Has anyone been diagnosed with placenta previa?

Hi, I am pregnant and high risk. I was recently diagnosed with placenta previa. My placenta is located anteriorly. The ER dr did not explain much, and I’m freaking out. I am to go see my OB dr in a few days. Has anyone been diagnosed with this?


I have this right now. I am 26 weeks pregnant. I bleed from 4weeks to 17 weeks then again at 22 weeks and then had another bleed this past saturday and again on Monday. Previa can resolve itself to allow for a vaginal delivery if not you will need a csection. And previa can cause other complications during pregnancy. Early delivery having to have a hysterectomy. I would recommend also following with high risk during the pregnancy as well. My dr does not allow any previa moms to deliver past 34 weeks due to the risk of hemorrhaging. With all the bleeds that I have had she is actually planning for me to deliver at 30weeks for the safety of baby and me.

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That’s 2 issues… placenta previa is covers all or some of the cervix… anterior means it’s at top of uterus.


I was with my last pregnancy

Placenta previa actually covers the opening of the cervix making vaginal delivery not an option. If the placenta is delivered before the fetus it will result in fetal death.

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I had placenta previa. My placenta was near my cervix but thankfully as my baby it resolved itself. I was careful on what I did until I was cleared. My doctor’s monitored me every week until the placenta moved on its own

I had it. Sometimes as your baby grows the placenta can move away from the cervix. I had to do bed rest for a while as well as not have sex, which was fine because I was so sick pregnant anyways that it didn’t matter. I would see your doctor, I would make sure your resting and lying down as much as possible and I wouldn’t exert yourself or get your groove on.

They will keep a close eye on it, often as the uterus grows it will move away from the cervix. If it doesn’t it will mean a c-section and an early delivery for the safety of you and the baby. They don’t want you to go into labour and have the baby pushing on the placenta and tearing it. I’m sure that your doctor will discuss everything in detail with you, or transfer you to a high risk obstetrician with more experience in this if needed.

I have had this both pregnancies. I was only “high risk” my first pregnancy due to some severe preeclampsia. But my second pregnancy has been a breeze up until last saturday. But ive been okay since

I had placenta previa, diagnosed at 17 weeks when bleeding started. Put on pelvic rest and was watched closely. Everything resolved itself by 22 weeks

Yes, I am currently 32 weeks pregnant with placenta previa, bicornete uterus and high risk in hospital. I was bleeding and passed a blood clot but since I’ve been in bed rest I hvnt blood as much.

Just had a friend deliver a healthy baby boy after a pretty severe placenta previa in which her OB was not optimistic that the pregnancy had a chance of progressing. So they are scary but there are chances you and baby will remain healthy.

My cousin did. Sadly she went into labor at 21 weeks. Baby was born alive!! Lived for 2hrs in her mothers arms. Absolutely heartbreaking. What’s meant to be will be. Dont stress

I had it! Luckily my placenta moved to where it was supposed to be the further along I got. My OB told me that it usually resolved itself and if it doesn’t vaginal delivery isn’t an option

I had it and it moved as baby grew and everything was fone

I had an anterior placenta with my last child she’s 9 almost 10 months now. It’s when ur placenta in in the front of the baby instead of the back. I was freaking out when my doctor told me that at well they didn’t really explain much about it so I googled it and read what it was an read that it won’t harm the baby. I also bleed at 14 weeks thought I was misscarrying the hospital did an ultrasound and everything baby was fine but there was like a bruise they call it on my placenta that was making me bleed they told me it was common when u have an anterior placenta my doctor had me get extra ultrasounds and kept a good eye on me to make sure everything went well I just took it easy an made sure I didn’t over strain my self my doctor told me to just do what I can don’t push myself. But if ur still curious call your doctor tell them you want to know everything u can about it.

I would go to the hospital that is very dangerous my granddaughter was born because of that and now she has birth defects

My placenta was low but not previa, I was put on bed rest to try and move my placenta up

Yeah they told me no sex and it fixed itself

I had it 33 years ago , I delivered placenta 1st and baby breach…talk to your doctor …don’t worry yourself

I had placenta prévia. I was in bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. I had a c-section at 38 weeks. Healthy baby boy, will turn 3 tomorrow

I was with the e.r. at 15 weeks. Im currently 25 and my doctir said its low lying placenta. And im having a scheduled c section so shes not to worried. My point being the e.r. tells you one scary horrific thing and your doctir may not be as concerned. I say this to ease your worries so please wait for your OB to diagnose and not stress.

My sister had it and went full term with a healthy baby boy. They put her on bed rest. They did need to do a c-section

I had something called low lying placenta and was high risk as well. They told me sometimes the placenta moves some weeks before birth but mine never did so I had to have an emergency csection at 37 weeks because I started hemorrhaging after my water broke. My baby is 1m old now

I had it in the beginning with my son… its when the uterus sits on top of the placenta instead of the placenta being above the uterus to supply nutrients Nd blood flow to the baby…my dr told me as I got bigger and my belly/uterus created more room. Then my placenta would detach itself from it’s original place and move up to its rightful position… hurts like hell,but you just gotta sit through it and bare it for the sake of the baby and yourself

I had it. But mine was covering my cervix. Moved up and get enough away by 30 something weeks.

Yes I was . I bleed for 20 weeks straight. Heavy bleeding not spotting. I seem Dr twice a week an ultrasound every week from 5 weeks until 27 weeks . The bi weekley and non stress test every week. I went into pre mature labor they stopped it . I ended up having vaginal birth healthy baby boy .

A friend of mine had that issue in her 3rd pregnancy. She was put on bed rest for her entire pregnancy

I had this and I had no complications, my baby is 5.5 weeks now and everything is going well. Stick in there mama!

I had this and had to have a scheduled c section two weeks before estimated delivery on a plus side you get alot more ultra sounds done then most people so you get to see baby more often :slight_smile:

I had it and it moved

Yes listen to doctor it’s important

I had it with my 1st and then by the time I was halfway through my 2nd trimester it had moved so depending how far along you are there’s a good chance it could still move before you are due with your baby. Just take it easy don’t do a lot of lifting and be cautious of intimate time

I had Placenta abruption and had my son at 23 weeks. He is 34 now… Thank god. Listen to your doctor and stay in bed try to take it easy

I’ve had it 4 out of 5 pregnancies. My 1st pregnancy was complete previa :woman_facepalming: therefore auto c section. … I wasn’t told to avoid sex or anything or put on bed rest. Just wait till you see your OB

I had it with both my boys bed rest is vital

I worked with a girl who had it with all her pregnancy. She said they’ll put you as high risk, I mean she got put off work her entire last pregnancy because of it, she came into work one day and was bleeding mid shift and they sent her to the ER and she was made high risk from there and she also told me she had to have a c section with all three of her kids.

Yes. I had it with my first and it ended up fixing itself so by the time I delivered it was gone. Always check with your ob though!

I had it, baby was fine, easy pregnancy, easy delivery, 2 years later she’s a hell of a toddler and healthy as can be! :joy: if they aren’t concerned, I wouldn’t be concerned

i had it w my 3rd child . don’t freak out. as long as doctor’s monitor you . I had to have her 3 weeks early only because she wasn’t getting enough nourishment, anyways she turned out a healthy 5-1 lbs baby

I had it with my 3rd baby and at the last 2 weeks of pregnancy it moved over

I was diagnosed with placenta previa when I was pregnant with my now 29 yo daughter. I felt fine, but when I would get up and move around I would start bleeding. I was on bed rest for a couple of months. Went back to work and with in on week of working I was bleeding again. The doctor put me on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. By the time I went to deliver the placenta had moved up and I was able to deliver naturally!! It was a very long and scary pregnancy, but she was so worth it❤️ Just follow doctors orders…it’s hard because you feel fine!! God bless you and your little one!!

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I currently have placenta previa and am scheduled for a csection in feb. I have been lucky and have not been on bedrest and have not had issues with bleeding. Idk how far along you are but most previas clear up on their own and can deliver vaginally. Mine didnt but there is a strong chance yours will!

I had placenta previa with my first born 22 years ago…I was frightened as well…I was on bed rest & off work last 3 months of my pregnancy…My Dr. Explained the placenta previa usually corrects itself & it did in my case just before my daughter was born…she was exactly in perfect place…So dont worry it will work itself out…talk with your Dr more because after 22 years Im sure they have more advanced & current advice…and treatment…Congratulations on your pregnancy…dont worry about anything just pamper yourself & enjoy your pregnancy…all my love & prayers :gift_heart:

I was diagnosed with it, I didn’t have any issues and it needed up moving before my daughter was born… have a discussion with your doctor and what they say would be best for you. If anything they would recommend a cesarean. The best thing for you to do is not stress out… The baby feels everything you feel… Just wait to see what your doctor says…

I was diagnosed with it. My daughter is now 18. I felt fine but I was put on bed rest. The dr said no lifting or bending. Mine moved a couple weeks before my due date so no c-section. Got lots of rest before she was born.