Has anyone been in this situation and what became of it?

Child support has been stopped.

DV advised to get CS garnished from wages and sent letters to children’s other parents employer.
CS had been told they can’t collect this way as he is now self-employed or sub-contracting.I know 100% is is still with the same company.He has previously worked at the same company on and off for 20+ years.He drives past my house numerous times a day to and from the place of business as it’s around the corner from me(small town).He still drives work truck so I’m sure he isn’t sub-contracting as he needs his own transport and has done in the past too. as does every other person sub-contracting here.These people will cover for him.Doesn’t see or have kids.CS now know he still is at the same company and if is sub-contracting can still get the employer to garnish wages.It’s a slow process and painful and I’m sick of being broke and my kids going without


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone been in this situation and what became of it?

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Video tape hi. Working then go after him in court


I would think if his work is covering for him or whatever the case is, there probably isn’t anything that can be done unfortunately. Do what you can to give your kids what they want or need. Not every woman gets child support. You got this!


I never got a dime child support raising my two kids…


Unless you are able to obtain proof of his job covering his butt I don’t think that there’s anything that can be done and it would just be more hassle you don’t need. You’re not wrong for wanting him to support the children he helped create but this is also what ultimately made up my mind to not seek child support. I knew he wouldn’t pay. I knew he didn’t care. So I left well enough alone and I made things happen on my own. They’ll grow up one day and they’ll always remember who took care of them. Sending hugs.

I went though this with my ex he owes me 28000.00 in back child support but he doesn’t care for my son.

Good luck. Mine has never been accountable for a single dime. Ever. But we are making it.


Honestly report him. My man missed 1 month of child support when his boys were little. They had a mixup with his paycheck at work. He chooses to have it garnished so he does not have to worry about it. Well cops showed up at his job and arrested him. So u can apparently just report him.


They get away with it I raised my daughter she is 28 now…bio dad never paid anything never went to jail… the court system sucks and now with covid they are not taking dead beat daddies to jail


Not sure where you’re from but in my state if you keep pushing child support and he doesn’t pay they start by taking his license away and then as the money adds up they threaten jail time, my aunts husband was thrown in jail after he owed 20k (they had multiple kids)


You could always got through the IRS.
That said, you being broke isn’t on him. You need to be manking moves to stay afloat. I got $200 a month. That’s it. I didn’t use that as an excuse to be broke & my children not have.


My oldest twos father self contract threw a company so cs couldn’t go after him but I did stay on their asses about sending letters holding him in contempt if he didn’t make a payment.

What you need to do is if he’s gotta work truck and they’re not providing if a subcontractors, you need to have all of this in writing. Then you need to record him being in the actual vehicle. You also need to turn him in the business into the IRS because that means their skirt and everything that they should not be skirting to make people so they don’t have to pay their child support which is court ordered. If they want skirt the law then they can learn what the law was about. If bites them in the end. With regards to not getting child support or having a difficult time getting it, you got to start making moves to do things better for yourself and for your children. Only give the children what they need and that’s it if you can’t afford more they have to understand well it may be difficult as it may not like it because the other kids might be getting more than them, they’ll adjust. You’re putting their actual needs first ever things that they want.

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They aren’t going to say they can’t collect that way because he’s self employed/sub contracting…they need proof to come to that conclusion and if he isn’t making enough, they can’t garnish his wages. Child support works on the noncustodial parent’s paycheck. If he doesn’t make enough to support himself after the support has been taken, they won’t take any. If there is a court order for him to pay and he hasn’t, he could go to jail. If he has back support due, your local agency will take it from his taxes.

Ask him to be arrested for failure to pay then. Call weekly for enforcement if you have to. I’m not a big advocate for arrests over CS unless you’re an absent father refusing to pay.


The Company had him sign a 1099. The company has no responsibility to garnish wages. It’s his responsibility to pay support. Since he isn’t take him to court. If he continues not to pay even after a family court order, they will give you his income tax and he will eventually lose his driver’s license. File in family court


I heard now a day they will take his license if not paying. I never did get what I was owed and he only had to pay 140.00 for two kids!! Good luck dear! Keep after it, he helped make those babies and can help support them!!!


Every state has different laws for child support. Here in Florida if the parent owes 4 months or $2500 it’s considered a felony and he/she will be arrested. It happened to a coworker and when he came back to work he had to pay all them arrears. Look up your CS laws in your state as to sub work my coworker was not a sub…

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Let them know. And when he does taxes, you will get your back pay…


You will not get child support or very little because if he now owns his own business or llc he now makes no money as the company makes all of the money definitely one of the Benifts of being a business owner or getting a trust


Get photos of him at the place of business and in the work truck and hire a lawyer or learn to support them on your own. Cs sucks.


You shouldn’t depend on child support. When I thought me and my so were gonna break up I went and got a job so I was able to support my kids.

We are still together and now on a two income family with 5 kids. Lol


I get 200 a month in CS. It isn’t much.

If you report him they can garnish taxes, garnish wages, suspend drivers license, suspend professional licenses, etc. You could even get him for contempt charges through court as well.


The UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE were the worse when it came to taking out the court ordered child support. I would go back to court and get it started back, $750 out of my pocket. He would be ordered to pay that back also. Then, he would go out on disability and CS would stop again. When he went back to work USPS WOULD DEMAND ANOTHER CS ORDER. And that vicious circle continued. Sure would love to have it now to pay the college loans my daughter had to take out.

Subcontracting means he’s self employed in the business world so they didn’t lie and you can’t garnish his wages that way. That’s how my ex got around not having his wages garnished for the same reason😡. You can however, take his entire tax return if and when he files taxes. My ex didn’t file for almost 15 years to so good luck with that. Sorry you’re going thru this. I’ve been there

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So in NH, if they don’t pay child support they lose their license. Driving, fishing, business. All of it.
And not trying to sound mean, but don’t depend on CS as income. My ex has been so crappy having a job and keeping it. Getting the CS is nice, but I don’t count on it.

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She didn’t say she went without everything? If there’s a few things she cant cover herself it’s perfectly reasonable to expect it from the other parent… men always get excuses made for them and women are held to a ridiculously high standard.


My ex husband moved out of state and I guess has people covering for him as well. He’s lied about how much he makes and all that. Now he’s supposedly not been working since December & has only seen our daughter a handful of times over the past year. Idek all of it’s a headache and I don’t think there’s anything I can do so I just work really hard to make sure I can support her without him :woman_shrugging:t4:

If he is a 1099 subcontractor they can get away with it. If not they arent complying with a court order. Youll have to get an enforcement hearing and have them subpoena his tax records to see how much hes really making. Even then there isnt much they can do besides jail him. Theyll Suspend his driver license, any professional and fishing licenses etc first.


Don’t depend on that “father” to take care of y’alls kids. YOU made them babies too and YOU need to provide for them.


I am ordered 111.00 a month. Owes 30,000 now. I don’t fight, I don’t care. My son is well taken care of.


Kids going without? Broke? Child support isn’t supposed to be your soul income. :thinking:


To hit you with the harsh reality coming from a single struggling mama…YOU have to cover for those babies and do whatever YOU need to make sure you have all they need. Courts won’t always help enforce, you CANNOT rely on child support. Support your kids and if you get child support think of it as reimbursement to help with the kids. Child support is not reliable. They can choose to pay or put it off and not much you can do in the mean time. That said that DOESN’T mean to let the babies go without. Seek out help from pantries, churches, welfare office…Do whatever you have to do to take care of your babies. It isn’t easy, but you HAVE to do what you gotta do for them regardless of whatever a deadbeat chooses to do.


Most states support enforcement division can fine the company for changing employment compensation to avoid wage garnishment

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Nothing to be done. The company can just say no it isn’t coming out his check. Nothing they can do about it. They can just ASK them to take it out. They can’t make them. Went through all this myself.

If he’s a subcontractor, they can’t collect from him through a wage attachment , but he would be required to pay on his own. At least that’s how it is in Pa

Lawyer up… go to court! Self employed or not…. He’ll have to pay.


Why don’t you get home served at his residence to bring him back in since he has not been paying like he should be

I’m a single mother to 4 kids. I left their father over 10 years ago. The judge ordered him to pay $80/month and I didn’t receive a single payment for YEARS, and when I did it was $12. I’ve gotten some payments since then but it’s nowhere near consistent. All I know, as a mother to my children, is that my children can count on me. I’m eligible for some foodstamps, and masshealth so I have that. I budget my money very carefully, I clean houses, work at my job and pick up whatever extra hours I can, I shop at second hand stores, look for sales, and coupons…when I need help I ask for it. Schools have help with things like clothes, holiday gifts, even winter coats and boots and stuff. You can also ask your child’s doctor for help. I’m broke too but I provide for my kids, we just don’t go out to eat, eat fast food, there’s no going to movies or anything like that, they don’t care though because they have everything they need, and then some. Do not count on your ex, you can’t make him do anything. You only have control over you.


If he is driving by you and you can get some photos of him in said work vehicles I would. This can prove your case that the employer is lying and that is a federal offense so both will get in trouble. But you’ll need to be invisible and quiet about this and not cause a scene to do so as it will make you look bad in the end. I’m not trying to give you bad advice. But if your a drama free person and can carefully gets these photos do. If not hire a investigator to do it for you so you can get the best care for your kids. Because this is what it’s all about. And shame on him as dad for not willing to participate and care for his babies. Keep your head up and know your doing a great job…:heart:


You’re just going to have to keep pushing and go through the BS hoops they got for you. I have no advice on CP I filed once and gave up he never paid a dime to his child his whole life. Look into programs that can help were I live they have a thing that helps pay your electric bill (not all of it but enough to help), churches have things for people who need them, and you can pick up odd jobs from them if you need to. I’m not sure of your situation but I hope you are doing what you can with your budgeting or maybe reevaluate your budget. This shouldn’t be all on you but you can’t make someone be a parent, but you can make them support it’s just a big pain. Good luck.

Don’t rely on him…if you are broke, get a better job…im not saying he shouldnt be paying cause he should, but your kids shouldn’t be going without just because you are relying on his money… Grow up and provide for your kids! What if he passes away? What if he signs his rights away? CS isnt stable an shouldnt be your main source of income. YOU need to provide for those babies in the case he doesnt help…


Turn him into the state agency that you live in. Then you can file to get his entire tax return check and if he wins any money like on lottery tickets or such…you can get it. If he is ordered to pay child support the state can collect your money, he is in contempt of court.

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The state should be able to do other things as well, like… suspend driver’s license, jail w/bond being a portion of CS, tax refunds, etc.

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Yea that’s a tough one but give it time they will go after him they will start suspending dl of no payment if u can get proof from his employer that he’s not subcontracting and submit it may help

Even if he is self-employed he should have to pay child support.

But don’t rely on child support to take care of you and kids. Get another job if you have to. And try to budget better

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Go apply for benefits and look for a better job. People shouldnt rely on child support bc,9 times out of 10,they never get it. Could be years before get back pay.


Garnishment of taxes,bank accounts, property etc. Find proof he works AS an employee and the company won’t cover for anyone again. Get a judgment so it’s on his credit

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I do not accept the idea that the mother is the only responsible person in the situation
It took 2 to make the children
It takes 2 to financially support them and more than 2 hands to care for them
This is not a game! REAL LIFE THESE ARE YOUR KIDS Love them


Sorry I might come off as incentive but if you are relying on cs from an apparent dead beat then you too are failing those kids. And I’m saying this because I’ve been there. 3 kids and pregnant with the last and out of the blue he decided it was enough. Started paying cs and then stopped and did the same thing, now as hard as it may be those babies need you, now more then ever, so get up get a job and provide


Do you not have a job?
If he is subcontracting they cannot garnish his wages
I know it’s hard but you should show your children it’s possible to be an independent single parent


Contact your state department of labor anonymously and let them know the company’s name and that you are certain they have employees there incorrectly categorized as ind. contractors. They will pay them a visit because they are also ripping off the state. And if they happen to see him pull up in a work truck that he doesn’t own…busted. But I worked for a company that did that before I started there and they got busted big time for that. Using company equipment, the company setting their schedule, etc. But also they cannot have him on their payroll and just say he’s a contractor, or pay him wages and ind contr wages for the same type of job.


If he doesn’t see or have anything to do with the kids, as heart breaking as it would be for them, youre better off not relying on his money. If he doesn’t even see them he’s never going to help pay for them and why expect it. Surely you can mix work and government payments and make a better situation for the kids. Raising kids independently is tough but the kids only have you and you gotta do what it takes to raise them, rather than relying on some deadbeats cs.


Keep after him! His arrears will build up and he won’t be able to register his vehicle or renew his license and in some cases file taxes. Keep after him with the attorney General and they will keep after him too. And if your child is on medical assistance he will have to pay that and if he doesn’t they really go after them because the state wants their money.


You guys do realize the OP said nothing about having a job of her own or not, right? And if she doesn’t have one, how do we know if she is capable of having one? Maybe she has a special needs kid that requires all of her attention right now. Maybe she already has 2 or 3 jobs. Maybe she lives somewhere like the east or west coast that has super expensive living expenses. I mean, we know nothing more than what we are being told here. These are his kids too, and telling her she “should” be able to do it on her own is telling her it’s okay for him to not do his part - and it’s not. These are his kids too. What’s shitty is the state lets deadbeat parents get away with this kind of crap, and puts the responsible parent thru all of this. Personally, I would do as someone else above suggested - turn this employer of his into the state. Before doing so I’d attempt to get some very inconspicuous pictures of him driving the company truck, and make sure to note the date, time, and location to provide as proof.

Don’t ever depend on child support, make sure you keep the case open and just let it ride especially if you have a court order for it. Stay on the case worker about every three months on trying to do a garnishment, or trying to get a warrant placed for non payment. WHATEVER YOU DO, do NOT let that case close and keep track of everything. I say this cause my ex owes over 50,000 in back child support well he ended up suing someone and got a settlement guess who don’t get paid till I do :woman_shrugging: I know it seems impossible but you can do it by yourself just be sure you are consistent and aggravating the crap out of the case worker. Also see if u can get cash payments AFDC then they will take over the child support case

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Get a photo and send it to child support lol that would stuff him over physicall evidence

If they can’t garnish his wages, then he’s personally responsible for paying it directly to the child support office himself. If he doesn’t pay, they can take action. All back pay will collect interest, they will revoke his drivers license, any professional licenses, etc and he could eventually be held in jail. It may take awhile to get anywhere but it will eventually happen so just take care of your family and when it does come it will be a bonus.

Unfortunately, the courts don’t give a $*** about children :roll_eyes: He’s not the only, first or last to hide income and force mom to subsidize his reproductive success 100%

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Follow him and film him or take photos. Make sure everything is time stamped

My child’s father did much the same. He convinced his boss to pay him X amount on his official paycheck and the rest in cash. :rage:
I’d love to find a way to let the judge know…

Good luck Mama

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Find out how to get his tax return garnished because if he isn’t paying required child support you should get money from his tax return


I never relied on child support . I would look for a better job or a way to make more money . U can apply for help through your state also . Why haven’t they taken it from his taxes ?

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Same boat here. Employer doesn’t claim them, pays under the table, and no taxes are filed.

Do your own investigations get him on video working for said company turn over to CS they will then go after employer employees for lying and him for back and current child support! I had to do that with my childs father as the company he was working for was lying saying he didnt work there! Once CS had proof on video they found out the company filed his employment under his then wife so they could avoid having to pay :woman_facepalming:

Any parent ordered to pay child support should be honored to pay. If you have a child its your responsibility to help raise them.


Be thankful you don’t live in Quebec… it’s been nearly 14 years my ex hasn’t paid a dime for two kids… and they don’t give a crap. Can’t and won’t do anything about it.

Do you not have a job?

The best way to get them started is to file for any and every help thru social services. Then they will go after him and make him pay them back. Ask for food stamps, Medicaid, every program they have.

This sounds horrible, but as long as he’s doing his own thing, I think it’s time for you to only count on you. I had to figure this out at 18. Now im 24, single mom of both kids and I have sole custody of both. The only person you can count on is you. If you are broke. Get a job and seek out some state assistance. I’m broke but I understand I an the only one I can count on. For get the sperm donor and do what you need to do.

You should not be broke just because he don’t pay child support ,me ex wife is in prison and I take care of my two kids without her back child suport


File a lawsuit in court for the amount he owes you to date…take pictures/videos of him working and all so he can’t file bankruptcy