Girls day out ideas?

What’s some things you guys do on a “girls day” with your daughters? My daughter is 8 and I don’t get enough one on one time with her. So I’m taking her on a girls day this weekend!


Movie, lunch and shopping.


I just took my 8 year old to a treetop adventure course and out for a “coffee”. But all of the above ideas are things we’ve done before! I’m sure she’ll love anything you do together :slight_smile:

We genuinely spend the day together doing whatever we want. Time at the park, mani- pedis, shopping etc.

They really don’t care just having your special time is precious to them. When I was little. And I am old now. My dad on sat. Mornings took me to the feed store with him. And sometimes we would have lunch. Still remember those sat. Mornings and treasure them

Nail day, shopping, lunch

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Pedi, park,shopping, lunch, library etc

Mani Pedis, shopping, lunch, see a movie, roller rink, walking trails at a park (some state parks have events like birdwatching and crafting ect.) Bowling, go to the hobby store and learn a new craft together.

Ask her! Not directly but just “What would be a great day for you?” Or “How could our days be better?”

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Whatever your daughter is interested in. My granddaughters love to play cards and board games. Does she love art? A museum or craft. Science? Hiking? How about a picnic at the park? Mini golf? I’d pick something that would allow some good conversation. Does she love to read? Hang out at the bookstore, pick a new book out. Notice I’m kind of staying away from the mani pedi. Many girls really couldn’t care less about it. Ask her if there is something she might like to do. She might not know!

Paint rocks, go somewhere turn music on dance and throw glitter( that’s what I do with my 3year old).

We go shopping. (Dollar tree,Yard sales, thrift stores, or the mall) get our nails done. Go to lunch. Go for a bike ride. Go for a walk. If it’s raining we do hot chocolate, movies, popcorn and comfy food in bed. We sometimes do spa days at home- face masks, hair masks, washout hair color on the underside of our hair. Paint classes. Ice cream shop. Go fishing. Movies. Picnics.

My daughter is 8 so we do Mani Pedis (she gets gel polish), get some lunch or ice cream, shopping, or anything she wants to do.


Get a manicure and do lunch at her favorite place go see a movie she picks shop for a new outfit get y’alls hair done

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That age loves manicure and pedicure.

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At that age my daughter and I did pedicures a couple times, but usually a movie or an ice cream date. Now my daughters 17 and it’s usually shopping or manicures. However sometimes I just take her out for coffee or make her take a walk with the dog and I.

take her out to lunch or dinner, a movie or get pedicures together at the salon. Guys deserve a foot session too

What is she interested in? I mean if she is, say, into dinosaurs and hate hair and nails then the salon would be a bad choice. Lol so really just do something she would be interested in and you both would enjoy

We do breakfast, brunch or lunch, polish nails, go shopping for spa day supplies, stop for ice cream and then go home and give each other facials. She LOVES it! She calls it our mommy/daughter spa day OR pack a picnic, stop by Sonic for a slush and have lunch at the park then.

I take my daughter to get pedicure or nails painted

Discover something together.

  • Weird mushrooms or leaves or flowers in the park,
  • fun facts or artifacts at a museum or historic site.
  • Food from a cuisine you’ve never tried before.
  • Take a mother-daughter workshop and learn a new craft.
  • Go swimming at an indoor pool or water park.
  • Browse a shop you’ve never been to, like hardware, sporting goods, an ethnic grocery, comic book shop, woodworking store, and ask questions if the staff’s not too busy.
  • Play basketball.
  • Hit a playground or two.
  • Paint.
  • Hike.
  • Play dress up. Hit a thrift store first if you need costumes.
  • See a kid’s performance—play, dance, puppet show, music. Talk about the lessons in it.
  • Go to another religion’s place and learn about their beliefs and the meanings in their sacred spaces.
  • Read a deep book for kids & discuss it. The Body Book for Girls is a good one.

Paint your own pottery
Build a bear
Find a salon that does fairy hair

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Ask her my kids love to be able to choose an outing. So much of their life is predetermined for them. Money is super tight for us at the moment so I also give a budget which helps teach them about money

I love to do afternoon tea with my nieces! We go shopping first for a nice outfit and then off we go to a fancy afternoon tea! We all love it!