Gift ideas for babies?

In need of ideas for gifts for my babies! They will be 1 in almost 2 months and I need to get the registry set up on Amazon since I’m about to be sending out invitations!!


At that age they prefer the wrapping paper and gift bags most of the time so I wouldn’t go too crazy :joy: Do they need some fall clothes? Diapers? My kids loved stacking blocks at that age, my daughter loved her dollies, books are a big one.

Unless this is a late baby shower??? Why are you registering for birthday gifts??? Weddings and baby showers are what a registry should be for etiquette wise.

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Have everyone bring a book and write something inside. People don’t have money to buy expensive gifts and your kids will enjoy the books for years.

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Diapers! Lol if they aren’t in need of anything I always ask for giftcards instead. That way you can buy it as it’s needed instead of just getting a bunch of toys or plan a trip. one year we asked for Disney gift cards and took him to Disney.

Don’t need a gift registry for a birthday

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Is this for a baby shower or for her actual birthday so you register for gifts? Interesting my kids are grown. I’ve never heard of this.

Savings bonds, open a 529 educational fund & invite people to contribute. Classic children’s books, blocks, tricycle, those plaster casts for little hand & foot impressions, picture frames, movie passes to a place where they show kid friendly movies mornings for a mom’s day out with kids. Bibs.