Grieving and Suicidal Ideations

My boyfriend passed away in my bed next to on February 9,2021. I’m having a really hard time. I need some help. I am getting mental help tomorrow. I’m not alone. And I’m not able to hurt myself. I would just like to know others care. It was a very traumatic experience and I don’t know how to cope with it.


Oh sweetie. I am so sorry you had to go through this. I’m glad you are taking the steps needed for your mental health. You are not alone :sparkles:

Oh sweetie​:pleading_face: My husband passed away in 2016. I found him and it crushed me. 5 years later and I’ve picked myself up and started living life again. Just know that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel you’ve been thrown into. It will be tough for a bit but you will find your strength and recover from this with grace. I know it :heart: Stay strong!

I am
So sorry for your loss. I lost a fiancé almost 11 years ago it was a bit different situation but it was definitely hard and I still think of him often.

My best advice is take your time to grieve and be around those that you love and support you. Find things that you love to help keep your mind off of it. I know it’s gonna be hard n the love you have don’t ever go away.

Maybe refresh the bedroom as well so it don’t remind you so much or switch rooms if you can I moved back home with my parents so I didn’t get that constant reminder.

The other piece of advice is when your ready don’t be affraid if your past embrace it. My friend made a good point of me if it’s just turning the cookie jar and refilling the cookies in it. The name stays engraved you just learn to move on slowly in a different way

I’m deeply sorry for your loss.
Just remember that your family and friends are always here for you. Hugsss

Girl… I can not even begin to imagine the pain and hurt that you are going through. Time is really the only thing that will ease the pain, it will never go away, and you will always have the love for him in your heart. Your days will eventually get easier. It made me very happy to read that you are not alone and you do not have thoughts of harming yourself. Use those loved ones that you are with to lean on. You need them more than ever before right now. Getting help with your mental health is the best thing you can do right now, you really need it in this difficult time. Please be sure to get a therapist to talk to as well, if that is not in your mental health plan already. Im 41 yrs old, and always refused to see a therapist because I didn’t want to talk about my feelings to some stranger, but I finally started to go to one back in Dec, and it’s been the best thing I’ve ever done. Keep your head up, and take care of YOU!

You are absolutely not alone. I’m actively grieving a loss, not the same kind but still very intense. I’ve been in grief therapy for some months forna different, older loss and when this latest one happened I was so glad to have her already there for ne. Please stick with the help. If you don’t like it, get a new therapist. Don’t be ashamed to take thr pill or try what they ask for the next couple months. Is moving an option? I think it would help. Please reach out to me on messenger at ANY TIME if you need an unbiased fresh ear. Please. We’ll help each other through it.

I’ll be praying for you , I will never forget this happened to my sister in 2018,I can only imagine myself the pain you must be in. You are gonna come thru this :two_hearts: