Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone 4 year old just not listen to anything?
Is she in OT therapy? This helped my boy out a lot.
Start busting her butt teach her right from wrong before it’s to late
You have to figure out why she is acting like this. To many people focus on trying to stop a kid from acting a certain way than trying to figure out why they’re acting that way. Is she having a hard time in school? Is it to overwhelming for her? Is the therapy you have her in actually working for her? Does she have sensory needs that aren’t being met?
You have to figure out the trigger. Something is triggering this. When my son, who is also autistic, has a sudden change in patterns/moods/behaviors there is usually something going on. Is she verbal? If so, is she in therapy? Not just OT but actual therapy? I ask because having a talk therapist has helped my son so much. Sure it took months before he would actually speak to her but now that he does, he looks forward to their time together and she is one of my life lines now.
Perhaps she is not ready for potty training. It mY be too much change for her at the moment.