Has anyone added prune juice to a babies bottle?

My doctor told me to add prune juice to my 2 month olds formula because she is very constipated…ive never hard this before, has anyone done it?


My cousin does this for her 2 year old who gets constipated a lot. It works wonders!

I’ve done it. I was told to use prune juice or apple juice and it worked wonders.

Momma of 4 grown children and 9 grandchildren it works wonders , watch the iron intake on the formula too which can cause constipation in infants hopefully she gets relief soon and you too :sparkling_heart:

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I use to give my son pear juice mixed with water for his constipation.

I had to as per my babies Dr. Definitely look into soy options or if she is nursing try cutting out dairy from your diet.

We also did this and it worked for us.:+1:

I have with our lactose intolerant little girl

Peds told us any P fruits or veggies help (peaches, pears, pumpkin ect)

Yes!! Be ready for a nasty diaper! But it does its job!!

Yes. When constipation was severe.

I have not heard of that, but I have been told to add Dark Karro syrup about half a teaspoon


Gerber brand pear juice helps and is made for babies. Not as strong or thick as prune juice.

I had to when my babies were super constipated you don’t add very much at all. You can also add a drop of white kyro syrup in her milk it will help her constipation too. Plus your Dr said it was ok to do… listen to your Dr.

Why are you asking FB when the Doctor told you what to do?

Watered down prune juice or Kari syrup… get your baby used to drinking water it will help in the long run, also water down any juice so their bottoms won’t be red from all the acid and spend a fortune on zinc ointment

Half an oz of Gerber prune juice should do the trick. Had to do it a lot. My daughter still has severe constipation at 11 and been to many GI specialists :disappointed: