Good laptop for kids?

hey mamas. my little boy has been begging for a laptop for about 6 months now and he will be 8 in august so i’m doing some research for a new birthday surpise. what laptop do you have/would recommend? he has had an xbox for almost 3 years now, so im looking for something pretty decent as i know he is trustworthy enough to use it. hes a great kid, he deserves it… preferably lightweight if possible. would a disc drive still be plausible in 2024? lol i’m tech savvy but clueless to new computer/laptop products lol. thanks

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Chromebook is what we got our son as that’s what is often used in schools.

I like the little Chromebooks my kids school uses for e-learning. It’s light and has just enough of everything for a kid. Should be budget friendly too. However if he plans on playing games and such probably would need something with a good video card and memory.