was on it for 3 to 4 months it did make me a little sick but then I got pregnant and I was able to have my son

It can help, but isnt a guarantee. I tried it all (PCOS and Endometriosis). Eventually, we stopped trying. Once I lost about 40 lbs, I got pregnant naturally after over ten years of trying.

We have conceived once in 10 years and it ended in my 19th miscarriage in 2015. I’ve been on meformin for years and it does nothing for me x

I got pregnant with PCOS without meds


Metformin has cancer causing agents.


Metformin and femera worked for me.